CPAC. LOL. You can't make up this kind of hilarity

Along with the convention, there is a trade show where they SELL products to the public out of booths. Think about that fact and tell me that the "golden statue" is not a brilliant tool to sell trinkets to the red hats.
Along with the convention, there is a trade show where they SELL products to the public out of booths. Think about that fact and tell me that the "golden statue" is not a brilliant tool to sell trinkets to the red hats.
It’s over the top regardless.
Along with the convention, there is a trade show where they SELL products to the public out of booths. Think about that fact and tell me that the "golden statue" is not a brilliant tool to sell trinkets to the red hats.
This is what it's all about. Emptying the pockets of every remaining cult member.
Along with the convention, there is a trade show where they SELL products to the public out of booths. Think about that fact and tell me that the "golden statue" is not a brilliant tool to sell trinkets to the red hats.

They have made for themselves a golden Trump, and worshipped it and sacrificed to it...
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Ted Cruz is doing the telling of truth we all have been waiting for.
You mean like blaming his Cancun trip on his daughters? That kind of “truth”? Who are you trying to kid? Like his orange god, that lying twit wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him squarely on the nose.
Ted Cruz is doing the telling of truth we all have been waiting for.
He certainly told the truth 4.5 years ago when speaking of Trump. Spend some time watching the documented videos of it. He was spot on. Everything he said then has proven to be true. Once again, by the documented evidence

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