Delta Variant

I'm in a serious bind here. My wife is very resistant to the idea of getting this vaccine. I understand her hesitation, she's had a very painful long term reaction to prior flu vaccine. But she also has anxiety and asthmatic reactions.

I'm not sold on the vaccine myself but am willing to get it because I know what I might pass to her ifi do come across it, plus my age mid 40's makes me higher risk. This sucks.
I'm in a serious bind here. My wife is very resistant to the idea of getting this vaccine. I understand her hesitation, she's had a very painful long term reaction to prior flu vaccine. But she also has anxiety and asthmatic reactions.

I'm not sold on the vaccine myself but am willing to get it because I know what I might pass to her ifi do come across it, plus my age mid 40's makes me higher risk. This sucks.
The narrative earlier today was that even if you get the vaccine, it is not guaranteed to prevent you from getting COVID. So there is no guarantee that you won't spread it to her even after getting the vaccine.
The narrative earlier today was that even if you get the vaccine, it is not guaranteed to prevent you from getting COVID. So there is no guarantee that you won't spread it to her even after getting the vaccine.
I get that, but if we both have the vaccine the chances of severe symptoms are greatly reduced. She works from home, I do not. My work puts me in direct contact with contractors from all over the world. That's what scares me, not for myself but for her. We have a teenage daughter, she needs a mother much more than a father.
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I get that, but if we both have the vaccine the chances of server symptoms are greatly reduced. She works from home, I do not. My work puts me in direct contact with contractors from all over the world. That's what scares me, but for myself but for her. We have a teenage daughter, she needs a mother much more than a father.

Do whatever you feel is right for the safety of your family. If you feel that getting vaccinated will protect you and your loved ones then by all means do so.
Do whatever you feel is right for the safety of your family. If you feel that getting vaccinated will protect you and your loved ones then by all means do so.
I understand, but the point is I'm not worried for me, I'm worried for her. She is resistant I will do whatever I think it's best for her. If she gets it she is high risk. I'm skeptical, but my fear for her is of greater importance then my reservations. The problem is she doesn't trust it. I can respect that because of her recent history. But that doesn't quell my fears for her health.
The narrative earlier today was that even if you get the vaccine, it is not guaranteed to prevent you from getting COVID. So there is no guarantee that you won't spread it to her even after getting the vaccine.
It was never a guarantee. I’m not sure who said it was. The J and J one dose was only reported to be 80% effective from the beginning. So lower risk people were to take that one. Moderna was advertised as 94% effective.
I’m not sure why people are surprised that there are some break through infections when they said from the beginning there would be. At this point the vaccines are providing better protection than originally anticipated. I’m sure Kid Dr is right and those numbers will come more in line with the predictions as time goes on but at what point do we start to consider the vaccine a failure? In my mind it’s when the death and hospitalization totals are the same between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Seriously if 25% of the deaths are vaccinated then the vaccine was still worth taking
And in the process, turn 20% of all Americans into unpaid, amateur pharmaceutical sales reps.

And turn an equal amount in skeptics of the entire vaccine industry instead of just making them question the Covid vaccines.

I'm seeing that mindset in family and friends back home. Thankful it hasn't gotten here yet.
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I'm in a serious bind here. My wife is very resistant to the idea of getting this vaccine. I understand her hesitation, she's had a very painful long term reaction to prior flu vaccine. But she also has anxiety and asthmatic reactions.

I'm not sold on the vaccine myself but am willing to get it because I know what I might pass to her ifi do come across it, plus my age mid 40's makes me higher risk. This sucks.

Just get the vaccine and don't give it another thought. It is far more risky to get C19. Get it, move on and live your life
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Yeah sorry was talking about the Shingrix 2nd...yeah that was my 50th bday present from my dr..the vaccine, along with a colonoscopy, and he would leave me alone for a year...colonoscopy, other than the prep, was and the nurse anesthesiologist were talking baseball and the next thing I knew I was in recovery...walked in hospital at 6:30 I was in the Sonic drive thru ordering 2 of everything by 8:10 all good next one in 10 years

The first Shingrix knocked me out back in February, 102 temp, body aches, and shivers...thought I had caught corvid. second shot....ditto
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Darwin at work.

Soon the GOP number crunches will realize that the Trump Misinformation Army found a new way to screw the party: kill off a couple percent of their membership.
Is this your take, for the large percentage of minorities, who are unvaccinated and some are dying of Covid? Asking for consistency sake.
For those not aware, genotyping the virus takes time and is only done at state and national reference labs. There's likely about a 2 week lag in reporting of Delta identification. I bet you will see a larger percentage of cases and deaths in vaccinated individuals over the next few weeks.
Have you seen any data on the delta variant with regard to individuals that have antibodies from a previous bout of covid?
Is this your take, for the large percentage of minorities, who are unvaccinated and some are dying of Covid? Asking for consistency sake.

The racial minorities not getting vaccinated also don't vote in nearly the proportion that the Trumpsters not taking the vaccine do.

So it will disproportionately affect long term GOP voting.

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