CWS-Other Games

Cheering in a public forum for things that don’t suit your teams best interests should be pointed out is all…nothing we do here matters….its all in good fun!
Absolutely, I think it is great fun to expose the more embarrassing efforts of folks identifying themselves as VOLS but enjoying taking shots at OUR players and OUR coaches in game day threads. Gotta believe there is more value add to taking them to task than them fulfilling their less than praise worthy objectives unchallenged. Kind of defeats the if you read it on the internet it must be true problem.

It is particularly fun when those players and coaches defy the odds and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, but necessary even when they don't. As frustrating as some of the execution was that provided them the SEEMINGLY insurmountable lead, the sum of their efforts on the field provided a victory. They should at least wait till the fat lady sings before joining in on the nega chorus. Same character deficiencies, but less of the unnecessary negative drivel for the world to identify with our programs.

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