Court Orders Dissolution of Trump Org

I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.
I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.
You're definitely NOT a Trumper, but you call out far more of the non Trumpers than you do the actual Trumpers, who make up more than 3 times the non Trumpers
I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.

You little MAGA Bitch...
I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.
Well said.
I'm waiting for some one to call me a Trumper. As you know, I can't stand him. However, the level of BS tossed around as fact about him is disturbing. The fact our own gov so openly tried to take him down, and so many ignore it, is an abomination. I know you don't care for him either. What the left doesn't realize is that they will push people to him. They probably already have. I've spent more time defending that POS this past year then I care to admit.
That 300 bet we had is worth it is a great cause.
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Of course the post covid environment has a lot to do with it, a lot of commercial office space is having problems. And of course Trump being associated with it lends even more trouble. That doesn’t mean it has been mismanaged.
Commercial RE, like housing, has an ongoing dilemma. "If you build it, they will come" is their mantra. No inventory, no play in the marketplace.

Absorption is always a guessing game. Balance is key.
Commercial RE, like housing, has an ongoing dilemma. "If you build it, they will come" is their mantra. No inventory, no play in the marketplace.

Absorption is always a guessing game. Balance is key.
More houses for sale now than 2 years ago. Slowly softening
More houses for sale now than 2 years ago. Slowly softening
Not here. The big players like Lennar, Pulte, Horton et al are playing in multiple markets. Size survives by spreading their risk geographically. My bet is that, overall, your correct nationally.
Not here. The big players like Lennar, Pulte, Horton et al are playing in multiple markets. Size survives by spreading their risk geographically. My bet is that, overall, your correct nationally.
Of course I'm extrapolating from my area. We have a large lake in this area. Realtors listings have tripled since 2022. New development has been ongoing too, but at a slower rate. The newer developments are struggling a bit as the market softens
Have to give her a hand for doing something after getting PG so young. She could have asked for a helping hand or a hand out but she saved money and got really good at hand me downs until they right situation came about and arose....
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Have to give her a hand for doing something after getting PG so young. She could have asked for a helping hand or a hand out but she saved money and got really good at hand me downs until they right situation came about and arose....
She understands that when things go south for her, she has to suck it up.

Judge Engoron’s Retribution​

JUDGE ENGORON’S RETRIBUTION. Former President Donald Trump has just a few weeks to find a way to pay, or guarantee that he will pay, the $355 million fine that a New York judge imposed on him in the lawsuit brought by Democratic Attorney General Letitia James. The suit was the culmination of James’s campaign to bring financial ruin on the former president, and it might succeed. Unless it is reduced on appeal, the actual amount Trump will owe, including interest, could top $450 million.

That’s insane, of course. Even assuming that the case proved Trump overstated the values of some of his properties for the purpose of getting lower interest rates on real estate loans, the other things that the case revealed — that this was an example of selective prosecution, that there were no victims, that the loans were paid back in a “timely and total” fashion, that the lending institutions made the loans based not on Trump’s representations but on their own research, and that some of those institutions were eager to do business with Trump again — all that meant that a far smaller penalty, perhaps a tiny fraction of what Judge Arthur Engoron imposed, would be appropriate.

Identify this group. Thank you. Your f(r)iend, VolTull.

Many like Ron Klain on the domestic side and Victoria Nuland on the international side are simply puppets themselves - or more like captains. The same for those less known but just as deadly operatives who run organizations like Arabella Advisors and Sixteen Thirty Fund are also field officers. The real powers are behind them though. Think more along the lines of Soros and son, Laurene Powell, Benioffs, Buffets, etc. who use their money to drive the policies they want to see through dark groups as well as more direct channels.

It is not like they get together in super double secret meetings to rule the world while holding pinky fingers up, though WEF kinda comes close actually or Bilderberg
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