Court documents state he had “a good relationship with his family” but his “childhood was rough.” The documents go on to state Abston’s lengthy record that shows his first arrest was in 1995 for theft.
He was just 11 years old.
He was arrested again and again, every few months from there for burglary, theft, aggravated assault, violation of curfew, truancy,
RAPE, evading arrest, and more.
The violent crimes including rape and aggravated assault resulted in time in the detention center but it’s unclear how much time he spent there.
His file also states at the time, he had no suicidal gestures, medical problems, or mental illness. He was listed, though, as 100% violent.
Cleotha Abston, the Memphis,
Tennessee, felon accused of kidnapping and murdering pre-kindergarten teacher
Eliza Fletcher, wrote about getting out of prison on Facebook and posted photos of guns. He went by the nicknames “Wild” and “Pookie.”
According to a 2001 article in the Memphis Flyer, Abston also “has a long juvenile record of theft and aggravated assault.”
The Pookie Abston page doesn’t have much visible on it, except for the gun graphic and a couple of graphics with expletives. “Which part of f*** off do you not understand,” reads one.
Another post says: “Shhh…Dis weed. Is vewy vewy loud.”
On the second Facebook page, which is in the name of Cleo Real, he wrote, “Don’t loose your Queen Bee, chasing a butterfly, and end up with a roach. Let us spray!

In 2019, he wrote, “I’m a prisoner in my own mind, I feel like these walls talking to me.”
Another post said: “Mfs always see my folks and be on some wats up with pookie wats up wit wild like they really f*** wit a n**** but don’t f*** wit no n**** I been gone all this time and have a FB page MF if u f*** with me u would’ve made sure I was straight fym get tf out of here with that bs been doin this shyt by my mfn self I’m screaming F*** u n**** and b****** keep the same energy wen they free me..”
Cleotha Abston Social Media & Criminal Record Revealed