Democrats Fear Sen. Dianne Feinstein No Longer Mentally Fit For Congress: Report

I'd go 6 (House) and 3 (Senate) for 12 and 18. There is some value in institutional knowledge in the Senate; particularly for committee leadership.

Either way - there are few arguments against term limits.

We have term limits, we can vote them out.
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I'd go 6 (House) and 3 (Senate) for 12 and 18. There is some value in institutional knowledge in the Senate; particularly for committee leadership.

Either way - there are few arguments against term limits.

Instead of term limits I'd rather limit days in session. Return them to part time jobs where congress is only in session 90 days per year and paid accordingly. No health insurance, pension or per diem, build dorms for them to live in with cafeterias.
Pelosi is batsh!t crazy but she’s the low bar standard when it comes to mental stability, as long as she can still screech out and stumble through a sound byte and vote for more progressive ideology.. she’s good to go . Feinstein must really be bad off if they are wanting to kick her .
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I'd go 6 (House) and 3 (Senate) for 12 and 18. There is some value in institutional knowledge in the Senate; particularly for committee leadership.

Either way - there are few arguments against term limits.

Term limits will do nothing fix the problem of having an impressionable, ignorant electorate though. Well just end up with a revolving door of clowns.
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I'd go 6 (House) and 3 (Senate) for 12 and 18. There is some value in institutional knowledge in the Senate; particularly for committee leadership.

Either way - there are few arguments against term limits.

The average house member seems nothing more than a glorified neighborhood elected official without the local accountability. You don't need much knowledge or common sense it seems. Especially when you run as a social justice warrior.
I'd go 6 (House) and 3 (Senate) for 12 and 18. There is some value in institutional knowledge in the Senate; particularly for committee leadership.

Either way - there are few arguments against term limits.

I think the "institutional knowledge" is part of the problem. There are people specifically hired to quote rules and regs.

12 years, no more, hopefully less.
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I think the "institutional knowledge" is part of the problem. There are people specifically hired to quote rules and regs.

12 years, no more, hopefully less.

All term limits would do is speed up their graft. Heck it might even make it worse, the seats would probably turn into inherited positions. They wouldn't fix much of anything.
The average house member seems nothing more than a glorified neighborhood elected official without the local accountability. You don't need much knowledge or common sense it seems. Especially when you run as a social justice warrior.

I’ll be honest, I did not read every reply, but all I have to say is once again term limits would essentially eliminate this issue.
The average house member seems nothing more than a glorified neighborhood elected official without the local accountability. You don't need much knowledge or common sense it seems. Especially when you run as a social justice warrior.

Tim Burchett being a good example. His signature legislation at the moment (co-sponsored with his good friend and leftist slime Hakeem Jeffries) is millions for convicted felons!
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Longtime Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing clear signs of cognitive decline, according to a new report, leaving her colleagues in Congress scrambling for ways to persuade her to retire before her term expires in 2024.

“It’s bad, and it’s getting worse,” one Democratic senator told the San Francisco Chronicle, which also reported that a member of California’s congressional delegation who has known Feinstein (D-Calif.) for 15 years recently had to reintroduce themselves to her repeatedly over a discussion lasting several hours.

The Chronicle report, which cited four of Feinstein’s Senate colleagues and three former staffers as well as the House member, indicated that the 88-year-old’s memory is rapidly deteriorating and her staff does much of her work.

Democrats fear Sen. Dianne Feinstein no longer mentally fit
She's nothing more than a chunk of zinc on the bottom of a ship at this point and she is being used to deflect the corrosion that Joe Biden is inflicting on the country.
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All term limits would do is speed up their graft. Heck it might even make it worse, the seats would probably turn into inherited positions. They wouldn't fix much of anything.

we're about to find out here in Alabama if this is true. Richard Shelby is retiring (Senate since 1986) and his hand-picked successor is struggling against a strong conservative House member and a complete outsider. She has the entire machine behind her. She'll likely make the run-off but given all the money and support behind her it's questionable if she'll get the nod.
Instead of term limits I'd rather limit days in session. Return them to part time jobs where congress is only in session 90 days per year and paid accordingly. No health insurance, pension or per diem, build dorms for them to live in with cafeterias.
And their staffs reside in state rather than DC
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we're about to find out here in Alabama if this is true. Richard Shelby is retiring (Senate since 1986) and his hand-picked successor is struggling against a strong conservative House member and a complete outsider. She has the entire machine behind her. She'll likely make the run-off but given all the money and support behind her it's questionable if she'll get the nod.
The successor should be a trans bi racial amputee that’s been married at least 3 times and have at least 8 kids. That should narrow down the field.

^ did I do that right Joe?
That's why I keep saying Congressional term limits.

12 years total. Six House terms or two Senate terms or three House and one Senate term.

End of story

Agreed, but for a slightly different reason. Wisdom is accumulated, and a number of rulers have done well with extended terms. On the other hand (and it seems especially true with elected "representatives") the problem isn't as much mental decline as with a belief in entitlement and in graft. Even people who start out honest and willing to break the mold eventually become the people they wanted to replace, and the corruption continues.
Agreed, but for a slightly different reason. Wisdom is accumulated, and a number of rulers have done well with extended terms. On the other hand (and it seems especially true with elected "representatives") the problem isn't as much mental decline as with a belief in entitlement and in graft. Even people who start out honest and willing to break the mold eventually become the people they wanted to replace, and the corruption continues.

Lets look at the root. Cali happy, conservatives unhappy. And visa versa. Strip all these over reaching Fed powers..and viola most should be happy.
But the thing I do not get is this authoritarian imposing push by the left for such a vast nation to submit to whatever moral, ideological stance.
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Agreed, but for a slightly different reason. Wisdom is accumulated, and a number of rulers have done well with extended terms. On the other hand (and it seems especially true with elected "representatives") the problem isn't as much mental decline as with a belief in entitlement and in graft. Even people who start out honest and willing to break the mold eventually become the people they wanted to replace, and the corruption continues.

Lets look at the root. Cali happy, conservatives unhappy. And visa versa. Strip all these over reaching Fed powers..and viola most should be happy.
But the thing I do not get is this authoritarian imposing push by the left for such a vast nation to submit to whatever moral or immoral, ideological stance.
Lets look at the root. Cali happy, conservatives unhappy. And visa versa. Strip all these over reaching Fed powers..and viola most should be happy.
But the thing I do not get is this authoritarian imposing push by the left for such a vast nation to submit to whatever moral, ideological stance.

People on the left seem to be very unsure of themselves, unhappy, needy, and in need of some sort of reassurance for their decisions - or lack of. The only way to get there is totalitarian regimes that force their issues on everybody else because you can tell from the posts in VN alone that the rest of us aren't buying it. It's why communism took hold in so few places; in Russia, China, Cuba, etc there was no way out for the majority, so they bought into a system that essentially appeared to bring everybody else down to their level or where they gained power in the short term over their own masters.
People on the left seem to be very unsure of themselves, unhappy, needy, and in need of some sort of reassurance for their decisions - or lack of. The only way to get there is totalitarian regimes that force their issues on everybody else because you can tell from the posts in VN alone that the rest of us aren't buying it. It's why communism took hold in so few places; in Russia, China, Cuba, etc there was no way out for the majority, so they bought into a system that essentially appeared to bring everybody else down to their level or where they gained power in the short term over their own masters.

The average leftist lacks confidence. That is why it's easy for them to play victims and demonstrate a lack of accountability. They hide behind the generosity of others to weaponize compassion.
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