Dangerous Rhetoric?



Oct 21, 2004
Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins

"This country is on track to repeat what happened in Germany when it was the greatest democracy going, when it elected a chancellor that then co-opted the media," Clyburn told Fox News Digital on Thursday. "This past president called the press the enemy of the people. That is a bunch of crap. And that is what's going on in this country."

So... the media is neutral these days?
In my humble opinion, leftoids and the clowns they voted in are solely responsible. In their urgency to toss Trump they all but ensured a big reaction from the other side by putting in two of the least qualified humans on the entire planet into the White House. And I am not exaggerating when I say that.
Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins
In before Reference to Jan 6.

So... the media is neutral these days?
When the eff was Germany the greatest democracy?

Someone clearly has no clue how bloody German politics got after the Kaiser left and before Hitler. It was pretty bad before but got way worse as a Democracy. People just assume the Germans were all blood lusty Jew haters that elected Hitler. Sadly things were so bad Hitler was the most popular option by a mile. Their democracy played a huge role into making him so popular.
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This has been his (Obama’s) message for the last several weeks on the trail.

He’s such a sleazy little F! He shows up every 4 years, flat-out lies to everyone. Rewrites history as to his failed miserable 8 years in office, and then retires to his homes to sip wine and write books that echo the lies he spews on the campaign trail.

Honest historians will declare him to be among the greatest contributors to the destruction of America. That is, if we can even have historians! Or if anyone is allowed to write. That’s why we must keep voting for the D’s. Gimme a break!
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Also it's clearly a problem with both sides.

As the OP was pointing out it's not a one sided affair. Neither side has stepped up to be an adult to calm things down.

I may have been too young but I dont remember any political violence, besides true outliers, before Obama. Under him you saw the anti cop stuff come up, and targetting of Republicans, baseball shooting, house raids. Then Trump got into office and opened up the otherside. But despite the media's best efforts things never got as bad under him as they promised. Biden was supposed to clean things up, but that went out the door before his first teleprompter conference. He has joked about jailing his opponents. And yet again the Rs are staying right down in the muck, making sure things dont get better when Biden is gone.

It's disgusting, and I get so dang tired of both sides blaming the other in one thread, and then turning around and doing the exact same thing in another thread. Same goes for the politicos and took all of 4 posts before it showed up ITT.
Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins

It's the Hail Mary of those lacking good ideas. They also know there is so much corruption with this current congress and administration they could be held accountable and don't anyone to see the dirty mattresses.
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Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins
The historian warned that "six nights from now, we could all be discussing violence all over this country.

Say what?
“The authors of the report also reviewed property crimes, violent crimes and drug offenses in 29 large cities. Aggravated assaults and robberies both increased by 4% and 19% respectively. Property crimes also increased by 6% while larceny went up by 20%, residential burglaries rose by 6% and motor vehicle thefts jumped up by 15%.”

U.S. Crime Is Still Dramatically Higher Than Before the Pandemic
Well this sounds pretty serious -

Joe Biden is saying the same thing tonight, and a historian 50 years from now - if historians are allowed to write in this country and if they are still free publishing houses and a free press - which I’m not certain of - but if that is true, a historian will say what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed

What is the solution?

I guess we could suspend elections until the country is on more stable footing? Our Democracy is facing an existential threat…
Well this sounds pretty serious -

What is the solution?

I guess we could suspend elections until the country is on more stable footing? Our Democracy is facing an existential threat…
Hmmm, just for 8 or 10 years until all the EO's have been fully implemented?


This has been his (Obama’s) message for the last several weeks on the trail.

He’s such a sleazy little F! He shows up every 4 years, flat-out lies to everyone. Rewrites history as to his failed miserable 8 years in office, and then retires to his homes to sip wine and write books that echo the lies he spews on the campaign trail.

Honest historians will declare him to be among the greatest contributors to the destruction of America. That is, if we can even have historians! Or if anyone is allowed to write. That’s why we must keep voting for the D’s. Gimme a break!

There isn't an honest historian left. They've all been radicalized by a pro-communist doctrine. The does what they accuse the tight of doing. Wanna see totalitarian? Look at our kgb, going after pro-life people who protest abortion clinics, etc. They accuse moms of being terrorists because those moms don't want kids to learn porn in the classroom. We can only hope the majority of these independent voters can pull their heads out of their bites and not elect those dimocrat fools.
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.
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Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.


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