Beginning to think we really dodged a bullet with this kid. Someone is obviously pushing this race card bullshhhh in his ear and he’s eating it up. It’s sad. One of the many things I enjoy about team sports is seeing people/players/fans who are different races, religions, etc., come together for a common goal. When I played ball, I didn’t say to people, “Hey that’s my black teammate/coach.” or “Hey that’s my white teammate/coach.” No, they were simply my teammates and coaches. If that kid goes into a locker room with that mentality, he will either be ousted or he will cause division. Do you think he cares about the race of the person that cuts his NIL checks? That’s rhetorical. It’s all good, I’ll take Bennett, Satterwhite, Ginther, Perry, Anderson, and a transfer and call it a day. Much rather have kids who hat want to be at UT and don’t have an agenda.