Did Tee Martin influence Adoree Jackson to take us out of the picture?

i wonder what al wilson thinks of tee martin.

No idea what al wilson thinks, But I do know former players who are not to happy with him right now.

But just as we have those who will blindly defend him, we have those who will blindly condemn him.

Personally, I hold to the point if he did love UT.. He would have handled many situations differently.. and not by taking a job offer. Just the way he handled situations. He made it clear it was completely about him. And nothing to do with UT. That is not how a VFL acts. A VFL at least thinks about how something will effect UT before they do it.. not just damage control after it is said and done..

JMHO.. other people are entitled to theirs.
Not a bit of this tirade makes a lick of sense. Where you the head of the committee that voted on the VFLness of Tee?

oh god, here we go.. In case you didn't notice that post is an opinion.. In my opinion, he does not act like someone who is a VFL would act in the same situations.

Nor has Tee EVER said he was a VFL.. has never even once tried to claim the title himself. Kinda makes you think he is not interested in being one.

He is happy with his west coast lifestyle.. and good for him, if that is what makes him happy, then more power to him. There is no rule anywhere stating he should even want to be one.

But if anyone can show me a single sentence in which he claims to be a VFL, I will concede the point immediately.
No idea what al wilson thinks, But I do know former players who are not to happy with him right now.

But just as we have those who will blindly defend him, we have those who will blindly condemn him.

Personally, I hold to the point if he did love UT.. He would have handled many situations differently.. and not by taking a job offer. Just the way he handled situations. He made it clear it was completely about him. And nothing to do with UT. That is not how a VFL acts. A VFL at least thinks about how something will effect UT before they do it.. not just damage control after it is said and done..

JMHO.. other people are entitled to theirs.

I know what some people are driving at. I really do.

Some people feel about the school the way the most die hard fans do.

For some people, it was some place they happened to spend 4 years at and that part of their life is over.

I get it.

However, tee, by everything I can gather, is a good man that has done nothing to embarrass the university of Tennessee and had a very large role in helping Tennessee achieve an ultimate glory that you may never see again.

A large amount of slack should be granted.

Selling a recruit to go to the place of tee's employment is not something that needs forgiveness
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oh god, here we go.. In case you didn't notice that post is an opinion.. In my opinion, he does not act like someone who is a VFL would act in the same situations.

Nor has Tee EVER said he was a VFL.. has never even once tried to claim the title himself. Kinda makes you think he is not interested in being one.

He is happy with his west coast lifestyle.. and good for him, if that is what makes him happy, then more power to him. There is no rule anywhere stating he should even want to be one.

But if anyone can show me a single sentence in which he claims to be a VFL, I will concede the point immediately.

Could you possibly give the textbook answer to what a VFL is? Thanks in advance
oh god, here we go.. In case you didn't notice that post is an opinion.. In my opinion, he does not act like someone who is a VFL would act in the same situations.

Nor has Tee EVER said he was a VFL.. has never even once tried to claim the title himself. Kinda makes you think he is not interested in being one.

He is happy with his west coast lifestyle.. and good for him, if that is what makes him happy, then more power to him. There is no rule anywhere stating he should even want to be one.

But if anyone can show me a single sentence in which he claims to be a VFL, I will concede the point immediately.

So Tee saying Tennessee is special, that he loves Tennessee isn't good enough? He actually has to use the term VFL? VFL was/is a program for former vols to reconnect and characterize themselves with the University and football program, not for silly fans who probably never went to UT who watch the games on Saturday be able to declare certain players as "VOLS FER LIFE!!!" based on actions they see fit.
It is anyone's guess what is really going on in Tee's mind. He probably feels slighted because of the way Peyton is put on a pedestal, while he, the NC winner and QB of an undefeated team, is mentioned more as an afterthought. But whatever the reason(s), he continues to raise questions about his loyalty and attitude in general towards UT by the many different "things' that he has done or said. Slighting CBJ and UT by turning down CBJ's offer and then adding to that, his flat out low class comments about Jalen Hurd which were accidentally picked up by an open mic. Those of you that defend him, I must ask why? I don't see how some rationalize his comments or actions by saying "UT don't pay 'em, USC does" - while that is true, I would never consider slighting or disrespecting my alma mater the way Tee has. I think it is a distortion of reality to act like Tee's behavior is not unusual or indicative of some greater issue with UT. :hi:
I have regrettably been guilty in the past of the same thing. But I realized what I was doing and made a decision to change. This place all to often just turns into a name calling fest, instead of a place to go and discuss the vols in an open setting.. no one should be scared to post how they feel or think on these boards.

But all to often after I make a post on a subject, I get responses from other posters like: I feel the same way but would never dream of posting it because of the attacks I would be subject to by other people here. I find it extremely sad that is the case. No one should be intimidated into not talking, in the very place that is meant to discuss such things.

It is very easy to get caught up in the junk around here, and respond in kind when attacked by people who would rather call you a mean name and tell you how stupid you are. Then actually back up their position with anything meaningful.

Try lightening up. It works most of the time.
It is anyone's guess what is really going on in Tee's mind. He probably feels slighted because of the way Peyton is put on a pedestal, while he, the NC winner and QB of an undefeated team, is mentioned more as an afterthought. But whatever the reason(s), he continues to raise questions about his loyalty and attitude in general towards UT by the many different "things' that he has done or said. Slighting CBJ and UT by turning down CBJ's offer and then adding to that, his flat out low class comments about Jalen Hurd which were accidentally picked up by an open mic. Those of you that defend him, I must ask why? I don't see how some rationalize his comments or actions by saying "UT don't pay 'em, USC does" - while that is true, I would never consider slighting or disrespecting my alma mater the way Tee has. I think it is a distortion of reality to act like Tee's behavior is not unusual or indicative of some greater issue with UT. :hi:

Some folks just adore doing this:
Could you possibly give the textbook answer to what a VFL is? Thanks in advance

So Tee saying Tennessee is special, that he loves Tennessee isn't good enough? He actually has to use the term VFL? VFL was/is a program for former vols to reconnect and characterize themselves with the University and football program, not for silly fans who probably never went to UT who watch the games on Saturday be able to declare certain players as "VOLS FER LIFE!!!" based on actions they see fit.

It is certainly something you need to want to be and claim for yourself for one.

a) saying UT is special and he loves it in a PR move to downplay that he would rather stay some where working for a man that ****e all over the university is not good enough.. no(My opinion, yours may differ)

b) you have no idea where I went to school or even if I went to school. So let's keep your assumptions out of this.

c)VFL was a term borrowed from the fans for said program and in no way makes it exclusive to it.

d) people can form opinions on what VFL means to them as they see fit. To me it means someone who will forever be a vol, no matter what happens. if we suck.. if we are good.. if someone offers you money to work for a different school. etc..

So therefor in MY opinion, no one who coaches at a different school can be a VFL...why? because while you are at that other school, you are not a vol.. your a trojan, aggie, bulldog, seminole.. wtf ever. So it is therefor impossible to be a VOL FOR LIFE.. since at that point in your LIFE, you are not a VOL.

you can decide for yourself what a VFL is, since it is not a physical thing to be but rather a mental one.

Do not know how I can stress enough that this is my personal opinion.. yours may differ and that is fine. But that is the whole reason we say not a VFL IMO..

IMO meaning in MY opinion, in case that escapes all of you who get so bent out of shape when someone says it..

YES I get to decide who is and is not a VFL IMO, because... wait for it... it is MY opinion.

Does my Opinion have to do anything with the actual university.. NO it doesn't...

is MY opinion the same opinion all vol fans should hold... NO.. because it is MY opinion

See how that works now?
Somebody, anybody sitting behind a keyboard typing on a message board trying to tell anybody else how a guy that has actually sweat and bled on the field for TN is supposed to act to be considered a VFL is just plain laughable.
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Somebody, anybody sitting behind a keyboard typing on a message board trying to tell anybody else how a guy that has actually sweat and bled on the field for TN is supposed to act to be considered a VFL is just plain laughable.
But....but....but....they bought a shirt
Somebody, anybody sitting behind a keyboard typing on a message board trying to tell anybody else how a guy that has actually sweat and bled on the field for TN is supposed to act to be considered a VFL is just plain laughable.

My thoughts exactly.

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
:eek:k: :eek:k: :eek:k: :eek:k: :eek:k:
Tee Martin helped deliver the only national title most of us(probably 99% here) have seen at UT in our lifetimes in football.

And we have some here still b-tching about him recruiting a player for his current employer and making an off hand comment about a high school recruit that happened to sign with UT.

We certainly earn the title of dumbest fan base in America honestly.
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Don't sweat it. Besides, I'm in no position to presume to teach anyone else board etiquette. I'm probably one of the worst on VN when it comes to swinging a verbal baseball bat. But I understand you fully about being fed up with what you call Vollyannas and which I give worse labels to. I'd say to you, keep on trucking. If either of us or anyone get really out of hand, I harbor no doubts Freak will make that clearer than crystal clear. Like I said, we can try to be civil 100% of the time, it just won't work because human nature defies such efforts. Even full blooded Vulcans don't consistently follow the logic only approach. Even if they could, incidents of improbability would force them to commit breaches resulting in periodic illogical actions and decisions. Wishes and reality rarely shake hands, Robert's Rules of Order notwithstanding. Shucks man, even Abraham and Moses had spats with the Celestial Beings they dared to question regarding the wisdom of their decisions.

Don't worry brother. My e cred and popularity on VN is pretty low on my list of priorities in life. I take almost everything here with a grain of salt, including my moniker.

Appears our fellow poster Imported Vol holds the stature of moral compass of VN a little higher though.

More power to him.

By the way, appreciate the sci fi references. If we could just get some soilant green around here it would be highly ironic given the way some VN posters try to eat each other.
Nice.. So god forbid we talk about Tee Martin.. a former player who went into coaching and gave us the only NC that 99% here have seen in their lifetime

But we can sit here and bash Phillip Fulmer.. A former player who went into coaching and gave us the only NC that 99% here have seen in their lifetime

One works for another school and has turned down UT, spoke about a HS kid like he was crap, because he was upset we out recruited him.

The other, even after being fired.. wouldn't take another job coaching and still bleeds orange to this day.

But its Fulmer we are allowed to discuss.. call names.. make fun his weight issue, complain over still paying his buyout.. I could go on

And Martin that is beyond reproach, we are not allowed to even question his motives on what seems to many as slights against us.

I think I am starting to see the logic here...
It is anyone's guess what is really going on in Tee's mind. He probably feels slighted because of the way Peyton is put on a pedestal, while he, the NC winner and QB of an undefeated team, is mentioned more as an afterthought. But whatever the reason(s), he continues to raise questions about his loyalty and attitude in general towards UT by the many different "things' that he has done or said. Slighting CBJ and UT by turning down CBJ's offer and then adding to that, his flat out low class comments about Jalen Hurd which were accidentally picked up by an open mic. Those of you that defend him, I must ask why? I don't see how some rationalize his comments or actions by saying "UT don't pay 'em, USC does" - while that is true, I would never consider slighting or disrespecting my alma mater the way Tee has. I think it is a distortion of reality to act like Tee's behavior is not unusual or indicative of some greater issue with UT. :hi:

Welcome to the board. Post often. :hi:
that is good thing. you don't deserve to shake his hand.

Well said. The Kif-finned creature has no recorded spitefulness hurled at the UT or its fans. Despite the barrage of hate sent his way by howitzers and sniper attacks. Matter of fact, we had one VN'er here claiming to have met him at an airport and they ended up having an amicable exchange. All the vile we hear about the Kif-finned is from the Vols fans side, naught from the other. It makes you wonder when they call him a fiend, a cad, and Grendel's reanimated arm, if they're actually talking about themselves. Bet they're the "forgiven" born again claimants too. Hail, Hell! The gangs all here!

What did the original film's cult say? Oh, yeah. 'Unto my god I reveal, my innermost self to thee."

So says the weatherman, the whether man says.

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