Critical race theory and elections

I read that and I all I see is a longing for the good ol' days and a refusal to try and adapt to changing economic conditions.

“Changing economic conditions” sounds like something the people who pretend government spending and debt spending didn’t matter used to say.

Given current inflation rates, I assume no one actually believes that anymore
“Changing economic conditions” sounds like something the people who pretend government spending and debt spending didn’t matter used to say.

Given current inflation rates, I assume no one actually believes that anymore

This all started in may 2020. Inflation numbers are 6-12 months behind where they actually are.
This Rufo guy has been cited/mentioned like 30x on VN (not surprising at all, about half came from @Franklin Pierce ).

The dude has been caught in several lies. He even told us he's practicing in deception to win this political battle. And I'm sure almost none of you care, or will even entertain the idea that maybe the right got swept up in some ******** carnival barking.

My best friend (he's a libertarian lawyer who has studied CT and CRT) said "That tweet is practically out of a critical theory text of how discourses take over meaning and shape reality without having to resort to physical coercion."

Can you provide examples of his lies? I’ve heard the name but I’m not overly familiar. I saw the tweets not as him saying he’s starting some grand conspiracy but rather as him saying there’s not a label for all the woke insanity that we see daily
Agreed. And current policies have worsened the crisis
As soon as the fed starts decreasing their balance sheet, the stock market will move in unison. Everyone should be prepared for a sell off. It appears some are and have heavily invested in R/E with full cash purchases.
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The story here is they had a teacher (who may have been an activist or may not have known all the contents of the homework) downloaded this homework set, gave it to the kids, the school found out about it, and put an end to it.

It's amazing that they didn't need laws against CRT to take care of the problem.
Kids’ book ‘Our Skin’ in NYC schools blames racism on white people


An “inflammatory” children’s book being distributed to New York City schools teaches kids as young as 2 that the concept of race was created by white people who claimed they were “better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else.”

The book “Our Skin” was penned by Harlem activist Megan Madison and Brooklynite and library worker Jessica Ralli, and published last year. It begins with a simple discussion of skin tones — then launches into a screed that blames the idea of race on white people along with an illustration of scary-looking human skulls encased in glass and sitting on shelves.

“A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of white people made up an idea called race. They sorted people by skin color and said that white people were better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else,” the book declares.

The book, aimed at those ages 2 to 5, has been distributed to at least one Manhattan kindergarten, one on Staten Island as well as a school in Brooklyn and appears to be part of the Department of Education’s new “Universal Mosaic Curriculum.” The DOE announced the plan under former Mayor de Blasio to standardize instructional materials and “better reflect” the system’s demographics. It is to begin in 2023.

Kids' book 'Our Skin' in NYC schools blames racism on whites
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Kids’ book ‘Our Skin’ in NYC schools blames racism on white people


An “inflammatory” children’s book being distributed to New York City schools teaches kids as young as 2 that the concept of race was created by white people who claimed they were “better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else.”

The book “Our Skin” was penned by Harlem activist Megan Madison and Brooklynite and library worker Jessica Ralli, and published last year. It begins with a simple discussion of skin tones — then launches into a screed that blames the idea of race on white people along with an illustration of scary-looking human skulls encased in glass and sitting on shelves.

“A long time ago, way before you were born, a group of white people made up an idea called race. They sorted people by skin color and said that white people were better, smarter, prettier, and that they deserve more than everybody else,” the book declares.

The book, aimed at those ages 2 to 5, has been distributed to at least one Manhattan kindergarten, one on Staten Island as well as a school in Brooklyn and appears to be part of the Department of Education’s new “Universal Mosaic Curriculum.” The DOE announced the plan under former Mayor de Blasio to standardize instructional materials and “better reflect” the system’s demographics. It is to begin in 2023.

Kids' book 'Our Skin' in NYC schools blames racism on whites

Tribes were slaughtering and enslaving each other en masse long before we started striking deals with their leaders.

Yes, America has a horribly racist past and did lots of disturbing things. But we were by no means the originators of it all.
Tribes were slaughtering and enslaving each other en masse long before we started striking deals with their leaders.

Yes, America has a horribly racist past and did lots of disturbing things. But we were by no means the originators of it all.

Something we also agree on
Conservative Parents Sweep Texas School Board Elections on a Theme of Transparency, No Masks, and No CRT in the Classroom

Saturday, school board elections were held for four suburban Fort Worth, Texas, school districts. Candidates backed by a conservative parents’ organization won all 10 seats they contested and unseated at least three incumbents.

Usually, school board elections are low-key affairs that draw scant interest. But ever since COVID, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and mainstreaming of sexual grooming in our classrooms brought the stupidity and cruelty of many school board members to public view, they have become a battleground. Once sane people saw the horror show and bullsh** that was the Loudoun County, Virginia, school board, they started paying attention (ordinarily, I link to articles by colleagues, but in this case, there was so much excellent RedState coverage of the Loudoun County fascism that I’m giving a single link for all the coverage).

Conservative Parents Sweep Texas School Board Elections on a Theme of Transparency, No Masks, and No CRT in the Classroom
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Rep. Elise Stefanik accuses NY officials of spending COVID funds on critical race theory

A top House Republican is accusing New York education officials of using federal pandemic-relief funds to promote “critical race theory” in public schools across the state.

Upstate Congresswoman Elise Stefanik recently fired off a letter to state Education Commissioner Betty Rosa demanding a “complete accounting” of how her department is spending the billions of dollars it received in COVID-19 emergency funding — including for any CRT-related instruction.

“I write with serious concern that the New York State Education Department (NYSED) is using federal taxpayer dollars provided through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund to promote Critical Race Theory under the guise of Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education (CRSE),” writes Stefanik, a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, in the letter provided to The Post.

Elise Stefanik accuses NY officials of spending COVID money on CRT
The cool thing about CRT is that it's so nebulous and misunderstood outside of where it's actually taught (law school, mostly) that you can throw a dart at a board covered in post it notes of different topics and find a way to claim what you hit is related to CRT.

And if the news outlet is the right one, then everyone will believe you and get all frothed up about it.
Exclusive: Nikole Hannah-Jones Receives First Class Airfare, over $330 a Minute for Speech


The State University of New York agreed to pay critical race theorist Nikole Hannah-Jones $50,000 for speaking services, in addition to paying for first-class airfare, public records reviewed by Breitbart News revealed.

The contract, signed by both the College at Brockport, State University of New York, and the Lavin Agency on behalf of Nikole Hannah-Jones, specified that the university would be required to pay for Hannah-Jones’ hotel and ground transportation in addition to “first class airfare” and a sum of $50,000.

The agreement outlined that Hannah-Jones would give a 30 minute keynote lecture, participate in an hour-long question and answer session, and attend a reception for an hour, offering a total of two and a half hours of services for $50,000.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Receives over $330 a Minute for Speech
Exclusive: Nikole Hannah-Jones Receives First Class Airfare, over $330 a Minute for Speech


The State University of New York agreed to pay critical race theorist Nikole Hannah-Jones $50,000 for speaking services, in addition to paying for first-class airfare, public records reviewed by Breitbart News revealed.

The contract, signed by both the College at Brockport, State University of New York, and the Lavin Agency on behalf of Nikole Hannah-Jones, specified that the university would be required to pay for Hannah-Jones’ hotel and ground transportation in addition to “first class airfare” and a sum of $50,000.

The agreement outlined that Hannah-Jones would give a 30 minute keynote lecture, participate in an hour-long question and answer session, and attend a reception for an hour, offering a total of two and a half hours of services for $50,000.

Nikole Hannah-Jones Receives over $330 a Minute for Speech

These grievance leaders could not make a living otherwise. Just think, the Feds and pols are paying for instigators that are creating such division in our nation. Our own tax dollars. Well maybe just printed money.
Laundered Fed monies is a huuuuuge problem.
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Mask Mandates, CRT, Abortion: Inside the 'social justice' Agenda at Teachers Union Conference

The annual meeting for the nation's largest teachers union included votes calling for universal mask and vaccine mandates , along with further commitments to advance racial equity in the classroom.

Held this week in Chicago, the National Education Association's Representative Assembly's annual meeting for its 6,000 delegates featured speeches by Vice President Kamala Harris and a remote address by President Joe Biden .

The agenda for the union's assembly contains numerous votes calling for the union to take a range of progressive and liberal positions, including a measure calling for the support of "a national policy of mandatory masking and COVID vaccines in schools."

Other provisions in the agenda included votes denouncing the Supreme Court's ruling last month overturning Roe v. Wade while calling for the court to be expanded, the abolition of the Senate filibuster, and the impeachment of the "justices who went against their sworn testimony to not overturn Roe v. Wade."

"Cultural competency," when used in educational settings, is a phrase that has at times been linked to critical race theory, an academic theory that posits U.S. institutions and culture are systemically racist and must be dismantled through anti-racism.

Mask mandates, CRT, abortion: Inside the 'social justice' agenda at teachers union conference
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Woke LA Teachers are being told to Challenge the Concepts of 'merit' and 'individualism' because they are Rooted in 'Whiteness' as part of unconscious bias training

  • The Los Angeles Unified School District required teachers to take part in 'implicit/unconscious bias training' provided by CRT advocate Tyrone Howard
Los Angeles teachers are being taught that they must challenge the concepts of 'merit' and 'individualism' because they are rooted in 'whiteness' as part of their training into unconscious bias.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has required all teachers and staff to complete 'implicit/unconscious bias training' provided by Tyrone Howard, a critical race theory (CRT) advocate and a professor of education at the University of California.

The training materials, obtained by Fox News, teaches staff that they must be 'antiracist' - and they achieve this by challenging 'whiteness' in schools.

Howard argued during the training that 'whiteness' exists in the concepts of 'merit' and 'individualism'.

Woke LA teachers are being told to challenge the concepts of 'merit' and 'individualism' | Daily Mail Online
The cool thing about CRT is that it's so nebulous and misunderstood outside of where it's actually taught (law school, mostly) that you can throw a dart at a board covered in post it notes of different topics and find a way to claim what you hit is related to CRT.

And if the news outlet is the right one, then everyone will believe you and get all frothed up about it.

Do you guys know who this person (Rufo) is? Never heard of him until this tweet, so I had to go do some research. He's been at this for 5 years and credit to the guy, he's turned his BS hustle into an impressive movement and certainly advanced his career.

Study: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Grifters Rake in $1B in California

California’s “diversity, equity, and inclusion” class raked in as much as $1 billion in taxpayer money in the past year, according to a new study.

The Center for Organizational Research and Education’s (CORE) study shows over $500 million in funding for staff positions, outside consultants, training sessions, educational materials, and other expansions of “anti-racist” and “anti-bias” indoctrination initiatives.

Based on responses — and non-responses — CORE estimates the statewide total is close to $1 billion.

Spending in the school districts included bulk purchases of books aimed at indoctrinating children into the race-essentialist thinking of critical race theorists, including How to Be an Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi, White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, and This Book is Anti-Racist: 20 Lessons on How to Wake Up, Take Action, and Do the Work by Tiffany Jewell.

Study: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Grifters Rake in $1B in California
‘Stand Up And Demand Accountability’: Tulsa Schools Warned For Violating CRT Ban

Oklahoma’s largest school district is being punished after Oklahoma’s State Board of Education found the school violated the state’s critical race theory (CRT) law, according to Fox 25.

On a 4-2 vote, Oklahoma’s State Board of Education determined Thursday that Tulsa Public Schools and Mustang Public Schools, in Mustang, Oklahoma, violated Oklahoma’s CRT ban in a staff training and teacher lesson, according to Fox 25. The finding, an “accreditation with warning,” requires both school districts to prove to the board that they have made changes to the curriculum. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Introduce Resolution Declaring Critical Race Theory A Threat To The US)

‘Stand Up And Demand Accountability’: Tulsa Schools Warned For Violating CRT Ban

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