Did Joe Biden Win the 2020 Presidential Election?

Did Joe Biden Win the 2020 Presidential Election?

  • Yes. I'm a Democrat.

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Yes. I'm a Republican.

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Yes. I'm an Independent.

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • No. I'm a Democrat.

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • No. I'm a Republican.

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • No. I'm an Independent.

    Votes: 12 15.8%

  • Total voters
I asked earlier and don't think I ever got an answer.
Where is voter ID an issue? I have never been able to vote without a photo ID in over 40 years of casting votes?
I've voted in a rural county in TN without showing a photo ID. I think they compared my signature that day to a copy of an earlier signature.
I was even given a driver's license in a rural TN DMV in the last 20 years that did not have a photo. One time when flying I showed my active license with no photo, along with an expired license from a larger TN county that did have a photo.
Since that time the same rural DMV has acquired a camera.
It's hard to demand a photo ID to vote when the DMV doesn't have a camera.
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I get that but when you live in an urban area you are choosing longer wait times for everything. Commutes, restaurant dining, DMV, everything.
That's true. And some discrepancies are inevitable.
I just think that a similar voters per precinct ratio, and even more importantly, a similar voters per machine ratio, would be an easy step.
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I've voted in a rural county in TN without showing a photo ID. I think they compared my signature that day to a copy of an earlier signature.
I was even given a driver's license in a rural TN DMV in the last 20 years that did not have a photo. One time when flying I showed my active license with no photo, along with an expired license from a larger TN county that did have a photo.
Since that time the same rural DMV has acquired a camera.
It's hard to demand a photo ID to vote when the DMV doesn't have a camera.
20 years is a long time.
They have guidelines with which to operate, but they are not enforced.
What you are left with is discrepancies between counties largely dictated by $$$.
Which circles us back to my original point.
It should not be significantly easier to cast a vote in precinct A than in precinct B; or in county A than in county B.
And really, it shouldn't be significantly easier to vote in state A than in state B.
So money, in your opinion, is the limiting factor? So what should be done to solve that problem?
Then mail in votes need to be done away with.
You ever wonder why no one complained about mail in votes until now? Served over 20 years, mailed my vote in every single election. It’s just an excuse being used to make people justified that they feel Trump was robbed. 10 years from now Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Mitch will all be dead and gone. These issues will be as well.
...Mr. Trump has questioned the legitimacy of the election process in a series of tweets, the latest of which said on Monday: "Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day."

"Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!"

An earlier tweet said: "The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing [Democratic candidate] - but also at many polling places - SAD."

The White House candidate also tweeted: "Election is being rigged by the media, in a coordinated effort with the [Democratic candidate] campaign, by putting stories that never happened into news!"

# # #

Love these quotes.

They're prior to the 2016 election naturally.
In his eyes if he loses he was cheated and if he wins it’s legit. He got about 32% of voters to believe the exact same logic. Tell a lie enough times and eventually people will believe it.
That's true. And some discrepancies are inevitable.
I just think that a similar voters per precinct ratio, and even more importantly, a similar voters per machine ratio, would be an easy step.
And it’s not an unreasonable request at all Luther. I just don’t think it’s as big of a problem as some claim. I do agree there’s a difference and it does seem like low hanging fruit to try and fix but you have to have volunteers to work those places.
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You ever wonder why no one complained about mail in votes until now? Served over 20 years, mailed my vote in every single election. It’s just an excuse being used to make people justified that they feel Trump was robbed. 10 years from now Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Mitch will all be dead and gone. These issues will be as well.
I've also voted by mail when I was going to be out of town on election day. The difference in the last election was that, due to Covid-19, some places mailed out ballots to all voters. That was understandable during a pandemic, but in that situation it would be easy for a party representative to walk through a neighborhood and pay people to fill in their ballots with party line votes and hand them to the person paying them. We should have easy access to early voting for all and mail-in voting for special circumstances with individuals identity verified.
To state the obvious for the 6 millionth time is truly asinine...but I digress and will do it once again..

EVERY human being in the US must eat to stay alive. In order to get $ to eat one must :

Show a picture ID to cash a paycheck or open an account for deposits ....or

Show picture ID to cash a .gov check of ANY kind (such as unemployment)for the same...or

Show a picture ID to prove identity to enroll in a .gov handout program sometimes called "food stamps" "WIC" or "welfare" depending

As well as getting a picture ID (license) to be able to drive a car, truck, motorcycle etc

In short, an adult in the US of voting age must already HAVE a picture ID to eat, drive, rent an apartment/house or get a mortgage to buy 1, get a cellphone (know any functioning adult that doesnt have 1?) Or do just about ANYTHING else...including get a job or enter the service.

You need a picture ID to do ANYTHING in this country.

The fact that you Dimwits and the official party line fight laws calling for voters to show a picture ID in order to be able to vote in elections tells us SANE people EVERYTHING we need to know about you and your party.

There is NO honest or logical reason to NOT require a person voting to elect the most powerful position on on Earth to show just as much proof of ID as they would need to cash a paycheck or rent a car. None. Its complete BS and your dirtbag party is crooked and rife with fraud and immorality.

Yeah...SURE the same party that fights voter ID at every turn did nothing fraudulent behind closed doors after election centers were closed for hours but only the Dimwits were there counting votes. When most of us keeping up with the election saw Trump well ahead in all 5 remaing swing states at 2AM and went to bed only to wake at 6AM to Biden ahead in all but 1 of them somehow and these greasy used car salesmen on TV calling the election for Biden. Yeah right. It is insulting to foist that BS, obviously false narrative on the public in light of what actually happened.

For most of the folks I know, the credibility of the election process in the US was completely destroyed by the underhanded BS tactics the Dimwits employed. They cheated on such a grand scale with all the law reforms in individual states prior to the actual vote that the Republicrats did not see that the fix was in until waaaaaaay too late.

What a shame. What a disgrace.
To state the obvious for the 6 millionth time is truly asinine...but I digress and will do it once again..

EVERY human being in the US must eat to stay alive. In order to get $ to eat one must :

Show a picture ID to cash a paycheck or open an account for deposits ....or

Show picture ID to cash a .gov check of ANY kind (such as unemployment)for the same...or

Show a picture ID to prove identity to enroll in a .gov handout program sometimes called "food stamps" "WIC" or "welfare" depending

As well as getting a picture ID (license) to be able to drive a car, truck, motorcycle etc

In short, an adult in the US of voting age must already HAVE a picture ID to eat, drive, rent an apartment/house or get a mortgage to buy 1, get a cellphone (know any functioning adult that doesnt have 1?) Or do just about ANYTHING else...including get a job or enter the service.

You need a picture ID to do ANYTHING in this country.

The fact that you Dimwits and the official party line fight laws calling for voters to show a picture ID in order to be able to vote in elections tells us SANE people EVERYTHING we need to know about you and your party.

There is NO honest or logical reason to NOT require a person voting to elect the most powerful position on on Earth to show just as much proof of ID as they would need to cash a paycheck or rent a car. None. Its complete BS and your dirtbag party is crooked and rife with fraud and immorality.

Yeah...SURE the same party that fights voter ID at every turn did nothing fraudulent behind closed doors after election centers were closed for hours but only the Dimwits were there counting votes. When most of us keeping up with the election saw Trump well ahead in all 5 remaing swing states at 2AM and went to bed only to wake at 6AM to Biden ahead in all but 1 of them somehow and these greasy used car salesmen on TV calling the election for Biden. Yeah right. It is insulting to foist that BS, obviously false narrative on the public in light of what actually happened.

For most of the folks I know, the credibility of the election process in the US was completely destroyed by the underhanded BS tactics the Dimwits employed. They cheated on such a grand scale with all the law reforms in individual states prior to the actual vote that the Republicrats did not see that the fix was in until waaaaaaay too late.

What a shame. What a disgrace.

So... all those legal decisions by Trump appointed judges - all stating unequivocally that widespread fraud did NOT occur...

How do you explain this? Tied into QAnon theory?
Current tally of the decidedly Republican-leaning Volnation PF...

43 (63%) yes, Biden won.
25 (37%) no, Biden lost.

Feeling happy that most people here not drinking the Kool Aid.
63% don’t want to believe that it could’ve been Stolen. It’s really that simple
63% don’t want to believe that it could’ve been Stolen. It’s really that simple
Look at it this way, based on factual evidence, it is twice as likely that Russia was responsible from Trump's win in 2016 than election fraud was responsible for Biden's win in 2020.
I want to believe I'm a billionaire.

I believe therefore I am.

Thank you. I'm off to buy my megayacht.
In this Biden world you can also be a 6’10 Chinese woman when god says you’re actually a 5’5 White man.
Look at it this way, based on factual evidence, it is twice as likely that Russia was responsible from Trump's win in 2016 than election fraud was responsible for Biden's win in 2020.
I look at it this way. When shady chit is used, it’s needed as a priority
Genius. Talk about being easily able to pee off the font porch, no property taxes.

IKR. There literally are subdivisions now with floating homes. The one pictured, though, is just my dreamboat of course... no pun intended.

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