Daniel Helm in Illinois.

The gator part? The teAm we hate? Wtf is with all these ******* I'm sure the Tim Tebow fan page has room for you all.

Umm how about because he's a really good role model? I don't know if u pay attention to sports, but they need a few good role models.
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The three reasons I dislike Tim Tebow:

1. He was a gator and he beat our ass. I'm sorry, but it's hard to like a guy who routinely beat you on the field. I respect him, but I don't like him.

2. The media hype was insane. I know it wasn't his fault, but seriously, seeing him every night on sportscenter and listening to commentators fawning on him was just totally too much. Overexposure of the worst kind.

3. It always seemed arrogant to me that he'd never consider a position change. He is not, was not, never will be an NFL quality QB. I understand it's hard for him to accept, but it is what it is. If he wanted to play QB professionally, he should have went to the CFL. I think his style would have fit well there, but not in the NFL. If he wanted to stay in the NFL, he should have looked at switching to a FB or a TE. Given his work ethic, I think he could have found success at one of those positions, but pride kept him from considering it.

Much respect to him for having the courage to stay true to his faith when others belittled him for it, and for what he accomplished as a college athlete, but I was not a fan.
Tebow was actually intending to ''throw'' a compliment at a different player sitting 6 rows back behind him but....helm ended up with the props. By the way, I wonder if Tebow finally gave up on the whole virgin thing. He must have because he doesn't seem to be in a hurry to get married. Would SUCK to be him. The reality is we are all sinners, some people just pick their battles better than others

Sadly for him the marriage he want's isn't legal yet.
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does tebow still wear bible verse on his eyelids when he speaks? Poor guy...


Slow down.....i don't bring my religion up on here...i ask you respectively respect mine. I would prefer my 5 boys to follow in tebow's footsteps than many others.

Respect my friend...it is given even to those you don't feel you owe it too. Please grow up.

God bless.
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The gator part? The teAm we hate? Wtf is with all these ******* I'm sure the Tim Tebow fan page has room for you all.

You're a class act. I'm just saying, it's hard to criticize someone who was a great player and role model. Maybe folks would react differently if he was a criminal?

Slow down.....i don't bring my religion up on here...i ask you respectively respect mine. I would prefer my 5 boys to follow in tebow's footsteps than many others.

Respect my friend...it is given even to those you don't feel you owe it too. Please grow up.

God bless.

He was insulting Tebow. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a Christian that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo...
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I think Tebow is really "Neylanding", just sayin.


That's pretty darn close. Now I'm pissed off at Tebow. How dare he steal our beloved General's pose.
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He was insulting Tebow. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a Christian that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo...

What exactly is he "flaunting"? All I see is a guy who handles himself with class, responds politely and appropriately to ridiculous questions about his faith and virginity, never lashes out at his critics, and gives his time and attention to worthy causes. If his standards make you uncomfortable, maybe you should examine your own. Otherwise, just let him be.
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He was insulting Tebow. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a Christian that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo...

So you can be an environmentalist and flaunt it... gay marriage participant/supporter and flaunt it... politically correct and flaunt it (to include preventing Condi Rice from speaking at graduation)... you can hold all sorts of points of view with any level of passion... and flaunt them. But if you publicly express your Christian faith then that is out of bounds?

Let's reword slightly and see if you still think that's an "OK" statement:

He was insulting Michael Sam. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a homosexual that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo..
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Tebow will be an anal-list for the SEC Network, the media seems to love fla homers. Especially the ones who couldn't make it in the pros. :lol:
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But he didnt. He played for one of our most hated rivals, winning all 4 meetings, and embarrasing us repeatedly. Thats why we hate him. Its justified imo.

So did Danny Weurffel....but I don't believe he's hated here.
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He was insulting Tebow. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a Christian that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo...

So it's ok to be a Christian, just as long as you hang your head down and don't tell anyone about it? Got it.
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