Daniel Helm in Illinois.

What exactly is he "flaunting"? All I see is a guy who handles himself with class, responds politely and appropriately to ridiculous questions about his faith and virginity, never lashes out at his critics, and gives his time and attention to worthy causes. If his standards make you uncomfortable, maybe you should examine your own. Otherwise, just let him be.

Perfectly said fade.
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He was insulting Tebow. The guy brings it on himself. If you are a Christian that doesn't run around flaunting it in everyone's face, then I will stand up for your right to believe in that stuff. But don't dish it out if you can't take it. Jmo...

The bible doesn't say make sure no one else sees you being a Christian.
or fewer kids idolizing athletes? jmo

You have a son, option A. he idolizes Tim Tebow, option B. he idolizes Aaron Hernandez. (He'd pick C. though, Manning.) Point being, I don't understand all the hate, he seems to be a good dude, and last I checked he's not a gator anymore. Don't waste your time hating the past, look towards the future. Namely, Tennessee's :)
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If he had played for UT you'd probably think he was the greatest human being that ever lived.

For sure. I hated his beating up on our Vols. And felt good to see Eric knock his azz back a few inches in their head to head smash. But it didn't poison my view of him as a human being and being a great college QB. Makes me sick to see our fans spew jealous spite.

He's not the only QB that stunk as a pro We have our Heath Shuler, Dewey Warren, and Bubba Wyche who didn't make good as pros. So Tebow is not exceptional in that and in reality has only himself to blame. When Urban brought in a guy to help develop his throwing motion, he literally told the guy to help the other QBs cause he was fine. But the guy has a other things that marks him as a decent person if nothing else. He is a negative Nancy. He won't quit on his dream. He's compassionate. He actually has values and strives to live up to them. You don't hear any of the taurus excretion that far too many other players seem drink by the bucket load and can't stay away from. When one isn't big enough to give credit where it's due, you're so small you could hide in a rabbit pellet and never be found.
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... but it does say don't make a big show of it like the Pharisees do. Guess Tebow missed that part. :question:

Link in which he's making a big show of it.

And what Jesus was referring to was the Pharisees and Sadducees presuming self appointed perfection. Daring to even publicly pray that they were not as other people were. In contrast to the humble man who prayed for God to be merciful to him because he was just a sinner.

What Tebow is doing, far as I've seen is nothing more than the disciples did in their time. Christianity by virtue of the mission imposed by its Founder requires public acknowledgement and sharing, even in the face of persecution unto death. It's not meant to be private because otherwise the Good News couldn't be spread. There are various, even creative ways to do this. But when you resort to bragging and self-glorifying as opposed to witnessing and testifying, it becomes Phariseesian.

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... but it does say don't make a big show of it like the Pharisees do. Guess Tebow missed that part. :question:

I didnt see anything he did that was what ur calling a big show. I truly believe he wasn't doing it just to bring attention to himself. I believe he was just trying to use his visibility to Gods advantage.
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... but it does say don't make a big show of it like the Pharisees do. Guess Tebow missed that part. :question:

Does Tebow make a show of it, or is it the media/society? Tebow spreads the gospel and lives a much more pure life than many of us can say. That is how the Bible says to live. Guess you missed that part..
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The only part of Tebow's faith that ever bothered me was the whole going to pray on the sideline after every TD thing. It didn't offend me or anything, I always just had to roll my eyes at the fact that he thought God really have two $#!+$ about his football game.

Even then, it wasn't so much his faith that bothered me as his naïveté.
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So Daniel Helm is a born again Tebow Christian? :blink:
Does Tebow make a show of it, or is it the media/society? Tebow spreads the gospel and lives a much more pure life than many of us can say. That is how the Bible says to live. Guess you missed that part..

This is what the Bible says:

Jesus’ instruction on prayer in Matthew begins this way:

“Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6).

It says in James, "Religion that is pure and undefiled is to visit widows and orphans in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Micah 6:8 says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?"

I just don't see what part of scoring a touchdown in a big game, and knowing all the cameras are on you and pointing to the heavens and writing scripture on your face has anything to do with "pray to the Father in secret" or "walk humbly with your God."
To me it says, hey, everybody look at me. Me Christian, you not.

For true Christian ACTS, read about the life of NFL RB Warrick Dunn. He doesn't have to tell everybody how Christian he is. He just lives it.
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The only part of Tebow's faith that ever bothered me was the whole going to pray on the sideline after every TD thing. It didn't offend me or anything, I always just had to roll my eyes at the fact that he thought God really have two $#!+$ about his football game.

Even then, it wasn't so much his faith that bothered me as his naïveté.

He was just being thankful for what God had given him. Its more than just a game for some. Its a way out. Its a blessing and a privilege.
This is what the Bible says:

Jesus’ instruction on prayer in Matthew begins this way:

“Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6).

It says in James, "Religion that is pure and undefiled is to visit widows and orphans in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Micah 6:8 says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?"

I just don't see what part of scoring a touchdown in a big game, and knowing all the cameras are on you and pointing to the heavens and writing scripture on your face has anything to do with "pray to the Father in secret" or "walk humbly with your God."
To me it says, hey, everybody look at me. Me Christian, you not.

For true Christian ACTS, read about the life of NFL RB Warrick Dunn. He doesn't have to tell everybody how Christian he is. He just lives it.

If it was Reggie White the story would be completely different. I didnt see these threads after palardy made a FG.

Just because hes doing it doesn't mean he isnt walking humbly. He isnt boasting about it in a lascivious way like some IMO. Hes just happy to be a Christian and is trying to spread the word. The bible also says something along the lines of go to the utmost parts parts of the earth and spread the word. Id say an arena full of thousands of people falls under that category.
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I think the being a Virgin thing is a giant Lie. Dude is in no hurry to get married but still dating FINE ASS WOMEN. If he was still a virgin, he would have gotten married by now.

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I think the being a Virgin thing is a giant Lie. Dude is in no hurry to get married but still dating FINE ASS WOMEN. If he was still a virgin, he would have gotten married by now.


Why? With courts being anti-male and awarding women your life's work and the house your mammy and pappy left you, and using the kids as weapons to wring you even dryer of financial assets. Or accuse you of child abuse by coaching them to say things that aren't and never was true. Why hurry to marry? When even pre-nupital agreements are being struck down by courts but letting them mostly stand when it's in the woman's favor. In the social climate today, I'm not too sure I'd marry young if I had loads of cash. Maybe Tebow isn't as dumb as some of you think or wish he was.

As for his public displays of faith, witnessing for Christ can be done is various ways. We don't all have the same talents, personalities, or temperaments. Jesus had to deal with the sons of thunder who would kill you for the slightest insult. A man who was a skeptic. A man who was a traitor to his people, and worse of all a man who was in essence a political adviser. Except for the last (typical) they used their talents differently to attract people to Him. Tebow's high visibility, he may have decided that was the best way to testify to the most people. I know that I sat one of my grandsons (freaking handsome devil and he knows it) and used Tebow to help me educate the boy. Things like keep his joy toy behind his zipper unless the girl was his wife. Things like steering clear of girls like Taylor Swift. And so on. So far as I'm concerned, Tebow's method of testifying wasn't a lost cause or bragging about being a Christian. Just look at how many youth have no moral rudder steering them and resulting mess our society is in as a result.
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This is what the Bible says:

Jesus’ instruction on prayer in Matthew begins this way:

“Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you” (Matthew 6:5-6).

It says in James, "Religion that is pure and undefiled is to visit widows and orphans in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world."

Micah 6:8 says "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require you but to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?"

I just don't see what part of scoring a touchdown in a big game, and knowing all the cameras are on you and pointing to the heavens and writing scripture on your face has anything to do with "pray to the Father in secret" or "walk humbly with your God."
To me it says, hey, everybody look at me. Me Christian, you not.

For true Christian ACTS, read about the life of NFL RB Warrick Dunn. He doesn't have to tell everybody how Christian he is. He just lives it.

So, Now a Christian has to take the bible and its entirety and be perfected in it? You sir, are a joke. only looking for something to bash a Christian. People like you make my stomach sick. You spend your energy on a group that predominately want to help people and yes make a few mistakes on the way, to only prove to them they are fake in what they do and its not for a good cause.

so I ask you, what do you actually do to help those in need? oh, that's right, your probably a darwinist. That's the easy road, which most college kids these days are taught. Living a true Christian life is the hardest road taken. The temptations of the world, understanding and following the bible to its fullest.

So, I respectively ask you to grow a pair and respect what we believe and don't be such a panzy a find a way that it bothers pour ole you. Not saying you have to believe but dag gum respect.

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