Did butch keep the traditions?

Did butch keep the traditions?

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Thank you for your opinion you have the right to it but guess what? The majority of the fan base loves them and the team is going to wear them while you're puking. I also don't think the primary reason these uniforms were created was to sell more Jerseys. Believe it or not the team had been pitching this. Your conspiracy has no power here.

you actually think Adidas didn't say lets change up some colors,it will be just awesome ? to me it is just an attempt to have multiple uniforms like the Ducks lol that is my personal theory anyway for the 2 cents that it worth :)

I actually don't mind different uniforms,but it is orange and white,there are way to many things that they could probably do,instead of changing traditional colors

John Adams: Butch Jones becomes a more colorful recruiter » GoVolsXtra

this is funny lol
"He will be the gray dullard who sold out UT’s tradition to help sell recruits"

"That’s not to suggest the Vols should drop their orange and white uniforms altogether. They could still break them out for an occasional non-conference game — as long as they run it by recruits first, of course."

hopefully it will just be the Peay game,it is pay per view and i can save my puking for beer,where it should be

Has there always been a power T on the helmet? Have they always ran through the T before a game? Checkerboard endzone?

Dickey created those "traditions" while he was here. Butch isn't allowed to tweak here and there? Some of you knuckleheads make me smdh.
Whoa player...at least ask before using my pic. ...J/K

Are they really yours artistically speaking? I mean are you the author of the picture? Not being snide, but genuinely asking. Proof?

Meanwhile, ile3000gt, there a link to the picture. It is right and proper to ask the artist for use first. So if the artist really is on the forum, you do owe him that courtesy and respect. If you're not making money from them and limiting them to personal or fair use, you're good to go. I've seen this picture in several venues including here on VN before: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xHjP1chJYqM/TG_pKtiPOQI/AAAAAAAAAok/5QkZ-0MdQFs/s1600/Tennessee.jpg
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you actually think Adidas didn't say lets change up some colors,it will be just awesome ? to me it is just an attempt to have multiple uniforms like the Ducks lol that is my personal theory anyway for the 2 cents that it worth :)

I actually don't mind different uniforms,but it is orange and white,there are way to many things that they could probably do,instead of changing traditional colors

John Adams: Butch Jones becomes a more colorful recruiter » GoVolsXtra

this is funny lol
"He will be the gray dullard who sold out UT’s tradition to help sell recruits"

"That’s not to suggest the Vols should drop their orange and white uniforms altogether. They could still break them out for an occasional non-conference game — as long as they run it by recruits first, of course."

hopefully it will just be the Peay game,it is pay per view and i can save my puking for beer,where it should be


My personal bias against Adams leads me to conclude, right or wrong, that John was really salivating to write this article. He knew that, regardless of the direction Tennessee went with its uniforms for this season, he would have the opportunity to throw a few barbs at Butch. Introduction of the smokey gray uniform allowed him to play the "he's-spitting-on-tradition" card. If we hadn't introduced an alternate uniform, John's retort would have been that Butch missed an opportunity to demonstrate that Tennessee is "keeping up with the times."
Love the look of the new unis and the grey ones. I agree that the helmet for the grey unis needs something different because they just look out of place. Also like all the orange in the grey unis. Wish they did something like this along time ago. Will help with recruits in big games and help the players get pumped up more for the game.

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