Dangerous Rhetoric?

Part of the problem^^

Look at how the Dems treat Brian Kemp. He didnt give into Trump, but they still accuse him of doing so. He is one of those new RINOs for bucking Trump, and the Dems still treating him like a huge Trumper. There is no room for middle ground, you are part of that problem.

Vandyribs is
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You just stated it in your conclusion.

Republicans win= They benefited from and actively sought foreign interference. Therefore the results are illegitimate.

Democrats win= Democracy is at work. Questioning the results is a threat to our democracy.

And extremely dangerous to our democracy.

It sounds the gravitas narrative they used against Bush. That was the 1st time I realized they all get the same talking points
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Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins
What do you make of it? You’re one of the posters concerned about dangerous rhetoric, too.
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Yet your party denied it when Bush was elected and then Trump, how quick you forget your boy hillary vandyribs man you're a complete bafoon

Always entertaining when you are called a buffoon by a person who can't actually spell buffoon. Too funny.

Sorry you can't handle the truth. Put your big boy pants on and stop buying the lies about a rigged election. Climb out of the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, have some self-respect and finally admit to yourself that you got hustled. It's not too late. You can thank me later.
Always entertaining when you are called a buffoon by a person who can't actually spell buffoon. Too funny.

Sorry you can't handle the truth. Put your big boy pants on and stop buying the lies about a rigged election. Climb out of the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, have some self-respect and finally admit to yourself that you got hustled. It's not too late. You can thank me later.

gatorribs, i never said the election wasn't legit. I said there are some questionable actions. it's your party who doesn't accept elections. see Bush and Trump. it's your party who want's illegals to vote. so stop your communist BS.
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Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins
"Nutty stuff" was the alternate elector strategy that Donald Trump and his Republican Party cohorts attempted to use as a means of subverting the democratic system of elections in the United States, in order to retain the presidency, even though Trump had legitimately lost the 2020 Presidential General Election.

That strategy has never been formally denounced by the leadership of the Republican Party. Donald Trump took being a sore loser to unprecedented heights with much more than dangerous rhetoric. In all of his selfish stupidity, Donald Trump actually believed that this alternate elector scheme of his could work, and he did everything in his power to make it happen.

Now, what's this $hit about dangerous rhetoric from Democrats?
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When the eff was Germany the greatest democracy?

Someone clearly has no clue how bloody German politics got after the Kaiser left and before Hitler. It was pretty bad before but got way worse as a Democracy. People just assume the Germans were all blood lusty Jew haters that elected Hitler. Sadly things were so bad Hitler was the most popular option by a mile. Their democracy played a huge role into making him so popular.

Dems never let facts get in the way of a new agenda. Facts to them are negotiable and malleable depending on need ... dem facts often have absolutely no basis in reality or history.


This has been his (Obama’s) message for the last several weeks on the trail.

He’s such a sleazy little F! He shows up every 4 years, flat-out lies to everyone. Rewrites history as to his failed miserable 8 years in office, and then retires to his homes to sip wine and write books that echo the lies he spews on the campaign trail.

Honest historians will declare him to be among the greatest contributors to the destruction of America. That is, if we can even have historians! Or if anyone is allowed to write. That’s why we must keep voting for the D’s. Gimme a break!

Obama is/was a slimly two bit community organizer - it's just that the US was never his community. He's a cheesy wannabe martinet; and if not for Lincoln, would be the most divisive president in our history.
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

We have the right to assemble and petition government, and that seems exactly what the 1/6 protestors were doing. For once, it happened where the legislators were clustered. It's even hard to argue the peaceable aspect if you consider what was allowed in cities across the country before the demonstration.
We have the right to assemble and petition government, and that seems exactly what the 1/6 protestors were doing. For once, it happened where the legislators were clustered. It's even hard to argue the peaceable aspect if you consider what was allowed in cities across the country before the demonstration.
The 1/6 protestors were doing just fine, until they breached the Capitol grounds and became rioters. At that point, they were guilty of unlawful assembly. It is not hard to argue that they were disturbing the peace and committing acts of vandalism if you have seen video from the Capitol taken that day. Whatever took place in the cities across the country before the 1/6 demonstration did not give these people a pass to do whatever the hell they wanted. "What-about-isms" are fine to use on message boards, but they don't fly in courts of law.

unlawful assembly
You just stated it in your conclusion.

Republicans win= They benefited from and actively sought foreign interference. Therefore the results are illegitimate.

Democrats win= Democracy is at work. Questioning the results is a threat to our democracy.

And extremely dangerous to our democracy.

The 4 am talking point sent to every media outlet. That should make those pause who consider anyone in the media “truthful”
What do you make of it? You’re one of the posters concerned about dangerous rhetoric, too.

to clarify - I do not buy the "when so and so said this it caused (insert lunatic left or right) to do this horrible act". so I'm not concerned the way some are that tries to link a politician's commentary to the bad act of another.

that said, I think the general tone of comments from both political parties and their ardent supporters is corrosive and further feeds a move towards seeing those of other political persuasions as horrible people rather than people who see things a little different than you. cumulatively that maybe pushes more political violence. repeated telling that the other guy is a danger to you is bound to have some impact

in this particular case I see no meaningful difference between the rhetoric I posted about and the Stop the Steal stuff - both portray the other as power hungry dangerous people that are an existential threat to your way of life.

it's a sad state of affairs and seems to be a continual escalation. all of it gets amplified by the media which is financially incentivized to feed the division.
to clarify - I do not buy the "when so and so said this it caused (insert lunatic left or right) to do this horrible act". so I'm not concerned the way some are that tries to link a politician's commentary to the bad act of another.
You lost him after this he stopped reading. You’re raining on his continual Jan 6 narrative with crazy irrational takes like that man.
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The 1/6 protestors were doing just fine, until they breached the Capitol grounds and became rioters. At that point, they were guilty of unlawful assembly. It is not hard to argue that they were disturbing the peace and committing acts of vandalism if you have seen video from the Capitol taken that day. Whatever took place in the cities across the country before the 1/6 demonstration did not give these people a pass to do whatever the hell they wanted. "What-about-isms" are fine to use on message boards, but they don't fly in courts of law.

unlawful assembly
LMAO so we’ve reached the point that an unlawful assembly is an “immediate threat to our Democracy”

LMAO so we’ve reached the point that an unlawful assembly is an “immediate threat to our Democracy”

Did I say that anywhere in the post you replied to? No.

In another post in this thread, I explained what the immediate threat to the democratic system of elections in the United States involved - the alternate elector scheme concocted by Republicans, in order to overturn the valid results of a legitimate election. This marked a clear attempt to subvert democracy.

Both parties are guilty of not respecting the valid results of recent elections, but nobody has ever taken that lack of respect as far as Donald Trump did in the aftermath of his defeat in the 2020 Presidential General Election.

The alternate elector strategy had no basis within the framework of the United States Constitution or United States election laws. Had this ridiculous stunt been successful, it would have imperiled the democratic system of elections in the United States.

In my opinion, the leadership of the Republican Party should have spoken out against this strategy, and denounced it for the banana republic farce that it was. They never really did while Trump was in office. That is a disgrace. They would never sit still while a Democrat was attempting such a ridiculous stunt.
Did I say that anywhere in the post you replied to? No.

In another post in this thread, I explained what the immediate threat to the democratic system of elections in the United States involved - the alternate elector scheme concocted by Republicans, in order to overturn the valid results of a legitimate election. This marked a clear attempt to subvert democracy.

Both parties are guilty of not respecting the valid results of recent elections, but nobody has ever taken that lack of respect as far as Donald Trump did in the aftermath of his defeat in the 2020 Presidential General Election.

The alternate elector strategy had no basis within the framework of the United States Constitution or United States election laws. Had this ridiculous stunt been successful, it would have imperiled the democratic system of elections in the United States.

In my opinion, the leadership of the Republican Party should have spoken out against this strategy, and denounced it for the banana republic farce that it was. They never really did while Trump was in office. That is a disgrace. They would never sit still while a Democrat was attempting such a ridiculous stunt.
Yes you did. By your own admission in this long winded diatribe you’ve attached Unlawful Assembly to what happened on that day and elsewhere have described that day as a “threat to our democracy”. Keep bargaining down you might get everyone to agree to a plea on Jaywalking.
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Yes you did. By your own admission in this long winded diatribe you’ve attached Unlawful Assembly to what happened on that day and elsewhere have described that day as a “threat to our democracy”. Keep bargaining down you might get everyone to agree to a plea on Jaywalking.
No, I did not. I don't think the riot at the Capitol imperiled democracy. It was senseless violence, but it did not threaten the democratic system of elections in the United States.

Donald Trump's alternate elector scheme is another story, however. During the formality of certification, Trump believed that his Vice President had the unilateral power to avoid counting electoral votes in swing states which they had lost, for the purpose of sending those votes back to Republican-controlled state legislatures who would then appoint their own sets of electors, who would ignore the popular vote in their states and vote for the ticket of Trump/Pence.

Does that sound like democracy to you? Because it sure sounds like banana republic bull $hit to me. Trump not only believed that this could work, but he also became angry at Pence for refusing to try it. That is a fact.
No, I did not. I don't think the riot at the Capitol imperiled democracy. It was senseless violence, but it did not threaten the democratic system of elections in the United States.

Donald Trump's alternate elector scheme is another story, however. Trump believed that his Vice President had the unilateral power to avoid counting electoral votes in swing states which they had lost, for the purpose of sending those votes back to Republican-controlled state legislatures who would then appoint their own sets of electors, who would ignore the popular vote in their states and vote for the ticket of Trump/Pence.

Does that sound like democracy to you? Because it sure sounds like banana republic bull $hit to me. Trump not only believed that this could work, but he also became angry at Pence for refusing to try it. That is a fact.
Ok I’ll take you at your word BB. It’s just a couple of hours before kickoff and I saw and opportunity to poke you so I took it. That’s all.

And no I’ve always felt the alternate elector crap was just that crap. It was all over in December when the EC met and voted. The Feds role is largely ministerial.
The 1/6 protestors were doing just fine, until they breached the Capitol grounds and became rioters. At that point, they were guilty of unlawful assembly. It is not hard to argue that they were disturbing the peace and committing acts of vandalism if you have seen video from the Capitol taken that day. Whatever took place in the cities across the country before the 1/6 demonstration did not give these people a pass to do whatever the hell they wanted. "What-about-isms" are fine to use on message boards, but they don't fly in courts of law.

unlawful assembly

Then I guess the courts should have taken the real riots seriously and done something about the behavior. Otherwise it just becomes a new norm, and we know that's what the left is all about ... change. Sorry, but you don't get to argue that a behavior is right for one group and wrong for another. Your side doesn't get it and never will.
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

But you’re good with Nancy ripping up the State of The Union? That was before J6.
Nice effort at Whataboutism after the Pelosi attack.

But ultimately fails. Rhetoric from the right far worse.
to clarify - I do not buy the "when so and so said this it caused (insert lunatic left or right) to do this horrible act". so I'm not concerned the way some are that tries to link a politician's commentary to the bad act of another.

that said, I think the general tone of comments from both political parties and their ardent supporters is corrosive and further feeds a move towards seeing those of other political persuasions as horrible people rather than people who see things a little different than you. cumulatively that maybe pushes more political violence. repeated telling that the other guy is a danger to you is bound to have some impact

in this particular case I see no meaningful difference between the rhetoric I posted about and the Stop the Steal stuff - both portray the other as power hungry dangerous people that are an existential threat to your way of life.

it's a sad state of affairs and seems to be a continual escalation. all of it gets amplified by the media which is financially incentivized to feed the division.
Don’t really agree with the first paragraph, mostly agree with the second paragraph and third paragraph. Last paragraph is spot on, IMO.

The “end of democracy” stuff is more borderline than “nazi Germany” and “coming for your kids,” which are nonsensical fear mongering.

I am concerned about the Republican position on elections, partly because of the continual escalation phenomenon. The next place to go for them seems to be just ignoring elections if you don’t like the result. So, on the one hand, I think it’s fair to campaign against election denial as a form of authoritarianism and as threatening democracy. On the other, saying “democracy is on the ballot” or predicting that Republicans will not give up power of they take control of the government is also a scary, radicalizing, and still likely untrue. Also democrats have had opportunity, while there are still a few moderate republicans left in the senate, to govern like democracy is on the ballot and they haven’t done it.

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