Culinary, Arts, Thread.

My wife likes to marinate ribs in Mojo, slow cook 'em on the grill, then finish 'em with a caramelized glaze of savory BBQ sauce.
I can't believe how fast time is flying. "They" weren't lying when said the older you get the faster it goes.

Seems like yesterday I was telling you guys that I was trying to quit smoking. In 35 days that will be a year ago. I weighed 169 and wore a 33 size pants. I have lost 7 pounds in two weeks and am now at 207 and comfortable in a 38. WTF?

Lol, but seriously, football season will be here before we know it and I can hardly wait. I think it's gonna be better than what most, even me, are predicting. But I say that every year so..... Still look forward to it.
Tonight's Dinner and a Movie.. Seared Ahi and Escargot en Croute.

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I can't believe how fast time is flying. "They" weren't lying when said the older you get the faster it goes.

Seems like yesterday I was telling you guys that I was trying to quit smoking. In 35 days that will be a year ago. I weighed 169 and wore a 33 size pants. I have lost 7 pounds in two weeks and am now at 207 and comfortable in a 38. WTF?

Lol, but seriously, football season will be here before we know it and I can hardly wait. I think it's gonna be better than what most, even me, are predicting. But I say that every year so..... Still look forward to it.

Congrats on quitting smoking.

That is one vice I never took up, I had plenty of other vices to keep me busy.
Hope Eddie Redmayne is in all 5, he really is a talented actor. Even maybe the worst movie I've ever seen ...Jupiter Ascending, his character was cool.
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Dinner sounds good. I have never made Escargot, but I am a big fan.
Oh hell, it's easy and it just sounds fancy.

I "cuss" more on here than I do irl. I've even started using words irl that I use here like Fawk, chit, puddy etc. But, even those aren't "Bad" words, it's the same as saying the real words IMO, so.... maybe when I grow up I can be a racist goody two shoes like Joy.
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