CPAC. LOL. You can't make up this kind of hilarity

Barry is the best thing that could of ever happened for the conservative movement.

Not sure if you mea Goldwater or if you are talking about Obama. If you do mean Obama, this thinking is why conservatism will find people like Obama coming back in cyclical fashion. If you depend on the other side to be your only motivator, you've set yourself up for failure. Conservatives are counting on Obama to be the reason the GOP gets the Congress and WH back rather than winning people over on ideas. The message is all focused on how bad the Dems are - Nancy, Harry, and Barry are terrible for the country. But they are not offering loud and substantive solutions themselves. Buzz phrases like less government, less taxes, strong defense a great but that does not convince the middle to support you and keep you in office. You better be offering more meat to the average American out of work, etc.
Not sure if you mea Goldwater or if you are talking about Obama. If you do mean Obama, this thinking is why conservatism will find people like Obama coming back in cyclical fashion. If you depend on the other side to be your only motivator, you've set yourself up for failure. Conservatives are counting on Obama to be the reason the GOP gets the Congress and WH back rather than winning people over on ideas. The message is all focused on how bad the Dems are - Nancy, Harry, and Barry are terrible for the country. But they are not offering loud and substantive solutions themselves. Buzz phrases like less government, less taxes, strong defense a great but that does not convince the middle to support you and keep you in office. You better be offering more meat to the average American out of work, etc.

I agree with all of that, but I think it makes most see that conservatism is always better that liberalism or socialism (same thing). I keep going back to the point we had to have Carter before we could get Reagan.
I agree with all of that, but I think it makes most see that conservatism is always better that liberalism or socialism (same thing). I keep going back to the point we had to have Carter before we could get Reagan.

they aren't the same thing and conservatism is not always better.
Saying how bad the other side is is not exactly the smartest way to make people think your side is better. Seeing how the middle feels about politics now, I'd say we've trended to the attitude of staying home or voting out anyone who is an incumbent in general. Many people bought into Obama's whole 'rise above partisan politics' mantra. Many are tired of two sides saying how evil the other side is and then offering nothing in return but focus group buzz phrases. Many of those guys at this convention are playing with fire if they think this is the strategy to use this year and in 2012.
Or the money they handed out to him. Or the money they handed out to McCain...or to Romney...or to numerous others. Or the votes, endorsements, campaigning, etc. Did you not see all of the praise Romney is getting at CPAC? Look at the disclosures of these "RINO's" and see conservatives having no problem working for and writing checks to them.

You have confused supporting someone with blindly following them.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Not sure if you mea Goldwater or if you are talking about Obama. If you do mean Obama, this thinking is why conservatism will find people like Obama coming back in cyclical fashion. If you depend on the other side to be your only motivator, you've set yourself up for failure. Conservatives are counting on Obama to be the reason the GOP gets the Congress and WH back rather than winning people over on ideas. The message is all focused on how bad the Dems are - Nancy, Harry, and Barry are terrible for the country. But they are not offering loud and substantive solutions themselves. Buzz phrases like less government, less taxes, strong defense a great but that does not convince the middle to support you and keep you in office. You better be offering more meat to the average American out of work, etc.

I think you are correct, perfect case in point is our current president, he was elected in large part because he was not Bush, fast forward to a year later and I believe we are seeing a fair degree of buyers remorse.

I believe this has been the case for some time now, and I think to some extent this is exactly the way our current two party system wants it to be.
You have confused supporting someone with blindly following them.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I recall a conversation I had with a very high profile conservative back in the summer of 2001. I asked this person why many staunch conservatives were defending Bush's education push (what we now know as No Child Left Behind) along with a bloated Farm Bill in the making. I was told I was making a fuss over nothing. I was told Bush would never push for such bloated government.

After both were passed while working on a GP primary senate campaign, I asked this same person if they stood by this and their reply was yes. This person asked me why I didn't work on the other GOP candidate's campaign - the person the White House called a true conservative - also the self-proclaimed author of the Farm Bill. This "conservative" candidate won and has proven to not be so conservative.

Point is, I worked with, and still do, conservatives who defend and support RINO's pretty much blindly. Denial is very much in sync with blindness.
and I'm sure Maher offered a stinging, yet intellectually honest, analysis of the "hands" video.

then again, Maher wouldn't know intellectual honesty if it took a baseball bat to that C-17 hangar nose of his.
Paul's "win" means nothing. The people who paid to attend were the ones booing. It's no surprise Paul gets supporters to stack a straw poll. It's the equivalent of getting your kids to keep dropping ballots in a box at the community chili cookoff. While it's great for earned media, it does nothing for the grand scheme of things. I'm more concerned that a guy like Romney is the one getting the most votes year after year. It tells me no one else brings enthusiasm to the game. The GOP is not looking good for 2012.

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