The government says money isn't property—so it can take yours
If you don't believe me, that's cool.... see what U.S. DOJ is saying now. As I've been trying to tell everyone for quite some time, your are living in the matrix i.e. fiction of law. Your "money" is horseshit. (my guess is doj will lose but not because they are incorrect... they are absolutely correct. Where the DOJ is wrong is it's not money, credit is being used as a money substitute i.e. last liquidation of the walking liabilities1939-1945)
Your money is....
Confused yet? Read the Federal Reserve Act i.e. fiction of law upon fiction of law. Pretend. A lie. A scam of biblical proportions.
You're "money" isn't money, its horseshit. So, they assess a tax on horseshit with you owing horseshit. What do you owe - nothing because its just a tax on nothing which pays nothing.