Daily Dose of Delusion, Part Deux

Take away the Steve Spurrier years and Florida leads the series 8-7 since 1950. Your statistics are skewed because prior to the 90s, UT and Florida met maybe 3 times a decade. So, since Florida won 70% of the matchups in the 90s it holds more weight.

I look at it the way your players and recruits look at it - looking back over a time span that I can fathom.

For your players, most of whom were born in the 80's, UF has dominated the series for as long as they were old enough to know what a football is.

Eliminating the best years is a skew. Including them is not.

Jeez, if you're going to take away the Spurrier years, then you need to take away the Neyland years as well. What do you have then?

As far as the poster who pointed out that I'm basing tradition on just one team, here's another that I analyzed last year:

Over the past:

10 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .800
20 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .750
30 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .552
40 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .513
50 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .572
60 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .544
70 yrs: UF win % over UGA: .500

It's time consuming to do, so I haven't done this for other teams UF plays.
And wait until I post Part III later tonight!! I'll be out of the office and away from a computer most of the day tomorrow and that is probably a good thing!!
I look at it the way your players and recruits look at it - looking back over a time span that I can fathom.
I am not going to comment on the other list of statistics, again it can be attributed to the weight of the matchups in the Spurrier Era.

Here is how the recruits look at: Spurrier is not at Florida anymore. Florida loses 4-5 games each year that Spurrier has been absent.
And wait until I post Part III later tonight!! I'll be out of the office and away from a computer most of the day tomorrow and that is probably a good thing!!

Have fun. We'll take pot shots in your absence to give you something to read when you get back. :birgits_giggle:
I am not going to comment on the other list of statistics, again it can be attributed to the weight of the matchups in the Spurrier Era.

Here is how the recruits look at: Spurrier is not at Florida anymore. Florida loses 4-5 games each year that Spurrier has been absent.

Better than losing 6 of 11, though, right?

Have fun. We'll take pot shots in your absence to give you something to read when you get back. :birgits_giggle:

You guys. :cray: Always thinking of others.

well considerin part 2 was even more BS than part 1 i'm sure with part 3 i'll need my boots

More like stilts.
Okay, let's toss out the Spurrier years...and the Neyland years. Tennessee has a 7-6 edge over the Gators heading into this weekend. Not exactly the overwhelming tradition for UT that seems to be implied by some here.

Tossing out a portion of the dataset is really pretty silly, though. I gave you a picture of the entire dataset. I could've stopped at the 30's or 40's to make Florida look better, but I included the games going back to 1916. UT won all of the games between the two schools from 1916 to 1953, but I included them because they should be included, even though they do not help show the Gators in a positive light. But you're wanting to throw out UF's winningest years from the stats - go figure!
Better than losing 6 of 11, though, right?
Depends upon how you look at it...

Over the past 3 years, Florida is 26-13. During the same time span, UT is 27-9 (which includes the 5-6 season.) You tell me which program is in worse shape.

Over 4 years (since Spurrier's departure,) Florida is 34-18. Tennessee is 35-14.
I am not going to comment on the other list of statistics, again it can be attributed to the weight of the matchups in the Spurrier Era.

Here is how the recruits look at: Spurrier is not at Florida anymore. Florida loses 4-5 games each year that Spurrier has been absent.

To be more realistic, I'd say that recruits are taking a "wait and see" approach when looking at both schools. Fulmer's coaching staff's results have been in a decline over the past few years, UF's new coaching staff is clearly on the upswing.

Recruits see a Vols coaching staff that is trying to climb out from near the bottom of the abyss, and a Gators coaching staff that has recovered from the team hitting the bottom and is well on the way to climbing the mountain.

Hey, I'm not here to slam the Vols, just to offer some counter-perspective. I think that this game should be a very good one and will likely be a very close game. But I also believe that UT is a more fragile team and fan base right now. Keep winning and more players and fans will believe and get the right attitude. Lose a couple of big games and see the attitudes of players and fans fall right back into the toilet that it floated in last year.
Depends upon how you look at it...

Over the past 3 years, Florida is 26-13. During the same time span, UT is 27-9 (which includes the 5-6 season.) You tell me which program is in worse shape.

Over 4 years (since Spurrier's departure,) Florida is 34-18. Tennessee is 35-14.

So you have one more win over a sample of three years? And form that you want to extrapolate that one program is in "worse shape" than the other? Weak, dude. I mean, beyond weak.

To be more realistic, I'd say that recruits are taking a "wait and see" approach when looking at both schools. Fulmer's coaching staff's results have been in a decline over the past few years, UF's new coaching staff is clearly on the upswing.

Recruits see a Vols coaching staff that is trying to climb out from near the bottom of the abyss, and a Gators coaching staff that has recovered from the team hitting the bottom and is well on the way to climbing the mountain.

Hey, I'm not here to slam the Vols, just to offer some counter-perspective. I think that this game should be a very good one and will likely be a very close game. But I also believe that UT is a more fragile team and fan base right now. Keep winning and more players and fans will believe and get the right attitude. Lose a couple of big games and see the attitudes of players and fans fall right back into the toilet that it floated in last year.

The highlighted sentence is probably the most accurate description of the overall situation I've seen to date. It accounts for everything and it explains the drop-off in recruiting at UT. It is, in a word, true.
Speaking of drop-offs, UF's first two opponents this year were bowl participants in 2005. UF's third opponent this year was not. :whistling:

if you think our fan base is fragle, you are a moron, aparently you havent ben in neyland stadium, neyland is the toughist place in the nation to play, thats why chris leak is 0-2 there.

as for law gator, you should be a polition with your ability to spin things to your advantage, no one really gives two turds about your "daily dose of reality"

here is your reality,
sence 2000 the series is tied 3-3, and sence 2000 we are the only team to win 2 games in a row, and the only team to defet the other AT HOME.

percey harvin is just a freshman, and is raw talent, he is NOT a superstar yet, you seam to think he is as good as chad jackson, hes not.

florida HAS NOT PLAYED A GOOD TEAM YET, they havent seen anything like they are gona get saturday. i cant understand why you are so confident

in confrence play you were 5-3 last year, that is what counts.

if you need more facts as to why you are not as good as you think you are, ive got them, just keep posthing your BS and ill keep shooting you down.
Speaking of drop-offs, UF's first two opponents this year were bowl participants in 2005. UF's third opponent this year was not. :whistling:

New one. Never heard that one. :lolabove:

Nothing but feedin' the wild beast you are about to face Saturday.

if you think our fan base is fragle, you are a moron, aparently you havent ben in neyland stadium, neyland is the toughist place in the nation to play, thats why chris leak is 0-2 there.

as for law gator, you should be a polition with your ability to spin things to your advantage, no one really gives two turds about your "daily dose of reality"

here is your reality,
sence 2000 the series is tied 3-3, and sence 2000 we are the only team to win 2 games in a row, and the only team to defet the other AT HOME.

percey harvin is just a freshman, and is raw talent, he is NOT a superstar yet, you seam to think he is as good as chad jackson, hes not.

florida HAS NOT PLAYED A GOOD TEAM YET, they havent seen anything like they are gona get saturday. i cant understand why you are so confident

in confrence play you were 5-3 last year, that is what counts.

if you need more facts as to why you are not as good as you think you are, ive got them, just keep posthing your BS and ill keep shooting you down.

I don't know, no.1 gator, is your first name not ben?

Neyland can be toughist. I am cool with that. Florida Field will just have to deal with being the toughest.

I don't want to be a polition. I am not even sure what a polition is. Does it, like, have something to do with animal sacrifice or maybe skateboarding (more up your alley, no doubt).

As to no one giving any turds about my dose of reality, okey doke. What can I say? I thought I was just sort of putting some ideas and counter-arguments out there for you UT fans to debate with me and my one or two Gator brethren on here. Its all meant in good fun. Relax.

By the way, sence the word sence is not a word, that's minus two gold stars for you and if you are not careful we may cut short your nap time. Now go drink your chocolate milk and quit eating the play-doh.

I'll keep posting. Count on that. And I look forward to your retorts.

I can always use a good laugh.

if you think our fan base is fragle, you are a moron, aparently you havent ben in neyland stadium, neyland is the toughist place in the nation to play, thats why chris leak is 0-2 there.

as for law gator, you should be a polition with your ability to spin things to your advantage, no one really gives two turds about your "daily dose of reality"

here is your reality,
sence 2000 the series is tied 3-3, and sence 2000 we are the only team to win 2 games in a row, and the only team to defet the other AT HOME.

percey harvin is just a freshman, and is raw talent, he is NOT a superstar yet, you seam to think he is as good as chad jackson, hes not.

florida HAS NOT PLAYED A GOOD TEAM YET, they havent seen anything like they are gona get saturday. i cant understand why you are so confident

in confrence play you were 5-3 last year, that is what counts.

if you need more facts as to why you are not as good as you think you are, ive got them, just keep posthing your BS and ill keep shooting you down.

More like 0-1... and lest we forget 2002 and 2000, where we won in Neyland. Great post. :blink:
He can't help it. He's only seven.

Word to posters: if you had Count Chocula for breakfast this morning before your mom put you on the bus, please find another thread. This one is for the big boys. :yes:
These next four quarters will, I think, go into the series records as one of the greater games ever played between us. I have the sense that our guys are 100% ready to play this one. There is every reason to believe your alligators are locked and loaded as well.

These are the best of times for a fan. Yours and ours.
Good luck. And here's hoping that after all the ups and downs this game is likely to throw at each of us, I'm the one with both hands raised high in jubilation. Either way, I'll think of you when I toast the games outcome at around 11:30 Saturday.

Your a good guy to have around here. But know this.
More than anything I want you to be very unhappy come Sunday morning!

So here's to a great game.:toast:

Man, it don't get much better than this!
Word to posters: if you had Count Chocula for breakfast this morning before your mom put you on the bus, please find another thread. This one is for the big boys. :yes:


Besides, Captain Crunch rules and Count Chocula blows!
These next four quarters will, I think, go into the series records as one of the greater games ever played between us. I have the sense that our guys are 100% ready to play this one. There is every reason to believe your alligators are locked and loaded as well.

These are the best of times for a fan. Yours and ours.
Good luck. And here's hoping that after all the ups and downs this game is likely to throw at each of us, I'm the one with both hands raised high in jubilation. Either way, I'll think of you when I toast the games outcome at around 11:30 Saturday.

Your a good guy to have around here. But know this.
More than anything I want you to be very unhappy come Sunday morning!

So here's to a great game.:toast:

Man, it don't get much better than this!

Here, here!!! :victory: :wavey:
Last time I remember Gator fans being this cocky was before BOTH UT vs. UF basketball games last year.

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