The three reasons I dislike Tim Tebow:
1. He was a gator and he beat our ass. I'm sorry, but it's hard to like a guy who routinely beat you on the field. I respect him, but I don't like him.
2. The media hype was insane. I know it wasn't his fault, but seriously, seeing him every night on sportscenter and listening to commentators fawning on him was just totally too much. Overexposure of the worst kind.
3. It always seemed arrogant to me that he'd never consider a position change. He is not, was not, never will be an NFL quality QB. I understand it's hard for him to accept, but it is what it is. If he wanted to play QB professionally, he should have went to the CFL. I think his style would have fit well there, but not in the NFL. If he wanted to stay in the NFL, he should have looked at switching to a FB or a TE. Given his work ethic, I think he could have found success at one of those positions, but pride kept him from considering it.
Much respect to him for having the courage to stay true to his faith when others belittled him for it, and for what he accomplished as a college athlete, but I was not a fan.