Delta Variant

0 unvaxed deaths as well
Don’t ruin it for him. Don’t tell him you were 1/3 more likely to wind up in the hospital if you were vaxed vs. unvaxed. Don’t tell him that 3x the number of vaxed people came down with Covid as did unvaxed people. His little social media “news” screenshot makes him feel good and supports his view.
I wish I never asked you a direct question haha.

Carry on sir.

Jesus says that he helps those who help themselves and that he got the vaccine already. He also said something about the toothless rooster flying at noon. He may be a little high, or maybe it's me. Who can be sure?
Jesus says that he helps those who help themselves and that he got the vaccine already. He also said something about the toothless rooster flying at noon. He may be a little high, or maybe it's me. Who can be sure?
Jesus? Really?

I'm not sure if Jesus would have taken the vaccine. I'm thinking more along the lines of Passover. God would have had something else or different instructions to protect the people from the virus/plague. But I'm an atheist so I'm not qualified to answer.

But when Peter was asked if his master (Jesus) paid the temple tax, Jesus and Peter talked it over, spoke about how unjust the temple tax was and then God provided some counterfeit money for them to pay the 4 drachma tax. So technically they paid the tax, but they didn't actually pay it out of their own pockets.

In other words, I thinking Jesus would have been a lawbreaker in this instance and created a fake COVID passport or something. But again, this is coming from an atheist.
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Jesus says that he helps those who help themselves and that he got the vaccine already. He also said something about the toothless rooster flying at noon. He may be a little high, or maybe it's me. Who can be sure?
Using that logic, sounds like if you are scared of the virus, you need to "help yourself" and take whatever measures you think are necessary to protect yourself. Its an individual decision.
Jesus says that he helps those who help themselves and that he got the vaccine already. He also said something about the toothless rooster flying at noon. He may be a little high, or maybe it's me. Who can be sure?

That’s a Mexican you are talking to, you big dork. Didn’t him holding a chalupa while talking about the rooster clue you in?
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