Curt Schilling - not a future ESPN Courage award recipient

I never liked Schilling and there's a part of me that thinks the bloody sock thing was a fake.

As far as ESPN goes and their love for the NBA and LEbron, he's the biggest athlete on the planet. Remember when it was all Tebow and Tiger Woods?? If people don't wanna hear about hoops then go to the NFL Network or MLB network. You can also go to EsPNU. There are so many options on TV, he'll I remember seeing water polo and ping pong on ESPN when it first came on
ESPN is very double standard, no one has ever been publicly punished by them for making liberal remarks, unless their is a college football game on I don't watch their garbage. I quit watching when they had their 24/7 coverage of Michael Sam, this confirms I made the right decision.
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ESPN is very double standard, no one has ever been publicly punished by them for making liberal remarks, unless their is a college football game on I don't watch their garbage. I quit watching when they had their 24/7 coverage of Michael Sam, this confirms I made the right decision.

Are you sure and what remarks went unpunished that you think should be punished?
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ESPN is very double standard, no one has ever been publicly punished by them for making liberal remarks,

Schilling wasn't fired for expressing a political opinion. He was fired for expressing a political opinion that his employer doesn't share. Not fair? Of course it's not fair. But it's how the world works.
I was looking up controversial ESPN employee incidents and dug up this gem

On October 24, 2009, Bob Griese provided color commentary for the University of Minnesota-Ohio State University football game. During the broadcast, a list of the top five drivers in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series were displayed on the screen. Broadcaster Chris Spielman asked where Colombian NASCAR driver Juan Pablo Montoya was on the list.[116] Griese responded, "He's out having a taco."[117] Griese apologized for the comment at the end of the broadcast.[118]
I bet you love when they pander to our patriotism. Why can't they be political in other areas?

So being patriotic is being political? Wow, the libs have gone off their collective rockers. Loving and respecting our country (patriotism) used to be considered A-political.
Schilling wasn't fired for expressing a political opinion. He was fired for expressing a political opinion that his employer doesn't share. Not fair? Of course it's not fair. But it's how the world works.

Well that and this is about the 3rd time now he's done something they've not liked and told him to stop.

He's no victim, he made the choice to ignore their warnings, and if he disagrees with them so much then his principles shouldn't allow him to work for them in the first place.
Schilling wasn't fired for expressing a political opinion. He was fired for expressing a political opinion that his employer doesn't share. Not fair? Of course it's not fair. But it's how the world works.

I disagree. We have no idea what ESPN bosses think about transgender, we just know they care about image. It's PR. It's all about $ and self-preservation.
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So being patriotic is being political? Wow, the libs have gone off their collective rockers. Loving and respecting our country (patriotism) used to be considered A-political.

You're incredibly naïve if you don't think patriotism hasn't been politicalized.

And I hate to break it to you, but you can't blame the libs for that one.
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I disagree. We have no idea what ESPN bosses think about transgender, we just know they care about image. It's PR. It's all about $ and self-preservation.

Possibly. In that case, Schilling expressed a political opinion that differs from his employer's public message. Either way, he has to understand that when you work for a media giant, there is no such thing as speaking only for yourself.
You're incredibly naïve if you don't think patriotism hasn't been politicalized.

And I hate to break it to you, but you can't blame the libs for that one.

Really? So spitting on returning servicemen as they returned from Vietnam was done by conservatives? Bashing the US military on a regular basis is done by conservatives? Libs attacked our military and conservatives responded with support. Period
I think they jumped the shark when they hired more and more former players and then those former players somehow became very vocal experts on social issues. Over and over you have a guy with probable brain damage and half a phys ed degree telling you how the world should be. If the guy wants to break down the patriots offense have at it, but I don't need them telling me how to think or feel about the larger world.
So being patriotic is being political? Wow, the libs have gone off their collective rockers. Loving and respecting our country (patriotism) used to be considered A-political.

Being proud of America is my kind of patriotism. Respecting soldiers and honoring them is my kind of patriotism. Glorifying the wars we are currently fighting is not my kind of patriotism. Saying soldiers are "fighting for our freedom" politicizes it in my mind. They are not fighting for our freedom. Our freedom is not on the line in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet ESPN will espouse the idea that they are fighting for our freedom because the public eats that up.

I think lying about what our soldiers die for dishonors them.
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Really? So spitting on returning servicemen as they returned from Vietnam was done by conservatives? Bashing the US military on a regular basis is done by conservatives? Libs attacked our military and conservatives responded with support. Period

Screaming that if you don't support wars and military action blindly that you hate America....yes that's a conservative thing. And that is most certainly making patriotism political.
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ESPN has now been clear, no opinion from the right is welcome. The tolerant left turns out to be anything but.
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Yes, after doing what it is they are supposed to do, they are terrible.

Monday Night football can't be on all day every day. You have to fill 24 hours of time slots on like 7 channels. The 7 channels are there so they can cover a grip of CFB games simultaneously. The nerve of these *******s. Why won't they put sports on when there are no games being played?
Are you sure and what remarks went unpunished that you think should be punished?

Cleveland Caucasian shirt worn by Bomani Jones. Stephen A Smith blaming women for domestic violence and also making a comment about the women's national soccer team. Etc. He's still employed.

These were done ON AIR. Not privately
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