There were more than just a couple who supported or suggested getting rid of Martin or that he was a horrible coach. Not all of them started a thread or posted often.
I just don't understand why people think that we should fire someone halfway into his second season after he inherited a mess after our old coach left. Actually, I can- it's called instant gratification. I compare these people to children in a study who were given a treat and told that if they waited 10 minutes to eat it, then they would be given another one. But if they ate it right away, they would not get a second one. Of course, you know some couldn't wait 10 minutes.
Our society, our world is right at our fingertips in real time, and somehow we have become a society of wanting everything right now. I am a very competitive person, and I hate to lose. I have played alot of sports in my days, and you can ask people how competitive I am. Even my college roommates about video games. But, it is utterly ridiculous to consider firing a coach halfway into his second season, especially when he beat 4 ranked teams last year. People deserve time. Then, if the appropriate amount of time has passed and he isn't performing, you cut ties.
I was disappointed in some games, too, but when you hire a new coach who inherited a mess, then it is a "process" as Dooley said. There does have to be some improvement (and there has been). Unfortunately, Dooley regressed instead. But, you can't expect him to be a conference champ and go to the NCAAT every year. Just isn't realistic.
Sorry for the rant, but I just get a little tired of seeing the constant criticism.