Court Orders Dissolution of Trump Org

That’s just how he rolls. Partisan Uniparty folks that hate him use this as a reason to criticize him.

He didn’t shower with his daughter, raise a crackhead son, or botch an Afghanistan pull out but I understand why you hate Trump and vote for the guy that doesn’t know his own name, lids before noon, and gets lost in a small den.
No he raped a woman, spent time on the Lolita express, had to wear diapers, cheated on all his wives and bankrupt multiple companies…also raised a coke head of a son


$360 million fine on a civil claim based upon a set of facts where no one lost any money.

Absurd beyond belief.

Here is what the DC Circuit said last week:

Prosecutors have ethical obligations not to initiate unfounded prosecutions and “courts presume that they . . . properly discharge[] their official duties.”

There are additional safeguards in place to prevent baseless indictments, including the right to be charged by a grand jury upon a finding of probable cause.

[G]rand juries are prohibited from engaging in ‘arbitrary fishing expeditions’ and initiating investigations ‘out of malice or an intent to harass.’”

Additionally, former President Trump’s “predictive judgment” of a torrent of politically motivated prosecutions “finds little support in either history or the relatively narrow compass of the issues raised in this particular case...."

The proceedings in New York and Atlanta give lie to the ridiculous legal fiction.

And both provide a substantive backdrop for the very warnings Trump is giving to SCOTUS in considering the question of immunity for all the public policy reasons that justified the outcome in Nixon.

Who is SCOTUS going to believe -- three judges on the DC Circuit or their own eyes seeing what is happening in New York and Georgia?
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2:44 PM · Feb 16, 2024
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Certainly massively excessive..both times. Foolish to think politics isnt involved. I’m telling ya..the worm will turn one day, so buckle up.

Did Trump knowingly inflate values on loan applications? Yes

Did he profit of that? Possibly/probably

Is this penalty excessive? Absofreakinglutely
Quit with the nobody was harmed crap. Banks said the same before the mortgage crisis. I guess we should just all go around and break laws, lie, etc and as long as nobody was harmed it's all good.
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Did Trump knowingly inflate values on loan applications? Yes

Did he profit of that? Possibly/probably

Is this penalty excessive? Absofreakinglutely

You cannto say that. What is the value of your home? give me a number. Now, if I am the bank, I also give a number. IF you are just a poor schlub with a home mortgate then you just expect massa bank to tell you whatever they will loan you. If you are a businesman, however, you negotiate with multiple banks. You say your portfolio is worth X, the bank says it is worth X-50, etc..

None of this really matters though because loans were paid back so there could have been no fraud.

Everyone knows this is a political witch hunt. It will end up pushing more indys to Trump. Likely will be overturned on appeal.

Dems dont care because they expect to win by cheating.
You cannto say that. What is the value of your home? give me a number. Now, if I am the bank, I also give a number. IF you are just a poor schlub with a home mortgate then you just expect massa bank to tell you whatever they will loan you. If you are a businesman, however, you negotiate with multiple banks. You say your portfolio is worth X, the bank says it is worth X-50, etc..

None of this really matters though because loans were paid back so there could have been no fraud.

Everyone knows this is a political witch hunt. It will end up pushing more indys to Trump. Likely will be overturned on appeal.

Dems dont care because they expect to win by cheating.

Trump hired an independent appraiser to give value of 40 Wall Street. Trump took that value and nearly tripled it. Completely different than your home analogy.

If I got an independent market appraisal for a property that was 3,500,000 and then a short time later say its worth $10 million on a bank application..

With all that being said, I do not agree with how judge viewed Mar A Lago but that was as much on Trump's legal team and expert witness for that snafu...

This entire thing is part legal incompetence, political persecution, and Trump lying on loan apps. All 3 are true here...
What would of been a more appropriate fine?
If Trump overvalued x 3, certainly the fine is x 10..both are illegal.
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Trump hired an independent appraiser to give value of 40 Wall Street. Trump took that value and nearly tripled it. Completely different than your home analogy.

If I got an independent market appraisal for a property that was 3,500,000 and then a short time later say its worth $10 million on a bank application..

With all that being said, I do not agree with how judge viewed Mar A Lago but that was as much on Trump's legal team and expert witness for that snafu...

This entire thing is part legal incompetence, political persecution, and Trump lying on loan apps. All 3 are true here...
At the end of the day , Honesty, Ethicis and Judicial Fairness from both sides died in that NY Courtroom.
At the end of the day, Trump was found guilty of fraud by a judge and has now received his penalty/punishment. I do chuckle
at folks here offering their completely uninformed insight into the case. You guys have a lot in common with the OJ jury.

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