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We should see everyone's long form birth certificate, right? Where is the outrage from the Right since they are likely here thanks to chain migration?

White House won't reveal immigration status of Melania's parents - NY Daily News

But she’s here legally...right?
Unlike the DACA recipients.
How much time should it take for people to become legal citizens? For example if you were brought here as a 2yr old....you’ve been here 20 plus years.......and you have not taken the steps to become a legal citizen.......then you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.
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The self-dubbed “Common Sense Caucus” of senators late Wednesday circulated legislation that would fulfill Trump’s calls to grant legal status to 1.8 million young immigrants and would appropriate $25 billion for southern border security construction projects over the next decade — not immediately, as Trump wants. The bill also would curb family-based immigration programs, but not to the extent Trump is seeking, and would not end a diversity visa lottery program that he wants eliminated.

But she’s here legally...right?
Unlike the DACA recipients.
How much time should it take for people to become legal citizens? For example if you were brought here as a 2yr old....you’ve been here 20 plus years.......and you have not taken the steps to become a legal citizen.......then you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.

Registering as DACA would be the first step. After that they can blame the government for doing nothing.
Read the Immigration Act of 1986. At that time millions were given amnesty and it contained provisions to block illegals from working etc., but it did not secure the border.

How did that work out? Are we going to repeat this stupidity and wonder why it didn't work this time either?

The Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), Pub.L. 99–603, 100 Stat. 3445, enacted November 6, 1986, also known as the Simpson–Mazzoli Act or the Reagan Amnesty,[1] signed into law by Ronald Reagan on November 6, 1986, is an Act of Congress which reformed United States immigration law. The Act[2]

required employers to attest to their employees' immigration status;
made it illegal to hire or recruit illegal immigrants knowingly;
legalized certain seasonal agricultural illegal immigrants, and;
legalized illegal immigrants who entered the United States before January 1, 1982 and had resided there continuously with the penalty of a fine, back taxes due, and admission of guilt; candidates were required to prove that they were not guilty of crimes, that they were in the country before January 1, 1982, and that they possessed at least a minimal knowledge about U.S. history, government, and the English language.

At the time, the Immigration and Naturalization Service estimated that about four million illegal immigrants would apply for legal status through the act and that roughly half of them would be eligible.[3]

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Let's enact martial law, send the National Guard house to house asking "papers, please," construct camps to house illegals while they are being processed, then throw them in the Rio Grande.

That more to your liking?

Yes. The Gulf of Mexico would be better. It’s deeper.
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U.S. Supreme Court Rebuffs Trump, Won't Hear Immigration Appeal - Bloomberg

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a Trump administration appeal aimed at ending deportation protections for young undocumented immigrants, steering clear for now of the debate over the fate of hundreds of thousands of people.

The justices, without published dissent, turned away the administration’s appeal of a ruling that has kept the Obama-era program in place. The rejection buys time for the so-called dreamers even as Congress has been unable to agree on legislation to give them permanent protection. The Senate earlier this month blocked three proposals that would have shielded the dreamers.

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