Court Orders Dissolution of Trump Org

I know I sound like a Trumper on here even though I have never voted for the guy, I’m just sick and tired of the one sided sound bite media and the mouthbreathers that parrot what they hear from it.

There's a lot of "having others think for you" in the MAGA base that parrot what they read...
I'd say the office environment post COVID has played a large role as well...

I dont doubt some companies don't want to be associated with him..

Of course the post covid environment has a lot to do with it, a lot of commercial office space is having problems. And of course Trump being associated with it lends even more trouble. That doesn’t mean it has been mismanaged.
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I know I sound like a Trumper on here even though I have never voted for the guy, I’m just sick and tired of the one sided sound bite media and the mouthbreathers that parrot what they hear from it.
I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.
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I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tired to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year than I care to admit.

I’ve said from the beginning of his administration that the establishment will do anything necessary to make an example of him. They never thought for a second he would win in 2016 (neither did I) but once he did there has been an all out assault. They want to make sure nobody outside of the approved list ever make it to to the oval office.
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Good for MTG. Given her rationale, I'm sure she's also behind the right to unionize. Right Three Toe?

Good for MTG. Given her rationale, I'm sure she's also behind the right to unionize. Right Three Toe?

Others will happily pick up their loads, these MAGAnuts will be deemed unreliable. I fully support their efforts to blow themselves up professionally
There was a claim (and substantiated by his CFO) that books were cooked with 40 Wall Street with 2015 refinance...

Ah ok, thx for that.

Was it intentional or an oversight? Were the books cooked with Trump's direction? was this a one time deal or a pattern of behavior? Even if that were so for that one property, still trying to figure out what on earth merits barring him from directing a company for 3 years or the ludicrous fine.

I can see if they proved it for this one getting a fine for a few million but this seems like trying to hang someone for jaywalking - that every other pedestrian on that street is doing.
I know I sound like a Trumper on here even though I have never voted for the guy, I’m just sick and tired of the one sided sound bite media and the mouthbreathers that parrot what they hear from it.

Agreed - it is annoying to have to sit here and defend the guy. I was fully prepared to move on to MAGA 2.0 but democratic perfidy sadly has made that have to wait.
Others will happily pick up their loads, these MAGAnuts will be deemed unreliable. I fully support their efforts to blow themselves up professionally

You don’t drive for a living I see . The northeastern seaboard areas are the absolute wrost places to deliver to on a good day for anyone that drives . It’s not just about Trump , it’s tolls , lunatics , fines , fees , taxes , azzholzs, small crowded streets made for horse drawn wagons and thugs . Oraganized and not . You will be very surprised at how many truckers will not just pick up those routes and if they do it will cost the hell out of everybody involved .
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I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.

Oh, I think they do understand. Im not talking about the screaming Karens but the serious operatives. The game was to:
1. make sure Trump won the GOP primary
2. Ensure that Trump would be disqualified or have a conviction from the lawfare against him
3. use that as effective cover to steal the election in 4-5 swing states that still have not secured their election systems - mail-in ballots, bundling, etc.

Shufflin Joe has been a great useful idiot so far for the deep progressives who are running him and placing their apparatchiks throughout government but you can only play Weekend at Bernies for so long before people get suspicious.
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I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.

This is pretty spot on.

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