This is an awfully convenient development for a university that might be looking to get out from under a 100 million dollar contract.
I feel like there's a lot of context missing from this story though. This accusation is over a phone call? Why didn't she hang up? If it was so awful, why stay on the call? And they'd apparently talked over two dozen times on the phone prior to the call in question, over the course of eight months. That is just odd. I'm not saying Tucker didn't do something actionable, or there isn't something that the school could use to cut him loose, but it's hard to tell just what transpired and why without having more information. Tucker asserted they had been in a phone relationship. She says they weren't. Sounds like a he said, she said situation where one side or the other will have to provide some sort of evidence to prove their side of the story.
All the same, it's a very, very odd situation that is very, very convenient for Michigan State.