Democratic Socialism

To be purely communist? Yes, it does. Now, no economic system is practiced in its purest form. Every country applies a mixture of ideals. The closest thing the world has ever seen to pure capitalism was the United States but that was in the 1800's.

The point I was making in that post, is that although there are common principles, communism and socialism are not the same thing and should not be used interchangeably.
I can agree with most of that. Particularly the point about our country not really being a capitalist society anymore
Yeah, but with the expanded social programs and medical care i can get appropriate time off from work and needed psychological therapy to overcome the butt load of rejection i receive from the ladies.

Very good point, I like how you analyze each situation and come to a concise, easily understandable point in less than a paragraph.
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Yeah, but with the expanded social programs and medical care i can get appropriate time off from work and needed psychological therapy to overcome the butt load of rejection i receive from the beautiful ladies.
Hell I reckon with Andrew Yang everyone will be able to afford getting laid at least once a year
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Yeah, but with the expanded social programs and medical care i can get appropriate time off from work and needed psychological therapy to overcome the butt load of rejection i receive from the beautiful ladies.

Count your blessings and think of the alternative ... accepted and married. After "I do" nothing is ever the same.
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Then why are the grooms always trying to shove it in their mouth piece in all the wedding pictures ? Don’t let them eat cake .

These are things that no one tells you. Probably a mix of revenge on poor dumb schmucks looking way to happy with things and misery loves company.
So, you like larger government controlled social programs but not so much you're willing to give up a little comfort and quality of life.

Same, Luther. Same.
I'm glad to hear you like them.
Canada's are pretty good, but I'm constantly in search of that perfect blend. My hope is on America.
Too many posters here think of socialism and communism as being interchangeable terms. I have posted the distinct differences in various threads many times. Too many posters also seem to be under the delusion that the United States isn't already close to being an even mixture of capitalism and socialism. Too many posters also don't seem to realize the numerous ways that Trump has implemented socialist policies... such as the bailout of the farming industry as an offset to the impact that his tariffs had on free trade. Some of you guys are just plain slow.

There is no even mixture of socialism and capitalism. Either the means of production (and distribution, pricing, wages) are owned by 'the people' by the government on their behalf or directly by them, or it is not. Social spending is not - NOT - socialism, but the expression of a market system throwing off vast tax lucre to support and sustain even those who can't or don't wish to participate in it. Period.

Both sides get this wrong; none of the Nordic countries are socialist, "democratic" or not. Regarding the Nordics, the right applies the term in error to warn of large government, waste and excessive taxation (and therefore a reduction of liberty), the left wrongly applies it to say "See! - socialism!".

Communism is fundamentally a technocratic stateless, classless, moneyless society akin to anarchy, the state displaced by a vast, mutually cooperative corp d'esprit in which we magically resolve our disputes without killing each other and stuff springs from unicorn horns. Socialism is the theoretical transition period from capitalism to communism; the pupal stage of communism. Linking the two is hardly outlandish since socialism is the deconstruction stage of capitalism and western society, pursuant to communism.

The 'bailout of the farming industry' is not socialism, nor a bailout of the industry. It is compensating people for losses incurred as a result of government action. It is a principle of basic law, from which government is not exempt.

Too many slow people don't know WTH they're talking about when they say we're already socialist, or a mix of it and capitalism.

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