Daniel Helm in Illinois.

Link in which he's making a big show of it.

And what Jesus was referring to was the Pharisees and Sadducees presuming self appointed perfection. Daring to even publicly pray that they were not as other people were. In contrast to the humble man who prayed for God to be merciful to him because he was just a sinner.

What Tebow is doing, far as I've seen is nothing more than the disciples did in their time. Christianity by virtue of the mission imposed by its Founder requires public acknowledgement and sharing, even in the face of persecution unto death. It's not meant to be private because otherwise the Good News couldn't be spread. There are various, even creative ways to do this. But when you resort to bragging and self-glorifying as opposed to witnessing and testifying, it becomes Phariseesian.

So, Now a Christian has to take the bible and its entirety and be perfected in it? You sir, are a joke. only looking for something to bash a Christian. People like you make my stomach sick. You spend your energy on a group that predominately want to help people and yes make a few mistakes on the way, to only prove to them they are fake in what they do and its not for a good cause.

so I ask you, what do you actually do to help those in need? oh, that's right, your probably a darwinist. That's the easy road, which most college kids these days are taught. Living a true Christian life is the hardest road taken. The temptations of the world, understanding and following the bible to its fullest.

So, I respectively ask you to grow a pair and respect what we believe and don't be such a panzy a find a way that it bothers pour ole you. Not saying you have to believe but dag gum respect.

Just a short comment on the holier than thou faction and Darwin. That faction can't really hold a candle to Darwin. Contrary to popular presumption, he was deeply opposed to oppression of others. His theory of evolution was not about superiority so much as it was his original intention to provide scientific evidence that stood against the racist perceptions of his day. In short, he sought to and did prove that humans were all of the same genealogical foundation. As often happens, you have people who will take what is basically a good thing and twist it into something evil. Same thing with Christians.

May I encourage you to either read the book or watch the video "The Apostle Paul - A Polite Bribe"? The holier than thou factionism and the negative results of it are astonishingly shown in what happened with Paul due to the antics of the so-called saints of his day. Which is what we're seeing here because it contradicts what Yeshua actually taught.
If it was Reggie White the story would be completely different. I didnt see these threads after palardy made a FG.

Just because hes doing it doesn't mean he isnt walking humbly. He isnt boasting about it in a lascivious way like some IMO. Hes just happy to be a Christian and is trying to spread the word. The bible also says something along the lines of go to the utmost parts parts of the earth and spread the word. Id say an arena full of thousands of people falls under that category.

See your point,but at some point Tebow ramped his faith up to a market/brand thing...for older posters on here, we have the example of Roger Staubach...in a much less informational age, he glorified God while leaving everything on the field...fans knew his whole story and during the free and loose 70s,his example of faithfulness to his wife stood out...without a verse stamped out in his eyeblack.
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See your point,but at some point Tebow ramped his faith up to a market/brand thing...for older posters on here, we have the example of Roger Staubach...in a much less informational age, he glorified God while leaving everything on the field...fans knew his whole story and during the free and loose 70s,his example of faithfulness to his wife stood out...without a verse stamped out in his eyeblack.

But its not the 70s. He did something to make his religion visible because he felt thats what he needed to dom im mot sure if he ment for it to be marketed. His agent probably did though.
See your point,but at some point Tebow ramped his faith up to a market/brand thing...for older posters on here, we have the example of Roger Staubach...in a much less informational age, he glorified God while leaving everything on the field...fans knew his whole story and during the free and loose 70s,his example of faithfulness to his wife stood out...without a verse stamped out in his eyeblack.

Go tell it on the mountains'
Over the hills and everywhere;
That Jesus Christ is born.
Mark 16:15

Was once by travelers who spouted the news by mouth, even shouts. Then the printing press came along. Then radio with soothing background music added to the 'message'. Then TV with evangelists thoroughly, yes sir, believe it, marketing the message with the trinkets and books, and stuff you could buy to enrich their pockets. Now we got the digital age, graphic arts, and grease paint too. Holograms are next. It was always a marketing issue whether one wants to admit it or not, or holify it. At least Tebow isn't spouting about buying some fake gold cross, crystal trinket, or book written by aides and ghost writers. In the name of some cause in which 95% of proceeds go into his pockets rather than the 'cause'. Finally, once again if you don't make the gospel public by whatever gifts God gave you to do so, it can't be shared as dictated by Jesus Himself. Some speak well. Some sculpture well. Some draw well. Some paint well. Some have such a compassionate heart the message flows through without words. Some say little if anything but their behavior testifies more powerfully than even the preachings of the saints. Some are public figures who aren't ashamed of HIM or to admit they are His disciple. And some are infants whose smiles melt and redirect the hearts of people steeped and coated in bitterness and hate. The gifts are varied as are the people who receive them. Yet contrary to the Bibilical admonishment to not do so, we would judge Tebow and others who also let their faith be made public? I guess you don't have to be Spider-man to be amazing.
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You liberals kill me. You know good and well if tebow was muslim, or Michael Sam you'd be fighting for their rights and talking of how brave they are. God forbid years after the guy is gone from college football that the mention of his name makes you flip out over Jesus! Calm down, I'm sure some player this year in the NCAA will kill someone or beat the crap out of their girlfriend and you can have a hero.
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You know how to tell a Catholic QB from a Protestant QB?

During the post game interview, the Protestant says he won because god was on his sideand the catholic says his teammates and coaches prepared and expected well.

And also the catholic probably gets smashed later that night :p
Go tell it on the mountains'
Over the hills and everywhere;
That Jesus Christ is born.
Mark 16:15

Was once by travelers who spouted the news by mouth, even shouts. Then the printing press came along. Then radio with soothing background music added to the 'message'. Then TV with evangelists thoroughly, yes sir, believe it, marketing the message with the trinkets and books, and stuff you could buy to enrich their pockets. Now we got the digital age, graphic arts, and grease paint too. Holograms are next. It was always a marketing issue whether one wants to admit it or not, or holify it. At least Tebow isn't spouting about buying some fake gold cross, crystal trinket, or book written by aides and ghost writers. In the name of some cause in which 95% of proceeds go into his pockets rather than the 'cause'. Finally, once again if you don't make the gospel public by whatever gifts God gave you to do so, it can't be shared as dictated by Jesus Himself. Some speak well. Some sculpture well. Some draw well. Some paint well. Some have such a compassionate heart the message flows through without words. Some say little if anything but their behavior testifies more powerfully than even the preachings of the saints. Some are public figures who aren't ashamed of HIM or to admit they are His disciple. And some are infants whose smiles melt and redirect the hearts of people steeped and coated in bitterness and hate. The gifts are varied as are the people who receive them. Yet contrary to the Bibilical admonishment to not do so, we would judge Tebow and others who also let their faith be made public? I guess you don't have to be Spider-man to be amazing.

You do love to pontificate don't you brother?
You liberals kill me. You know good and well if tebow was muslim, or Michael Sam you'd be fighting for their rights and talking of how brave they are. God forbid years after the guy is gone from college football that the mention of his name makes you flip out over Jesus! Calm down, I'm sure some player this year in the NCAA will kill someone or beat the crap out of their girlfriend and you can have a hero.

Preaching to the choir now.
Can't speak for anybody else, but I couldn't stand Tebow mainly because he was glorified as some sort of saint, while regularly taunting opposing players and fans. Also, because gator
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It blows me away that players can "rep" their gang affiliation using their eye black and it is never mentioned but when someone like Tebow puts something inspirational on his it's considered throwing religion in people's faces.
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You know how to tell a Catholic QB from a Protestant QB?

During the post game interview, the Protestant says he won because god was on his sideand the catholic says his teammates and coaches prepared and expected well.

And also the catholic probably gets smashed later that night :p

For by grace are ye saved through faith, not of works, but it is the gift of God
It blows me away that players can "rep" their gang affiliation using their eye black and it is never mentioned but when someone like Tebow puts something inspirational on his it's considered throwing religion in people's faces.

Provide me one instance in which a player was allowed to use eye black to indicate that he was a member of organized crime in which there were no repercussions for such acts.

I can't honestly think of one, maybe I'm wrong. Your statement seems more like a generality rather than a finite problem with obvious examples to point to.
You do love to pontificate don't you brother?

Now, now, 24?7vol, stop trying to make me a Catholic. Done told you often enough I can't be a bishop and officiate at your Mass as I'm not a member of your church. So do stop annoying me with your pompous dogma. I'm not converting. Savvy? Now stop the hocus pocus chants totem swinging.
Has Tebow converted coach meyer yet? Damnit Tim, don't you know Coach Meyer is going to Hell??
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This is what the Bible says:

Jesus’ instruction on prayer in Matthew begins this way:

“Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6).

It says in James, "Religion that is pure and undefiled is to visit widows and orphans in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Micah 6:8 says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?"

I just don't see what part of scoring a touchdown in a big game, and knowing all the cameras are on you and pointing to the heavens and writing scripture on your face has anything to do with "pray to the Father in secret" or "walk humbly with your God."
To me it says, hey, everybody look at me. Me Christian, you not.

For true Christian ACTS, read about the life of NFL RB Warrick Dunn. He doesn't have to tell everybody how Christian he is. He just lives it.

You do realize that Jesus, Micah, and James were not speaking to you correct?
Has Tebow converted coach meyer yet? Damnit Tim, don't you know Coach Meyer is going to Hell??

You may be more correct than you realize. Sooner or later, his underhanded way of recruiting and letting players get away with gross misconduct will catch up with him. Plus, I see the rise of MSU, UW, maybe UN, and surely PSU under Franklin seriously dampening OSU's win columns. I will not be surprised if he has to go to the hospital again with some psychosomatic illness. His royal wussness will be revealed in greater earnest than it was in Florida. It will be hell for him.
Now, now, 24?7vol, stop trying to make me a Catholic. Done told you often enough I can't be a bishop and officiate at your Mass as I'm not a member of your church. So do stop annoying me with your pompous dogma. I'm not converting. Savvy? Now stop the hocus pocus chants totem swinging.

Not even close to being Catholic. What pompous dogma are you talking about. I made on comment about the epistles you write everytime something pertaining to religion is brought up and you basically everyone but you is a hypocrite. Sorry for the offense.
Not even close to being Catholic. What pompous dogma are you talking about. I made on comment about the epistles you write everytime something pertaining to religion is brought up and you basically everyone but you is a hypocrite. Sorry for the offense.

There you go again, using your rectum to shout lies,
and other stuff nobody has a name for. Stop taking laxatives and enemas, 24/7vol, you'll dehydrate yourself.
There you go again, using your rectum to shout lies,
and other stuff nobody has a name for. Stop taking laxatives and enemas, 24/7vol, you'll dehydrate yourself.

And you get off the diet of retard sandwiches and paint chips. Name my lies. I'm not sure that I have ever responded to you until your post on this thread. I'll sit back and wait for you to tell me what lies I have posted.

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