Did you just hear Chris Fowler? OMG!!

NO CRAP Jason! I was sitting here yelling at the damn TV. Herbstreit warning the nation that Cal may not be able to handle the big-time environment of Knoxville (quite possible), and then Fowler comes in and disses us all! I have many things to say about him that can't be said here!!! :realmad::censored::realmad::censored::realmad:
For those who didn't hear the aforementioned Fowler reference, allow me to paraphrase:

"The Vols's homefield advantage is overrated. They've been blown out plenty of times at home recently."

Let's prove 'em wrong Saturday night. My roommate and I are leaving Nashville at 8am, and we're going to be lathered up and ready to yell come 5:30pm.

Cal is NOT going to be ready for Rocky Top.
All i want it this guys.

He said that Neyland isn't a home field advantage, as the Vols have been blown out there plenty of times in the past few years... the only blowouts I know of are by UGA. :the_finger:
For those who didn't hear the aforementioned Fowler reference, allow me to paraphrase:

"The Vols's homefield advantage is overrated. They've been blown out plenty of times at home recently."

Let's prove 'em wrong Saturday night. My roommate and I are leaving Nashville at 8am, and we're going to be lathered up and ready to yell come 5:30pm.

Cal is NOT going to be ready for Rocky Top.
You, and anyone else in the area should drop by the corner of 18th and Highland, the house next to the IGA. I have some buddies that live there, and one of the local radio stations is lined up for a little party. :dance2::rock:
As if I didn't hate ESPN enough already. Herbstreit loves us. Chris Fowler is an idiot, and everyone that is going better prove him wrong. I will be screaming, so hopefully you will hear me all the way from Birmingham!
For those who didn't hear the aforementioned Fowler reference, allow me to paraphrase:

"The Vols's homefield advantage is overrated. They've been blown out plenty of times at home recently."

While understandably inflammatory, it's close to the truth. Off the top of my head I know of 4 times (Alabama, Miami, Georgia, Auburn) since the beginning of the 2002 season. Not sure if that'd be classified as "plenty" or not, but it's four too many for me.
You, and anyone else in the area should drop by the corner of 18th and Highland, the house next to the IGA. I have some buddies that live there, and one of the local radio stations is lined up for a little party. :dance2::rock:

Thanks for the invite. I'll be looking for it.
While understandably inflammatory, it's close to the truth. Off the top of my head I know of 4 times (Alabama, Miami, Georgia, Auburn) since the beginning of the 2002 season. Not sure if that'd be classified as "plenty" or not, but it's four too many for me.

When was the Bama blowout? I'm don't recall that one...
While understandably inflammatory, it's close to the truth. Off the top of my head I know of 4 times (Alabama, Miami, Georgia, Auburn) since the beginning of the 2002 season. Not sure if that'd be classified as "plenty" or not, but it's four too many for me.

True or not, it pisses me off. It was more Fowler's tone of voice than what he said. I'm tired of this. People need to FEAR coming to Neyland again. For goodness sake guys, anyone going to the game, we have to put pressure on people to yell their butts off during the game when Cal has the ball.

When in doubt, apply peer pressure. That always works.
I'll be waving my arms and screaming my butt off!!! If that doesn't get the kids around me fired up, nothing will. :rock:
True or not, it pisses me off. It was more Fowler's tone of voice than what he said. I'm tired of this. People need to FEAR coming to Neyland again. For goodness sake guys, anyone going to the game, we have to put pressure on people to yell their asses off during the game when Cal has the ball.

When in doubt, apply peer pressure. That always works.

I can understand that. I didn't hear it so itt's impossible for me to know the context or tone in which he said it... like you said, it's a shame it even gets mentioned.
Ok... so he told us what we already know.

We all know that the bule-hairs and the pretty people sit quietly and clap. There is an easy way to fiix it. Be as loud as possible saturday and make Cal and Fowler our b*tches whenever we get the chance.

Fowler just doesn't like UT at all. One time on air he called Tennessee fans "Tennessee Trailer Trash" and then ESPN made him say he was sorry on air against his will
Chris Fowler is a moron

Consider the source. Isn’t this the same classless moron who called us “trailer park trash?

Fowler has never liked us but the feeling is very mutual. Just use his words as bulletin board material.

The Cal hype stops on Shield Watkins Field Saturday!!!



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