Countdown to Northam Resignation

Was Gillespie considered racist simply because he was a Republican, or did he actually do something to earn the slur? I'm guessing the former.
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Par for the course. I'm not a "fake news" guy, but this kind of stuff is ridiculous.

My take on that is after you keep on screwing up like that multiple times doing the job you get paid to do is .. you are either doing it on purpose ( Fake News) or you are terrible at your job ( they suck ) . I think it’s 60/39 with a 1% chance it’s on accident at CNN.
Is so, he should have tried to come clean a long time ago.

Why would a yearbook even publish it, though? Weird.
Just guessing.... at the time it was was probably considered a joke and hilarious..... as people change for better and for worse.... we judge the past based off our societal views of today..
It’s not like he was a 17 year old senior doing a high school skit. He’s a 25 or 26 year old professional in med school. Hopefully he resigns soon so this isn’t dragged out.
Wow. Totally not enough disavowing going on in this thread from the anti Trumper left wing dim's. Come gotta up your PC capitulation game here!
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Still not black face or hoods . The stars and bars won’t get you there .

I know. I actually think this one is acceptable given when it was taken (mid 90s). The controversy over the Confederate flag really didn't get going until more recently. The black face and klan outfit garbage has been known racist symbolism for what, at least 60 or 70 years?
Find me one member of Congress today (outside of Steve King) who would let himself be photographed the way Mitch was there.

To be fair how many democrats have been photographed in from of the Mississippi flag ? This is why I don’t think we dig back thirty years and point then say ahah you got to go .

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