As of Yesterday I am returning to the meat diet..... Last Time was keto, this time I am going "carnival" or as close as i can get. Will be doing the warrior fast like last time. Plan is to use carnivore for initial weight loss, 60-90 days, keto once I'm in full on ketosis, and should I get there south beach once I achieve goals. Weighed in this morning 410.4, "I know I know" I'm 6'5", large frame, I'd be happy at about 270. The highest I got was about 470 a year before covid when I started Keto and had gotten to about 390 before I was hospitalized. The leanest I have ever been was 260 in college and started to get abs. The weight charts are BS for my frame. I will not be going FULL carnivore. Low to zero carb veggies for the purpose of flavor will still be there, onions, peppers, garlic, mushrooms. Pickles, and Cucumber as garnishes. Maybe rare cauliflower and spagetti squash as keto treats. Better to have some keto treats/cheats, then fall off the horse altogether treats. Obviously I will not be cutting coffee, as East Tennessee can not afford the crime spree that might result. The saddest part for me is knowing oktoberfest is about to start....and this year I will not partake in any beer.

I can't put into words how much that hurts me. Rauchbier and the fall is one of my favorite things in life.
I was down to about 310 when I got out of hospital but my legs and arms had wasted away. Since comeing home from hospital 2 years ago I have worked on legs and arms to get strength back, but I also have been sedinatry....and went back to was just easier.. Sadly I put most of my weight back as a result. I'll keep track of weight but my glucose levels, BP, and my actual measurements are going to be my real goals and metrics.
Yesterday I sort of started with sausage and kraut for dinner and a little mashed cauliflower....that was more keto going to go for full carn today steaks/bacon eggs it is. Can't eat till 2pm.
Wish me luck.