Dangerous Rhetoric?

Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

Since so many of our posters are concerned about dangerous political rhetoric what are we to make of the latest "threat to democracy" rhetoric of the left?

Biden, Obama and now Clyburn are saying that voting for Republicans will end democracy (ironic that voting ends democracy but whatever).

Their surrogates are echoing the calls suggesting that their children will be killed and historians won't exist.

R candidates are "really dangerous"

How is this not as nutty as Q-stuff? Wouldn't this encourage some one on the edge to take action to stop this existential threat to democracy? (Obama said it's not an exaggeration to say democracy will end).

"He said that if a slate of GOP candidates who have pushed baseless conspiracy theories about the 2020 election win in the November 8 vote, "democracy as we know it" there may die.

"If you've got election deniers serving as your governor, as your senator, as your secretary of state, as your attorney general, then democracy as we know it may not survive in Arizona," Obama said. "That's not an exaggeration. That is a fact.""

Just a sample

House Majority Whip: US 'on track to repeat' Nazi Germany, downplays inflation ahead of midterms

‘A really dangerous candidate’: Kari Lake, the new face of Maga Republicanism

Biden and Obama said the GOP is now a threat to democracy — ramping the warning up to 11 ahead of knife-edge midterms

NBC historian warns of a future where ‘our children will be arrested and conceivably killed’ if GOP wins
Obama's presence in Arizona means that the socialists know they're in deep **** in my state. As such, I welcome it. It's not going to save them.
Also it's clearly a problem with both sides.

As the OP was pointing out it's not a one sided affair. Neither side has stepped up to be an adult to calm things down.

I may have been too young but I dont remember any political violence, besides true outliers, before Obama. Under him you saw the anti cop stuff come up, and targetting of Republicans, baseball shooting, house raids. Then Trump got into office and opened up the otherside. But despite the media's best efforts things never got as bad under him as they promised. Biden was supposed to clean things up, but that went out the door before his first teleprompter conference. He has joked about jailing his opponents. And yet again the Rs are staying right down in the muck, making sure things dont get better when Biden is gone.

It's disgusting, and I get so dang tired of both sides blaming the other in one thread, and then turning around and doing the exact same thing in another thread. Same goes for the politicos and took all of 4 posts before it showed up ITT.

With Obama, he ushered in a new racism and a new radical ideology which has been picked by academia and the media. They get paid six figures to push this stuff. Since sodomy "marriage" was legalized, the flood gates have been open to all parts of our society. The left has become way more totalitarian than ever. They get a wink and a nod of approval when the left destroys a city
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

perfect example of how you don't see it as extreme rhetoric if you kind of agree with it.

apply this same thinking to people who think the election was stolen from Trump - they just see that as the truth; not extreme rhetoric

both sides are wrong - the examples I posted are as crazy as the righties from the Stop the Steal world.

specifically to your points - how has license to cheat been granted? Did Trump cheat? Haven't heard that accusation (other than the Russia crap)
perfect example of how you don't see it as extreme rhetoric if you kind of agree with it.

apply this same thinking to people who think the election was stolen from Trump - they just see that as the truth; not extreme rhetoric

both sides are wrong - the examples I posted are as crazy as the righties from the Stop the Steal world.

specifically to your points - how has license to cheat been granted? Did Trump cheat? Haven't heard that accusation (other than the Russia crap)

You just stated it in your conclusion.

Republicans win= They benefited from and actively sought foreign interference. Therefore the results are illegitimate.

Democrats win= Democracy is at work. Questioning the results is a threat to our democracy.

And extremely dangerous to our democracy.

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You just stated it in your conclusion.

Republicans win= They benefited from and actively sought foreign interference. Therefore the results are illegitimate.

Democrats win= Democracy is at work. Questioning the results is a threat to our democracy.

And extremely dangerous to our democracy.

Geez....it sounds like Soros is giving the exact same script to every single media outlet. Freedom of the press isn't even an illusion anymore. The media was bought and paid for by the liberal left long ago.
With Obama, he ushered in a new racism and a new radical ideology which has been picked by academia and the media. They get paid six figures to push this stuff. Since sodomy "marriage" was legalized, the flood gates have been open to all parts of our society. The left has become way more totalitarian than ever. They get a wink and a nod of approval when the left destroys a city
And the Rs arent fixing it. Trying to fix it. Or even pretending to fix it.

They have you guys doing the exact same BS you say you are tired of the Dems doing. Heck it's the reason why half of his voters voted for Trump, that he ran his mouth at the Ds, and embraced the crazy.

But it's ok because it's your side doing it.
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

Exactly. There are several Election Deniers running for Secretary of State this election cycle - all endorsed by Trump and all of them would oversee the elections in their State and could conceivably not certify the election results for no other reason than a Republican didn't win. This knucklehead in AZ - Finchem - is already on record saying he would not have certified the 2020 results in AZ. The Big Lie has consumed the GOP for two years, Trump whines about it on a daily basis and throws a hissy fit whenever a Republican candidate doesn't agree with him, those candidates are then ostracized and called RINO's simply for telling the truth - the electin was not rigged or stolen. Facts no longer matter to the GOP. The spineless GOP offers little or no pushback to the incessant lies. Democracy dies a little more every day that Trumpism exists - FACT!
Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.

Have you seen an insurrection? That is nothing. What a joke.
And the Rs arent fixing it. Trying to fix it. Or even pretending to fix it.

They have you guys doing the exact same BS you say you are tired of the Dems doing. Heck it's the reason why half of his voters voted for Trump, that he ran his mouth at the Ds, and embraced the crazy.

But it's ok because it's your side doing it.

Obama started it, it was Suttle. He didn't like America so he tried to change it, now we're seeing the results. I can see why there is so much anger when people their country turn into a quasi-totalitarian state. Do I expect anything to change, not really. I'd just like it to slow down.
Exactly. There are several Election Deniers running for Secretary of State this election cycle - all endorsed by Trump and all of them would oversee the elections in their State and could conceivably not certify the election results for no other reason than a Republican didn't win. This knucklehead in AZ - Finchem - is already on record saying he would not have certified the 2020 results in AZ. The Big Lie has consumed the GOP for two years, Trump whines about it on a daily basis and throws a hissy fit whenever a Republican candidate doesn't agree with him, those candidates are then ostracized and called RINO's simply for telling the truth - the electin was not rigged or stolen. Facts no longer matter to the GOP. The spineless GOP offers little or no pushback to the incessant lies. Democracy dies a little more every day that Trumpism exists - FACT!

Yet your party denied it when Bush was elected and then Trump, how quick you forget your boy hillary vandyribs man you're a complete bafoon
Exactly. There are several Election Deniers running for Secretary of State this election cycle - all endorsed by Trump and all of them would oversee the elections in their State and could conceivably not certify the election results for no other reason than a Republican didn't win. This knucklehead in AZ - Finchem - is already on record saying he would not have certified the 2020 results in AZ. The Big Lie has consumed the GOP for two years, Trump whines about it on a daily basis and throws a hissy fit whenever a Republican candidate doesn't agree with him, those candidates are then ostracized and called RINO's simply for telling the truth - the electin was not rigged or stolen. Facts no longer matter to the GOP. The spineless GOP offers little or no pushback to the incessant lies. Democracy dies a little more every day that Trumpism exists - FACT!

Obama started it, it was Suttle. He didn't like America so he tried to change it, now we're seeing the results. I can see why there is so much anger when people their country turn into a quasi-totalitarian state. Do I expect anything to change, not really. I'd just like it to slow down.
Then dont listen to the Rs. Especially Trump.

He isnt slowing it down.

If you want to see things change dont keep voting for the same BS that got us here.
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Exactly. There are several Election Deniers running for Secretary of State this election cycle - all endorsed by Trump and all of them would oversee the elections in their State and could conceivably not certify the election results for no other reason than a Republican didn't win. This knucklehead in AZ - Finchem - is already on record saying he would not have certified the 2020 results in AZ. The Big Lie has consumed the GOP for two years, Trump whines about it on a daily basis and throws a hissy fit whenever a Republican candidate doesn't agree with him, those candidates are then ostracized and called RINO's simply for telling the truth - the electin was not rigged or stolen. Facts no longer matter to the GOP. The spineless GOP offers little or no pushback to the incessant lies. Democracy dies a little more every day that Trumpism exists - FACT!
Part of the problem^^

Look at how the Dems treat Brian Kemp. He didnt give into Trump, but they still accuse him of doing so. He is one of those new RINOs for bucking Trump, and the Dems still treating him like a huge Trumper. There is no room for middle ground, you are part of that problem.
Obama started it, it was Suttle. He didn't like America so he tried to change it, now we're seeing the results. I can see why there is so much anger when people their country turn into a quasi-totalitarian state. Do I expect anything to change, not really. I'd just like it to slow down.
The left hates America, and it's executing a plan to try to make it more like liberal Europe.

BTW, the word you were looking for is subtle. :)
Then dont listen to the Rs. Especially Trump.

He isnt slowing it down.

If you want to see things change dont keep voting for the same BS that got us here.
I really struggle to take anything you say seriously. You're making an obvious attempt to present yourself as some kind of moderate libertarian. However, you say a lot of things that make it obvious that you lean more than a little to the left and you repeat their talking points.
I really struggle to take anything you say seriously. You're making an obvious attempt to present yourself as some kind of moderate libertarian. However, you say a lot of things that make it obvious that you lean more than a little to the left and you repeat their talking points.
Like I said. No acceptance for anything not 100% agreeing with you.

The left arent identifying themselves as the problem. I am.
The right arent identifying themselves as the problem. I am.

They very fact that we have only two parties is the problem, there is no need to compromise or accept that just because someone is different it doesnt make them bad guys.

It's ok to disagree. It's not ok to sit there and vote for ANY of the bad actors who have put us in this spot.
You just stated it in your conclusion.

Republicans win= They benefited from and actively sought foreign interference. Therefore the results are illegitimate.

Democrats win= Democracy is at work. Questioning the results is a threat to our democracy.

And extremely dangerous to our democracy.

That’s kinda creepy
Part of the problem^^

Look at how the Dems treat Brian Kemp. He didnt give into Trump, but they still accuse him of doing so. He is one of those new RINOs for bucking Trump, and the Dems still treating him like a huge Trumper. There is no room for middle ground, you are part of that problem.
Apparently the Dem Lt Gov candidate from Atl that dropped out just endorsed Kemp over Abrams and stated how much of a better candidate Kemp was and that he is a good man. I damn near fell out of my chair reading about it. Very refreshing.
I really struggle to take anything you say seriously. You're making an obvious attempt to present yourself as some kind of moderate libertarian. However, you say a lot of things that make it obvious that you lean more than a little to the left and you repeat their talking points.

Louder is a leftist

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