Let me end my participation in this thread by offering you a scenario to consider. You are casually walking into your favorite movie theater with your child and as you approach the door an individual is running full speed toward you and your child with unknown intent. A cop is standing by adjacent to the individuals path. Would you prefer he request the individual stop his advance, knowing full well if the individual chooses to ignore the order your child could well be in danger after all he should have the right to do as he pleases until a crime is committed, and after all running in front of a theater is not a crime OR take control of the situation by forcefully subduing the individual until his intent can be established and preventing any possible danger to bystanders. Also, lets suppose the gentleman begins to fight the cop, remember your child is still very close, do you want him to take control by all means necessary or would you want the cop to take a kinder gentler approach?
I think anti law enforcement attitudes are generally expressed when you are not involved and it is easy to affix blame. When it is your butt they protect, all is just wonderful.