Court Orders Dissolution of Trump Org

I don't. But I'll bet you $ to donuts that no charges are filed. Which, in and of itself, brings up an interesting issue I hadn't considered. Why is Trump charged if no bank is a victim and no shareholder feels defrauded?
You're not telling me the bank's income isn't affected by such a loan, are you?
The Banks themselves testified they didn’t lose a dollar.

You’re not telling me they lied in court, are you?
No, they didn't lose on the loan. I know that. They lost on the interest they would have earned on the inflated amount they loaned him. How much interest was he paying? They could have earned almost double on investment of the additional funds
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No, they didn't lose on the loan. I know that. They lost on the interest they would have earned on the inflated amount they loaned him. How much interest was he paying? They could have earned almost double on investment of the additional funds

Wells Fargo, which did not testify, has suffered some economic impacts from special servicing related to 40 Wall St. refinance...
I didn’t even click and can see “according to a witness for the prosecution”

It was the State's expert witness. Essentially he claimed the interest rate difference in Trump's rates for personally guaranteeing the loans and interest rates on unsecured commercial debt was $168M....

Still don't know how Trump and his team couldn't get an expert to blow that up but they couldn't...
I don't. But I'll bet you $ to donuts that no charges are filed. Which, in and of itself, brings up an interesting issue I hadn't considered. Why is Trump charged if no bank is a victim and no shareholder feels defrauded?
You kid.

No, they didn't lose on the loan. I know that. They lost on the interest they would have earned on the inflated amount they loaned him. How much interest was he paying? They could have earned almost double on investment of the additional funds

Should have done a better due diligence.
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Trump's now hawking tacky gold kicks at sneaker head conventions. Nothing says "I'm in great financial standing" like an old man selling sneakers to kids who hate him.

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I'll skim through it while watching basketball highlights. It seems it's as little significance to you as me. Have a nice Saturday night
It's openly apparent that deutsche bank does business with him. The 25th largest bank in the world. Bigger than Goldman. The whole argument that "big banks don't do business with him" is obviously false. Trumps scum. The left would do much better if they stuck to the real world. Accuracy matters.
It's openly apparent that deutsche bank does business with him. The 25th largest bank in the world. Bigger than Goldman. The whole argument that "big banks don't do business with him" is obviously false. Trumps scum. The left would do much better if they stuck to the real world. Accuracy matters.
Yes. I'm aware of Deutsche
It's openly apparent that deutsche bank does business with him. The 25th largest bank in the world. Bigger than Goldman. The whole argument that "big banks don't do business with him" is obviously false. Trumps scum. The left would do much better if they stuck to the real world. Accuracy matters.

The whole “no US bank would do business with him“ narrative is complete rubbish. JP Morgan was lending him huge amounts of money, Trump never had a problem borrowing money because he always made his lenders money.

Now we’ll get “he filed bankruptcy multiple times”. Trump has never filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in any of his businesses he has filed reorganization bankruptcy in 6 or 7 of his ventures which out of hundreds isn’t bad.
The whole “no US bank would do business with him“ narrative is complete rubbish. JP Morgan was lending him huge amounts of money, Trump never had a problem borrowing money because he always made his lenders money.

Now we’ll get “he filed bankruptcy multiple times”. Trump has never filed chapter 7 bankruptcy in any of his businesses he has filed reorganization bankruptcy in 6 or 7 of his ventures which out of hundreds isn’t bad.
Agreed. And I just spent 5 seconds and verified that Mojo was right about Wells. So now you have 25% of the "too big to fail US banks" lending to him.
Wells Fargo does business with him. They are having to get special servicing on their mortgage at 40 Wall St....

I have to wonder if the “special attention“ Trump has received in NY has had anything to do with the problems at 40 Wall Street. It wasn’t having problems until AFTER he lost the election and NYAG came after him.
I have to wonder if the “special attention“ Trump has received in NY has had anything to do with the problems at 40 Wall Street. It wasn’t having problems until AFTER he lost the election and NYAG came after him.

I'd say the office environment post COVID has played a large role as well...

I dont doubt some companies don't want to be associated with him..
Agreed. And I just spent 5 seconds and verified that Mojo was right about Wells. So now you 25% of the "too big to fail US banks" lending to him.

I know I sound like a Trumper on here even though I have never voted for the guy, I’m just sick and tired of the one sided sound bite media and the mouthbreathers that parrot what they hear from it.

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