I decided to save the $450. I am doing a European mount. I'm finishing the bleaching this morning. All I need to do is make the mounting stand.
I am going to take it to a taxidermist today to get a more official score. My lease gives a free year lease to the biggest buck. Everyone says that this is the winner. We will see.
He broke the kickers off on the left side. I am not 100% certain how the scoring works. I have used the Boone and Crockett web sight to aid my measurements, but I don't have the wires for proper measurement. Also scoring the small nubs is very difficult. I'll let a more experienced person tell me. My buddy says it's all about the inches, gross not net.
Everything on the left side is 1" to 2.5" longer that the right so there are several deductions. I'm still very pleased. This is the biggest deer I have ever taken. I'm very fortunate that he presented the opportunity.