Countdown to Northam Resignation

I can't believe opposition research didn't catch this before him being elected.

We live here in Virginia and his commercials , and the counter to them ran all the time . Don’t know how this pic slipped under the radar .
I can't believe opposition research didn't catch this before him being elected.

I think the real exposure here will be if someone within the Northam campaign knew about it and kept it under wraps. That's where the real political damage will be done (assuming that Northam doesn't plan to fight the resignation calls).
I think the real exposure here will be if someone within the Northam campaign knew about it and kept it under wraps. That's where the real political damage will be done (assuming that Northam doesn't plan to fight the resignation calls).
I think it’s more of a case of you moonbat idiots underestimating the level of stupid you were willing to achieve even as late as last summer with regards to 30 year old yearbooks. Congrats you have added another whole level of research to candidacy image management 😂

And somewhere Brett Kavanaugh continues to laugh his boofing azz off 🤣🤣🤣
I think the real exposure here will be if someone within the Northam campaign knew about it and kept it under wraps. That's where the real political damage will be done (assuming that Northam doesn't plan to fight the resignation calls).
His wiki page is interesting. Went to a mostly black school. voted for Bush twice. Republicans tried to get him to switch parties.
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I don’t think he should resign. He’s got a long public record that his reputation should rest on. Not some silly error in judgment in his school days.

I hope he digs in.

ETA: and that he learns to stop playing the race card in his own campaigns
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I don’t think he should resign. He’s got a long public record that his reputation should rest on. Not some silly error in judgment in his school days.

I hope he digs in.

ETA: and that he learns to stop playing the race card in his own campaigns

Stick a fork in him

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I think Northam will resign and that's consistent with how Dems treat these matters. You know full well that if this had been Mitch McConnell who got caught with a klan hood/black face photo, the GOP would have dug in and given America the middle finger.

Steve Scalise gave a talk to white nationalists and he's still around.
Bull Connor, Robert Byrd, George Wallace... all Democrats...

It’s very odd who gets targeted by Democrats and who gets a pass.

Byrd - former KNOWN Klansman, leader in the Democratic Party. Lauded until his death.

Northam - military man, doctor, state govt leader. Had a picture of him or friend dressed in costume as a Klansman. We cannot stand for this!!!

I’m personally tired of having Democrats decide who will become a victim of the outrage marchine and who will be spared.

You know they wouldn’t be calling for his head if he hasn’t slipped up and made the Democratic party’s view of abortion known. And if they didn’t have a super progressive behind him to take his place.

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