Culinary, Arts, Thread.

I don’t like Jack Daniels or Coke.

I like mayo. It's the most versatile condiment, IMO.

This reminds me...the Japanese have grown very fond of mayo. They add it on sushi and into several other dishes. I've always admired the Japanese (post WWII). They're a very smart, respectful, and peaceful people. They also love a nice bowl of chilled shrimp smothered in mayo.

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One can use it in their recipes for their loved ones and others, and use it correctly, doesn’t mean we have to like it. Called being able to cook, dang good. Lol.

You can't tell these mayo hatin muther truckers nutin. I told them to add a little mayo to their blueberry crisp and thank me later. You would have thought I told them to add spider monkey feces to it.

If mayo is in something you plan to eat then you’re a fan of mayo. You can’t say you don’t like mayo if you’re eating a damn plate of deviled eggs that is filled with mayo. 😆
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Eat a spoonful of mayo out of the jar and then a spoonful of potato salad and tell me they’re the same thing.

Imma fan of mayo, but I wouldn't eat the chit by the spoonful, mustard either. I like dipping my fries in ketchup but I wouldnt eat a spoonful of it. Lulz.
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This stuff is kinda cool - plant-based mayo without the egg. It actually has the consistency and taste of real mayonnaise. Of course, US makers of real mayonnaise have filed complaint against the name, claiming that there cannot be "mayo" without eggs.
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