Dangerous Rhetoric?

Dems tried to overturn teh 2016 election so.... Neither is an example of virtue.

Maybe I’ve just missed it, so can you provide the evidence of a plan that was put in place before the 2016 election to overturn it? Bc that is being proven for 2020. Multiple allies of Trump have said he planned to announce he won and that the election was stolen and cause chaos. And then he did exactly that.

Then he called a Secretary of State and asked him to find enough votes so that he won. 12k votes.

Are there things in 2016 equivalent to that?
Peaceful left-wing rhetoric.

View attachment 511570

Ever notice how the normal chit stirrers become better behaved and tone it down when dems are in office even though things aren't really different. It's calculated and planned. Does anyone really believe that since Trump is out of office local police are dealing with people differently? I guess even leftists understand burning cities harm the reputation of the lefties in office. I'm predicting coming summers of noise and smoky skies now that the dems have screwed up their opportunity to hold office and do anything but divide people and screw up the economy ... again.
Obama said over the weekend that if the election goes the wrong way dissidents and reporters will get locked up (as a result of our loss of democracy).
That’s rich coming from him. I guess that he forgot what happened to journalists under his watch. Hacking the associated press, bugging Sheryl Atkinson's computer, labeling James Rosen an unindicted co-conspirator for just doing his job, issuing subpoenas to countless other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases. His administration prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers compared to three by all other administrations combined.
Dems tried to overturn teh 2016 election so.... Neither is an example of virtue.
How did Democrats try to overturn the 2016 election? Be specific.

Hillary Clinton may have made some lame excuses for losing, and questioned the legitimacy of Trump's presidency ... but she conceded defeat the day after the election - which is something Trump has never done - and as far as we know, she wasn't calling Secretaries of State around the country in effort "find" more votes. I'm also not aware of anything similar to Trump's alternate elector scheme.

I have a feeling you are referring to some Democrats calling for "faithless elector votes," which is hardly the same thing as what Trump was attempting to do.
How did Democrats try to overturn the 2016 election? Be specific.

Hillary Clinton may have made some lame excuses for losing, and questioned the legitimacy of Trump's presidency ... but she conceded defeat the day after the election - which is something Trump has never done - and as far as we know, she wasn't calling Secretaries of State around the country in effort "find" more votes. I'm also not aware of anything similar to Trump's alternate elector scheme.

I have a feeling you are referring to some Democrats calling for "faithless elector votes," which is hardly the same thing as what Trump was attempting to do.

Plenty of evidence by Congress on the floor. You just dont want to see or hear it.
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Trump kind of nuked our democracy with the "insurrection." The left is just taking it for what it is, a signal that some, possibly large, part of the right is willing to consolidate all of the power in the executive branch. I think people on the right may not be taking it seriously enough or maybe just view it as some sort of prank. Itll be interesting to see whether trumpism/nationalism carries the day in the coming election. Unfotunately, trump has given anyone and everyone license to cheat in the election, and that's where the threat to democracy as we know it lies - russia and iran have elections too.
I see a lot of nutty things being said in this thread. The democratic system of elections in the United States is facing a threat, but there is a simple solution to the problem. We need candidates for office to start respecting the outcome of elections again. Both parties have played a role in undermining public trust in our system of elections. Nobody has gone to the extremes that Trump did, however. If that becomes the blue print for how to handle defeat, democracy won't survive. Trump's alternate elector scheme was as far removed from the principles of democracy as it gets ... and he still believes that Mike Pence could have made it happen.
Plenty of evidence by Congress on the floor. You just dont want to see or hear it.
Are you talking about the push for "faithless electors?" Because I am familiar with that rhetoric from 2016 ... but to equate that with Trump's alternate elector strategy is ridiculous.
Are you talking about the push for "faithless electors?" Because I am familiar with that rhetoric from 2016 ... but to equate that with Trump's alternate elector strategy is ridiculous.
Those on the left should of pocketed the term "illegitimate president" after Hillary's failed attempt. From those in congress to Jimmy Carter. Spearheaded by Clinton herself.
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Democlaps trying to destroy this country right now, regardless. Vote republican. They have lost their minds.
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Both sides have lost their minds. 2016 ****ed everyone up.
Nothing Democrats did in 2016 resembles expecting the Vice President to cast aside electoral votes during the process of certification, so a new set of electors can be appointed to cast votes in favor of their ticket, in defiance of the popular vote. That marked an unprecedented step away from a democrat system of elections. Few Republicans have ever denounced it, however.
Media manipulation will do that.
The media is not to blame for Donald Trump's stupid idea that the Vice President has the power to help overturn the outcome of his own election. Do you want Kamala Harris to have this much power in January of 2025? Probably not, right?
Obama said over the weekend that if the election goes the wrong way dissidents and reporters will get locked up (as a result of our loss of democracy).
Gonna have to start a list of these….

If the Republicans win:
- Your children will be killed
- Journalists and dissidents will be jailed
- Civil War will break out

Those are just from the last few days. Are we missing any?
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Gonna have to start a list of these….

If the Republicans win:
- Your children will be killed
- Journalists and dissidents will be jailed
- Civil War will break out

Those are just from the last few days. Are we missing any?
Just who is going to start a civil war? That's a laugh. Is the left going to co-op a foreign country to help? That's just what the far right wants.....IMA KILT ERRYBODY!!!

Edit: Sorry, forgot I had to blue font here.
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The media is not to blame for Donald Trump's stupid idea that the Vice President has the power to help overturn the outcome of his own election. Do you want Kamala Harris to have this much power in January of 2025? Probably not, right?
No, but they are to blame for promoting, endorsing and not verifying the Russian Collusion/Steele Dossier. But please, keep going back to J6 without acknowledging the media manipulation well before it as your go to.
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