Did Tee Martin influence Adoree Jackson to take us out of the picture?

That's true. I'm not really annoyed with the program as much as with the fans who try to debate the VFL-ness of Tennessee football figures.

To say people can't form an opinion of someone based off of their actions just because they played a sport at your Alma mater is un-american IMO..

we are allowed in this country to dislike who we please.. the president.. a sports figure.. celebrities etc..

Its like saying that just because Obama is the president, I am not allowed to question his motives.. or believe he is not a true american.. per what that term means to me.

Or because Kim Kardashian played in a movie.. I am not allowed to think she is not a true actress.

I could go on..

But just because you played football at UT, does not make you a VFL.. at least in my eyes.. it may mean something different to you..

But to me a VFL is someone who would do anything to see UT prevail. Someone who like LWS has had season tickets for 14 years.. goes to every game rain or shine.. win or lose.. good season or last in the SEC.. Someone who no matter our record proudly displays our schools colors in hostile territory with the enemy making fun of you everyday because their team beat ours for the past 9 years.

Someone who after being fired still bleeds orange and would never say a negative word about the university or its players. In private company or not.

But if for you simply playing the game is enough then fine.. I can respect your opinion.

But do you really think for one second that we shouldn't have the right to question someones actions when to a large portion of the fanbase they seem disrespectful to the university, all because they played football here? I do not understand that logic.

Nor do I understand why someone else's opinion gets some people around here so worked up

There are plenty of former players and coaches that now earn a paycheck from another university. But you don't hear about them negatively recruiting UT.. just sayin

Is it possible that we have Tee completely misunderstood? That he still loves UT and is truly a VFL? That he would love nothing more then to see UT Holding that NC trophy up for the world to see. Sure it is.

But it is also possible that he holds a great deal of resentment towards UT because even though he won us a NC, we still hold Manning in much higher regard then him. Along with other factors, that in his opinion we are the ones in the wrong and we should be begging for his forgiveness.

TL:DR To get mad because we discuss it and form opinions over whether he still considers himself a vol or not is just ridiculous. Or to say fans have less right to the VFL moniker then players.

Without the fans paying the bills.. they would just be a bunch of kids in a field playing a game by themselves. And certainly would not be getting a free education or money for doing it.
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why shake a guys hand that seems to be ashamed to be a vol. that 98 team made him what he is and now he seems to try to screw us any chance he can. i stand by my statement. as bad as we have sucked over the last 6 years i have never hidden my colors, but i figure a guy like you probably did.

Sounds like a case of, "My VFL card is bigger than your VFL card."
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To say people can't form an opinion of someone based off of their actions just because they played a sport at your Alma mater is un-american IMO..

we are allowed in this country to dislike who we please.. the president.. a sports figure.. celebrities etc..

Its like saying that just because Obama is the president, I am not allowed to question his motives.. or believe he is not a true american.. per what that term means to me.

Or because Kim Kardashian played in a movie.. I am not allowed to think she is not a true actress.

I could go on..

But just because you played football at UT, does not make you a VFL.. at least in my eyes.. it may mean something different to you..

But to me a VFL is someone who would do anything to see UT prevail. Someone who like LWS has had season tickets for 14 years.. goes to every game rain or shine.. win or lose.. good season or last in the SEC.. Someone who no matter our record proudly displays our schools colors in hostile territory with the enemy making fun of you everyday because their team beat ours for the past 9 years.

Someone who after being fired still bleeds orange and would never say a negative word about the university or its players. In private company or not.

But if for you simply playing the game is enough then fine.. I can respect your opinion.

But do you really think for one second that we shouldn't have the right to question someones actions when to a large portion of the fanbase they seem disrespectful to the university, all because they played football here? I do not understand that logic.

Nor do I understand why someone else's opinion gets some people around here so worked up

There are plenty of former players and coaches that now earn a paycheck from another university. But you don't hear about them negatively recruiting UT.. just sayin

Is it possible that we have Tee completely misunderstood? That he still loves UT and is truly a VFL? That he would love nothing more then to see UT Holding that NC trophy up for the world to see. Sure it is.

But it is also possible that he holds a great deal of resentment towards UT because even though he won us a NC, we still hold Manning in much higher regard then him. Along with other factors, that in his opinion we are the ones in the wrong and we should be begging for his forgiveness.

TL:DR To get mad because we discuss it and form opinions over whether he still considers himself a vol or not is just ridiculous. Or to say fans have less right to the VFL moniker then players.

Without the fans paying the bills.. they would just be a bunch of kids in a field playing a game by themselves. And certainly would not be getting a free education or money for doing it.

You can form any opinion you want. I just think it's an idiotic one when Martin has done a lot more for the school than probably any of us have.

My point is that in the eyes of the general public, he IS a Vol, and that's not going to change while he's alive. If you want to argue that a VFL is something different, go for it. But the second you whip out the true fan or true Vol or true American card, you start embarrassing yourself--especially by comparison.

Also, your last paragraph is completely backwards. It's the players that make this game work, not the fans.
In other words: if you've actually put your health on the line for this school, repeatedly and without getting paid a dime for it, you've earned the right to say whatever the hell you want. No words are going to speak louder than those actions did.
You can form any opinion you want. I just think it's an idiotic one when Martin has done a lot more for the school than probably any of us have.

My point is that in the eyes of the general public, he IS a Vol, and that's not going to change while he's alive. If you want to argue that a VFL is something different, go for it. But the second you whip out the true fan or true Vol or true American card, you start embarrassing yourself--especially by comparison.

Also, your last paragraph is completely backwards. It's the players that make this game work, not the fans.

I don't see how you could think that if there are no fans in the stands. There would even be a game to play in the first place. There would be no Neyland stadium.. no scholarships.. etc because money is what makes all of that possible.

And Vol and VFL is not the same thing, And I also don't see how you can confuse the two as the same thing. Yes he is a former Vol.. nothing can ever change that.

But by his own words.. he is a Trojan.. and will Fight on Forever, which is there version of VFL.

He is happy being a trojan.. wants to coach there forever. And has no interest in being a Vol, all words coming from his own mouth. Go check his pressers and twitter if you don't believe me..

So how is this even an argument? I am not pulling any true fan.. true VFL card, or anything of the sort. He decided he was not a VFL.. Not I sir. All I did was point it out and everyone is getting bent out of shape over it.

and personally I don't blame the man.. at USC he is their star recruiter.. one of the only coaches to survive the CLK firing because he is so well liked. Here he will always be second to PM despite giving us a NC. I would probably feel the same way in his shoes.

So lets drop it at that, because I am tired of trying to explain myself to people who do not want to see what is directly in front of their face. He would rather be a Trojan, as evidenced by his words and his actions. Don't try and blame me for it.
I don't see how you could think that if there are no fans in the stands. There would even be a game to play in the first place. There would be no Neyland stadium.. no scholarships.. etc because money is what makes all of that possible.

This is hilarious to me. "There would NOT be a game without fans! But with no players, eh, we're good."

As to the rest: for an assistant, USC is simply a better job. Once we've established why he's there, the rest is coachspeak. Like I just said, actions (aka giving his all for Tennessee for four years) speak louder.
He decided he was not a VFL.. Not I sir. All I did was point it out and everyone is getting bent out of shape over it.

Apparently, to be a VFL, one is required to not only play for free, but to come back and coach here whenever there is an opening. You are also not allowed to say you are not interested, at the moment, in leaving your current job to come back and coach here.

This is why the VFL idea is stupid.
But by his own words.. he is a Trojan.. and will Fight on Forever, which is there version of VFL.

He is happy being a trojan.. wants to coach there forever. And has no interest in being a Vol, all words coming from his own mouth. Go check his pressers and twitter if you don't believe me..

So, I checked.

"I was very honored to be offered a position on Coach Jones' Tennessee staff," Martin said in a statement posted on school's website. "I truly believe he will do an outstanding job with the Vols program. My decision to remain at USC was the toughest I have ever had to make because Tennessee is such a special place to me.

"At the end of the day, I am a man of my word. I promised Coach Kiffin when I was hired at USC that I had goals I wanted to accomplish here. We still have work to do here to reach those goals. I see a great future at USC with the players on our roster and the recruits we have coming in.

"I have so much love and respect for Tennessee. But at this time, the right decision was to continue at USC and I am looking forward to doing that."

This looks very different from what you said...

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