Department of Government Efficiency - DOGE

Lol, how does the VA compare in size to the DOD?
🚨LOL🚨, that doesn't answer any of the questions I've asked. But since I'm actually a good sport, I'll answer your question.

It doesn't actually matter- the process the DOGE team is using is completed in about 4 hours at every agency they've entered thus far. Do you know how machine learning works? It gets faster as you move on.

Why are you not advocating for this process to be applied to the DoD right now? Don't be a hypocrite. If a contract does not meet the explicit mission of each branch of the military, as stated in their strategy documentation, it should be cut, correct? Advocate for the process to be applied evenly. Be serious about cuts, you unserious little man.
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I've answered all your stupid questions. I've asked you how this has affected your day to day and yep, zip, nada.

🚨One of my very first posts highlighting this stuff pointed out that nothing is impacted from my end. I initially began sharing because it is a huge concern for me because of how I- through my experience- know how the VHA's facilities are operating.🚨

Meanwhile, when I share concern, you decide to make up who knows what to tell me I'm "tainted" by "bureaucrats". You have plenty of information, including pictures of the memo, an article quoting a field agent from the VHA, and the data that I can share that came straight from where I work. You continue to apply a level of "critical" (and I use that term very loosely) thought to one agency but not another, ironically citing a bureaucrat for why you are waving around the flag you're waving. Like I said, it's bizarre.

Nut up and answer what I have asked, point by point. Why do you think it's OK to hold other people's feet to the fire but not your own?
I see calling you an idiot may have been very generous. Sirens added to make this extremely clear.
I see calling you an idiot may have been very generous. Sirens added to make this extremely clear.
I'm done with you. Youu literally can't have a conversation without hurl;ing insults. Which says something about your intellengence level. Call me when something really happens if you can get away from your liberal like meltdown.
I'm done with you. Youu literally can't have a conversation without hurl;ing insults. Which says something about your intellengence level. Call me when something really happens if you can get away from your liberal like meltdown.
Thicc with irony.

Answer the questions. Again, you were fine yelling and screeching at Louder. Why do you not apply the same standard to yourself? That's what's embarrassing.

Sometimes people that think too much of themselves deserve to be insulted. When you open telling someone the only information they have is from "bureaucrats", which is an explicit insult, what do you expect?

You want to have a discussion, take the time to read what I post and address it. Don't just start bleating like you know better.
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Thicc with irony.

Answer the questions. Again, you were fine yelling and screeching at Louder. Why do you not apply the same standard to yourself? That's what's embarrassing.

Sometimes people that think too much of themselves deserve to be insulted. When you open telling someone the only information they have is from "bureaucrats", which is an explicit insult, what do you expect?

You want to have a discussion, take the time to read what I post and address it. Don't just start bleating like you know better.
Lol, at yelling and screaming at Louder. I don't recall any name calling.
Once again I'll ask you to answer my questions. Show us all your "intellengence".
Like I said, you are not intersted in a conversation. You want comfirmation and to hurl names at people that disagree with you. I've said multiple times that until this shows up in your day to day operations, then I have no interest in your meltdown.

I have in the past agreed with a lot of your points. You can go back and look at many of your post have likes from me. We can disagree without calling people idiots and stupid. There's many things that Lauder, Mojo and others that I disagree with. Posters I respect. I don't recall ever calling them names. Have I ever called anyone a name? Absolutely. Most of those posters I don't have any respect for.

I've answered all your questions, maybe not like you have wanted but I have answered and I've clarified. We both agree on most things, I want deep cuts in defense, I want our veterans to be treated much better than they are now. That doesn't mean I don't think the VA is run efficiently and without waste and fraud (There's not a government entity that doesn't have both in droves). You've admitted that you've not experienced anything that has been a negative to your operation. I suspect you won't.

Now I'll let you get the last word in. Make sure you call me an idiot, and dumb. Have a blessed day.
Like I said, you are not intersted in a conversation. You want comfirmation and to hurl names at people that disagree with you. I've said multiple times that until this shows up in your day to day operations, then I have no interest in your meltdown.

I have in the past agreed with a lot of your points. You can go back and look at many of your post have likes from me. We can disagree without calling people idiots and stupid. There's many things that Lauder, Mojo and others that I disagree with. Posters I respect. I don't recall ever calling them names. Have I ever called anyone a name? Absolutely. Most of those posters I don't have any respect for.

I've answered all your questions, maybe not like you have wanted but I have answered and I've clarified. We both agree on most things, I want deep cuts in defense, I want our veterans to be treated much better than they are now. That doesn't mean I don't think the VA is run efficiently and without waste and fraud (There's not a government entity that doesn't have both in droves). You've admitted that you've not experienced anything that has been a negative to your operation. I suspect you won't.

Now I'll let you get the last word in. Make sure you call me an idiot, and dumb. Have a blessed day.
I am extremely interested in conversation. I've been able to have it with many people. Someone coming in whose first line is saying that any questions or concerns are speaking out of "taint" from the "msm" is not a serious person. You are not a serious person.

And no, you have not answered any of my questions. My day to day won't be impacted because I'm not working in the impacted areas specifically. Does that make me unqualified to speak on something I look at every day? Does that mean I cannot have concern over what looks to be a looming cliff in how supplies are bought at VHA hospitals? That's rich- if the standard is "day to day impact", then you yourself have no business in this thread or much of any on this board. You wonder why I call you an idiot? It's that right there- people that want to throw standards on others while living by no standard at all are at best idiots, and at worst narcissistic lunatics. Which would you rather classify yourself as?

Like I said- I shared a concern about a turn-off of the way supplies are procured. I provided numerous first-hand examples. You tell me, and another poster, that concerns are only from "msm" and "bureaucrat" "taint", implying that we're too stupid to form our own opinions from our own experiences. Just because you're too chickenshit to call someone an idiot out in the open doesn't mean that's not what you're trying to get at. At least I say what I think in that regard.

I've asked you directly how you'd handle a situation when a change in procurement strategy needs to be done. You've declined. I asked you to clarify a bizarre question you asked me about "bills". You've declined. I've asked you to clarify why you are not advocating for the process as explained and as applied to the VA to be applied immediately to the DoD. You've declined. I've asked you to clarify why one agency deserves more "time" while others don't while explaining precisely why "time" isn't a concern. You've declined.

Don't come here and try to gaslight me into saying you've answered any of my points. Instead, you've questioned my "intellengence", told me I can't think for myself, and dodged everything you've been asked. I don't care if you've liked my posts. It's irrelevant. If you want to tell anyone that questions what this administration is doing that they're "tainted", you're just as big of a moron as old loother and evillawyer, and that's not arguable.
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So as I pointed out, nothing has really happened yet. I don't respond to insults. If you want to have an adult conversation, we will.
Yeah, he goes to insults pretty quick. It is funny to see how much he cares about protecting veterans which also happens to protect his team's/company's contracts. Even if he is sincere, it still just looks like the old NIMBY reactions aka cuts are good everywhere that don't directly affect me.
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Yeah, he goes to insults pretty quick. It is funny to see how much he cares about protecting veterans which also happens to protect his team's/company's contracts. Even if he is sincere, it still just looks like the old NIMBY reactions aka cuts are good everywhere that don't directly affect me.
I've already addressed you, chief, and I've already noted the breakdown in my work just for you.

Would you like the contract number for my work impacted by purchase cards, which has been my primary sticking point most of this time? It's right here: " ".
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I've already addressed you, chief, and I've already noted the breakdown in my work just for you.

Would you like the contract number for my work impacted by purchase cards, which has been my primary sticking point most of this time? It's right here: " ".
It's almost too funny how some people with no direct experience with a job or activity will argue about it with someone who is extremely educated on the matter and have direct, first hand experience with it too. Involuntary does it all the time about stuff he has no clue about
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It's almost too funny how some people with no direct experience with a job or activity will argue about it with someone who is extremely educated on the matter and have direct, first hand experience with it too. Involuntary does it all the time about stuff he has no clue about
I have extremely limited tolerance for people that speak as if they know something (i.e., claiming someone only has an opinion because of "msm taint") while being entirely unable to put a series of thoughts together in any way that goes beyond thinking someone else only has an opinion because of some random preconceived notion (i.e., "msm taint"). This other dude who declined to tag me directly is the same way- "burn it all down", he said, "you only care because of your contracts", he said, despite ignoring the other posts I've made. It's as if they have no concept that perhaps someone they encounter might actually know something on the topic at hand (see: my purchase card post a few days ago, then the article that came out yesterday, and now an agency head explicitly talking about the "mission"-focused cuts coming out of DOGE, using the same words I am using). I've said it over and over, I'm not opposed to cuts at all. I'm all for them. But it's insulting to be told by some internet geezer that my opinion, formed by direct experience and proven out by precisely what is happening day to day, is irrelevant because of "taint" when I raise a concern about how something is going on.

At the end of it all, having opinions is fine. But when your opinion is uninformed ass, someone owes it to you to let you know. When you continue to double down instead of trying to learn (i.e., repeating the "taint" line), you're of very limited value in society and are demonstrating that you actually don't really care about much of anything. The fact that the guy won't respond to very specific stuff I've asked is as telling as all. The random senility mixed in of off-topic garbage is icing on the cake.
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I have extremely limited tolerance for people that speak as if they know something (i.e., claiming someone only has an opinion because of "msm taint") while being entirely unable to put a series of thoughts together in any way that goes beyond thinking someone else only has an opinion because of some random preconceived notion (i.e., "msm taint"). This other dude who declined to tag me directly is the same way- "burn it all down", he said, "you only care because of your contracts", he said, despite ignoring the other posts I've made. It's as if they have no concept that perhaps someone they encounter might actually know something on the topic at hand (see: my purchase card post a few days ago, then the article that came out yesterday, and now an agency head explicitly talking about the "mission"-focused cuts coming out of DOGE, using the same words I am using). I've said it over and over, I'm not opposed to cuts at all. I'm all for them. But it's insulting to be told by some internet geezer that my opinion, formed by direct experience and proven out by precisely what is happening day to day, is irrelevant because of "taint" when I raise a concern about how something is going on.

At the end of it all, having opinions is fine. But when your opinion is uninformed ass, someone owes it to you to let you know. When you continue to double down instead of trying to learn (i.e., repeating the "taint" line), you're of very limited value in society and are demonstrating that you actually don't really care about much of anything. The fact that the guy won't respond to very specific stuff I've asked is as telling as all. The random senility mixed in of off-topic garbage is icing on the cake.
You are still missing the point. I don't care about your inside knowledge. It has zero value to the point I am trying to make. I am sure there are systems in every department of government getting shredded now that are going to come back and cost us more to reinstate/set back up. I think the whole method of DOGE is wrong for all of government. Since it is happening though, all of the departments should equally be screwed. I am simply laughing at you screaming about how the VA is important because you have insider knowledge of it. I can probably flip on whatever source of information you find validate and hear stories about how insiders in other departments are spreading the truth about how their department shouldn't be hit for one reason or another.
You are still missing the point. I don't care about your inside knowledge. It has zero value to the point I am trying to make. I am sure there are systems in every department of government getting shredded now that are going to come back and cost us more to reinstate/set back up. I think the whole method of DOGE is wrong for all of government. Since it is happening though, all of the departments should equally be screwed. I am simply laughing at you screaming about how the VA is important (because you have insider knowledge of it). I can probably flip on whatever source of information you find validate and hear stories about how insiders in other departments are spreading the truth about how their department shouldn't be hit for one reason or another.
You vote as an admittedly willfully ignorant individual? That's certainly something to admit.

Is your implication that the VA is largely unimportant? You may not use it, but several services it provides are used by others that we owe (and before you start baselessly telling me I only care about my contracts, they're in many things I do not touch at all). I believe most people can agree that an agency like USAID is not very important- the only ones up in arms about it are USAID people. The Dept. of Ed doesn't really have many defenders, but it has some. Neither of those missions is something we have explicitly promised to Americans as part of trading time out of their life, either. Wholesale saying "**** everybody" is lazy and about as strong of a discussion as I'd expect from a hamster.

Beyond that, I have a few years of post history highlighting the parts of the VA that ought to be trimmed and managed, which are not included in DOGE efforts, while things like new performance-based supplier contracts and purchase methods are, without any guardrails or guidance in place beyond defaulting to broken old contracts that have no performance metrics and higher negotiated prices. On one hand, we can terminate an entire agency like USAID and not really owe anyone anything. But we can't really terminate the VA overnight, because of the social contract I mentioned above- so perhaps we ought to make sure we're not spending more to get worse results, no? Short-term "burning it all down" like you advocate for is idiotic and doesn't address the legal challenges (i.e., Congressional regulation) and structural challenges (i.e., technology) that Trump began to address the first damn time he went in. The majority of the contracts they're after are Trump I's own doing to bring the VA closer to industry.

I've provided one huge example that I enjoy out of my DoD career as well. Why aren't unserious people like @InVOLuntary clamoring for the same rapid scrutiny there?
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Look, I am ok with DOGE propose improvements to all the agencies but saying the VA has no value is insane. VA cares for our veterans and their families on a multiple of issues.
VA has many issues. But it runs literally the world's largest healthcare system. Some hospitals suck. Some do great. Most are OK. Many that can't afford other resources have to use it. "Burning it all down" is nuts.
More "bureaucratic taint" for the few here: several of the VA terminations are apparently being rescinded as we speak.

Like I predicted.

And I will be interested to see if these fall off the old DOGE scoreboard.
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Look, I am ok with DOGE propose improvements to all the agencies but saying the VA has no value is insane. VA cares for our veterans and their families on a multiple of issues.

The VA in principle definitely has value. The inefficiency and ineptitude in which they operate diminishes it. It definitely needs reform but if they go scorched earth here they’ll definitely get some pushback.
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The VA in principle definitely has value. The inefficiency and ineptitude in which they operate diminishes it. It definitely needs reform but if they go scorched earth here they’ll definitely get some pushback.

If we are going down medical route, I would jump into Medicare and Medicaid first. They are something like 60% of our total Federal Budget combined. They are by far the biggest budgets. Makes USAID look like pocket change.

Not sure if there is any fraud, waste, etc. there but it is definitely the big spending impact.
If we are going down medical route, I would jump into Medicare and Medicaid first. They are something like 60% of our total Federal Budget combined. They are by far the biggest budgets. Makes USAID look like pocket change.

Not sure if there is any fraud, waste, etc. there but it is definitely the big spending impact.
The other thing is we literally have a front-page thread about the failures of the military, but none of these nincompoops are advocating for "burning down" the entire military.
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Republicans have the house, the senate and the presidency. It's time to put their money where their mouth is. Instead we're digging deeper into debt and increasing defense spending.
Exactly. Talk about making cuts and lowering the debt. Go after federal employees which is a smokescreen while they pass budgets that bloat the deficit even more.

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