COVID Relief Package

A former Republican operative who now leads one of the nation's most powerful business groups is praising President Joe Biden's efforts to defeat the coronavirus pandemic.
"It is fantastic to have a partner in the White House," Jay Timmons, president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers, told CNN Business. "We felt like we were fighting this fight, frankly, all alone for the last year."
NAM, which represents more than 130,000 manufacturers, announced Friday it is planning to partner with the Biden administration to help fight the pandemic.
So a year after the pandemic started they’re going to team up with the administration. Stunning and brave.
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The bill that passed the House is DOA in the Senate because Pelosi included the 15 dollar minimum wage part which the parliamentarian already ruled didn't meet criteria for reconciliation...which means Senate will approve a different bill and it will go back to the House and Americans won't see a dime before the end of April or start of May...After herd immunity has taken place and school is beginning to end for the term
I heard one democrat rep say they shouldn’t let the parliamentarian opinion stop them.

Member when Trump was a dictator ignoring the constitution at every turn?
GOP begins new push against Biden's relief plan as Republican leaders expect no defections in the ranks — CNN Politics

Democrats continue to roll out the “majority of Americans want the relief package” line, but fail to mention that the e majority of Americans DON’T want the add ons.

And can we please stop with the “voters gave us a mandate” crap?? Senate is split evenly. House is split 221-211 and the Presidential loser received more votes than any previous winner. If anything, the freaking voters gave you a mandate to get along, not be more polarizing.
How many of you nitwits objecting to $15/hr make less than $15/hr? I didn’t think so. Your self righteous superiority is well self righteous
Sometimes superiority is justified. We are all equals in God’s eyes but also some people are smarter, harder working, and make better decisions. Some are losers. That’s just life
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Well maybe there should be a different minimum wage for kids living at home. Originally iirc the min wage was intended just for that. But a big % of people of majority ( no I didn’t look up the actual #) earn minimum wage. What is the annualized income level of poverty in your state. Say $30,000? $30,000 /2080 hrs per year = $15/hr

So what happens when gainfully employed people make less than poverty level. They need public assistance. Then they hear from the same objectors to a higher minimum wage that they are low life pos living off the teat of society
Why don’t they make better decisions?
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GOP begins new push against Biden's relief plan as Republican leaders expect no defections in the ranks — CNN Politics

Democrats continue to roll out the “majority of Americans want the relief package” line, but fail to mention that the e majority of Americans DON’T want the add ons.

And can we please stop with the “voters gave us a mandate” crap?? Senate is split evenly. House is split 221-211 and the Presidential loser received more votes than any previous winner. If anything, the freaking voters gave you a mandate to get along, not be more polarizing.
They need to do a standalone bill with 2,500 dollars checks and 600 unemployment help and dare the Dems to vote no..the current bill is garbage and pork for Dem cities
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