There's a quite that fits perfectly here. "Rome was built in 6 hours and 30 minutes". Wait, no, that's not correct, is it?? Help,me out here.
I swear to the FSM (bless his noodly appendage) that 90% of this fanbase are the most im-(fornicating)-patient bunch of children that I've ever had the misfortune of being associated with. How long ago was it that we had, what, one or two senior starters?? How long ago was it when our #1 WR went down for the season, our #1 QB went down right before the toughest part of our schedule, and our senior MLB....someone widely regarded as the heart, soul, and leader of our defense.....didn't play??
Here's my impersonation of you and the rest of your "Fire Dooley" cronies.
"Hey, Chef Dooley......we want a five-course gourmet meal.....but you got five minutes to cook it. However, if you're not done in three, we'll threaten to replace you with another chef. Your ingredients to start are cow (fecal matter), horse (fecal matter), dog (fecal matter).....and two eggs. Good luck."