it's not just the last 2 games its pretty much the last month. weathers hasn't had a good outing in a very long time. the team hitting wise from top to bottom is pretty good. pitching is bad i agree and the bullpen is horrible. there are some pretty decent pitchers in AAA why don't they call them up. from about i think june 10th on some of his choices have been pretty bad. i also think alot of people give narron alittle to much credit and the new GM not enough. the pick ups phillips, ross and arroyo are the main reasons why we are where we are at today. what did narron do last year with almost the same team. they were not that good. i might be alittle quick to call for his head i'll admit, but in the last month he has reminded me alot of bob boone. leyland is the manager of the year in either league hands down.