Dangerous Rhetoric?

How did Democrats try to overturn the 2016 election? Be specific.

Hillary Clinton may have made some lame excuses for losing, and questioned the legitimacy of Trump's presidency ... but she conceded defeat the day after the election - which is something Trump has never done - and as far as we know, she wasn't calling Secretaries of State around the country in effort "find" more votes. I'm also not aware of anything similar to Trump's alternate elector scheme.

I have a feeling you are referring to some Democrats calling for "faithless elector votes," which is hardly the same thing as what Trump was attempting to do.
Your gonna be a sad puppy when this "fake electors" thing goes no where cuz nothing was illegally....I hope you find peace
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Just who is going to start a civil war? That's a laugh. Is the left going to co-op a foreign country to help? That's just what the far right wants.....IMA KILT ERRYBODY!!!

Edit: Sorry, forgot I had to blue font here.

At this rate, it could be the illegals the dems have let in deciding they are going to "take back" our country. Funny thing if they did, they'd wind up with urban pest holes and get their butts waxed in rural areas.
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Nothing will happen. They can investigate and will find nothing... Other wise they'd charge them
What are you talking about? Find nothing? It is clear cut election fraud/forgery. There is nothing to "find." You don't sound at all familiar with what happened. These alternate sets of electors falsely identified themselves as having been chosen legitimately through the popular vote in their states, and forged documents purporting such.
What are you talking about? Find nothing? It is clear cut election fraud/forgery. There is nothing to "find." You don't sound at all familiar with what happened. These alternate sets of electors falsely identified themselves as having been chosen legitimately through the popular vote in their states, and forged documents purporting such.
According to your link. They sent notices they were being investigated.....if they had proof they would have charged them via the grand jury....
According to your link. They sent notices they were being investigated.....if they had proof they would have charged them via the grand jury....
Do you know that they won't be? ... the proof is in those forged documents, which they forwarded to the archives. It is clear cut election fraud.
What are you talking about? Find nothing? It is clear cut election fraud/forgery. There is nothing to "find." You don't sound at all familiar with what happened. These alternate sets of electors falsely identified themselves as having been chosen legitimately through the popular vote in their states, and forged documents purporting such.

Seek and ye shall find, but you do actually have to look with the intent to find not to play games. First off, do you realize how easy it is to be registered in multiple locations? Doesn't mean someone votes more than once, but it makes it easy enough, and who checks? Just one example. Another is ID, why not a finger print ID - pretty simple - even my phone does it - no judgement in facial or signature recognition. Mail in voting is fraud in waiting - probably why the dems pushed for it. And that's without even getting to machines.

This isn't along the lines of your issue, but the whole system is flawed.
denial for J6? Are you denying Nancy ripped up the State of The Union? If you only like democracy when it works in your favor, you don’t truly like democracy.
Just look at how the left and democrats have been acting over Elon having control of Twitter. They are throwing a fit because they feel they no longer have control over information shared across the platform anymore.
Just look at how the left and democrats have been acting over Elon having control of Twitter. They are throwing a fit because they feel they no longer have control over information shared across the platform anymore.

Control the message - control the minds.
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Seek and ye shall find, but you do actually have to look with the intent to find not to play games. First off, do you realize how easy it is to be registered in multiple locations? Doesn't mean someone votes more than once, but it makes it easy enough, and who checks? Just one example. Another is ID, why not a finger print ID - pretty simple - even my phone does it - no judgement in facial or signature recognition. Mail in voting is fraud in waiting - probably why the dems pushed for it. And that's without even getting to machines.

This isn't along the lines of your issue, but the whole system is flawed.
This has nothing to do with Trump's alternate elector scheme.

Most Republicans don't want to talk about it, because of all the stupid stunts that Trump has pulled ... this is probably the hardest thing to defend. During the process of certifying the electoral college vote count, Trump truly believed that his Vice President had the power to exclude votes from states they had lost. He thought this would lead to new sets of electors being chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures who would disregard the popular vote in their states and cast their vote for Trump/Pence, and effectively subvert the democratic system of elections.

You can not pretend to care about election integrity, if you don't have a problem with this. ^^^^
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This has nothing to do with Trump's alternate elector scheme.

Most Republicans don't want to talk about it, because of all the stupid stunts that Trump has pulled ... this is probably the hardest thing to defend. During the process of certifying the electoral college vote count, Trump truly believed that his Vice President had the power to exclude votes from states they had lost. He thought this would lead to new sets of electors being chosen by Republican-controlled state legislatures who would disregard the popular vote in their states and cast their vote for Trump/Pence, and effectively subvert the democratic system of elections.

You can not pretend to care about election integrity, if you don't have a problem with this. ^^^^

The concept of EC votes is fine. The concept of voting for electors who in turn cast votes reflecting the will of the voters is highly past it's expiration date. Maybe it was necessary at one time, but communications negated the need years ago. Get rid of electors and you get rid of the problem with faithless (or otherwise corrupted) electors. The whole system of voting needs to be reworked top to bottom. Too much of it is archaic, and some of the new stuff is shady as hell.
Dems are getting really slow with those last minute extra ballots.

Your comment represents the insidious nature of Trump's damage to Democracy. Don't like the result? Make false claims that harken back to doubts of a minor nature. Called out on the utter lack of proof? Why, it's part of the conspiracy that I don't have proof.

I can hear him now..... "Some people are saying...."

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