Delta Variant

By next summer?? LOL, I love your optimism. I was thinking October.
There has been a lag in the deeper effects from the shutdown. 6 to 9 months, but you're right they could manifest much sooner due to the precarious position of the economy right now.
I think she's saying there wouldn't be a need for lockdowns if they pushed therapeutics.
Ah, I see......I don't think this government is up to the task of governmenting on a level required to be successful like that though. Don't hold your breath.
So your hopes rest in the hands of Bill Lee and partially on the mayors of the 4 largest cities?
The 4 largest cities are run by democrats, I would put anything past those liberal idiots. The rest of the state isn't wearing masks or locking down again due to covid.
I really hope Tennessee’s governor doesn’t permit the lockdowns to happen again. Texas has pretty much made it impossible for any government enforced lockdowns to happen.

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