DID you like or dislike Casey Clausen?

I think he just had one of those aloof attitudes that rubbed some people the wrong way. If you wanted a rah, rah guy, Casey was definitely not your man.
you know its like i never saw him talking to any of his team mates trying to get them pumped up. he was always next to randy sanders and was never with his team mates.
you people watched someone else. i NEVER saw him loaf thru a game. Christ, he played his junior year on 1 leg.
wow i must be getting old then. oh well as much as idont like him, i think he is the 2nd or third (you decide) best qb for the vols ever.
My head is about to explode!

I agree with GAVol and Donsarge on virtually every point made in this thread.

Just be glad we had him instead of someone like Spencer Pennington!

Casey was more successful than most that have worn the Orange. For those that didn't like his attitude, I think his letter to the fans after his career showed what he was about. He caught a lot of crap and rose above it. That says it all for me.

Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 20, 2005 10:04 PM
you know its like i never saw him talking to any of his team mates trying to get them pumped up.

He's a friggin college QB who somehow threw for 10,000 yards, not a motivational speaker!!!
well i mean.....................how do i explain this. remeber when al wilson was hurt and he was still on the sidelines tearing into the team saying we needed to step up. i just wish he kind of would have......................... well forget it it seems everything i post on this board yall criticize. its getting pretty ridiculos
all this worthless banter shows how spoiled we are. starting with T-Rob in 84' we havent had a BAD qb. look around people, there are very few GOOD qb's. Clausen was NOT a bad, fair, lousy, terrible qb. Wake up and be thankful.
When Casey was a freshman, I was hoping A.J. Suggs would be the starter. I'll admit I was fairly ignorant of Casey's abilities, especially his toughness. He won me over by the end of his freshman year.

However, the one thing that always bothered me was that he was terrribly aloof. You're right about him never getting the team fired up and always by Sanders studying photos and gameplans, which didn't bother me too much. BUT there were plenty of times after a pick or fumble or missed someone wide open that he could be seen goofing it up (especially in the big games) instead of studying beside Sanders. That did bother me.

Otherwise he was the best QB that we could have had at that time. I'm pretty confident that Joey Matthews, James Banks, or C.J. Leak couldn't have outperformed him on his worst day.
I like Clausen as a QB, because I like players qwho go out there and play with all heart, and thats what Clausen did.

Sure he frustrated me from time to time and he wasnt the most talented of QB's that I've seen, but I have to like a guy that went out there and gave it his all every Saturday.
Casey's "Surfer Boy" attitude didn't really mesh with the team well.....I felt more than anything he was more alone on the offense as far as people on the same page as him.....he was a good QB.....not a great one......all in all guess he could run practice squads in the NFL......you will probably see him again this NFL Pre-Season...... :good:
I actually really liked Casey, and the reason is ironic, because part of the reasonf for that happened at the same time that everybody else points out as one of his downfalls, that fumblefest against Florida. I remember on one of those snaps (it was like the third fumble), he fumbled it into the end zone, and with the d line flying around, picked up the ball and got past the line of scrimmage to avoid the safety. All I could think of, despite the absolute miserable nature of the play, is that That is a man with balls of steel and a heart of gold.

Although I gotta admit, he had the most consistently ugly throw of any decent qb I've ever seen.
I haven't had the pleasure of watching any of his games that I can recall, but I'm guessing he was a lot like Rick -- Tended to play with more brains than strength.
Jeewiz Wally. I can't believe this made 4 pages. I'd rather see Sarge get back on RS. Atleast he can make valid points on RS bashing. I hope we got him out of our system. :crap:
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 21, 2005 3:25 AM
I haven't had the pleasure of watching any of his games that I can recall, but I'm guessing he was a lot like Rick -- Tended to play with more brains than strength.

Milo - Casey was basically a bigger version of Rick, but with a better arm. He wasn't going to throw it through a brick wall, but his arm was good enough to start 4 years in the SEC.
"Otherwise he was the best QB that we could have had at that time. I'm pretty confident that Joey Matthews, James Banks, or C.J. Leak couldn't have outperformed him on his worst day." great point...and no one can deny his record . Casey had 3 things working against him to make people want to bash him, 1 his "aloofness", 2 - He was not Manning, 3- he followed Tee who won a NC.
Exactly. No one was going to be happy with the QB that followed all that. And with who all else we had on the roster at the time, no one could have done what Casey did and pull us through without losing seasons. We were somewhat thin accross the board for a couple of years. Constant losses to injury every week. Our program as a whole did very well considering for 2 years we very seldom had the same lineup two straight games. A lot of people had to play with heart to keep us respectable. Even USC in their rebuilding years dropped to 5 and 6 win seasons. They went off the radar as did Nebraska and OU and Miami. We never dipped under 8 wins.
USC did pretty terrible there for a while, too. Early-mid nineties was generally a not very good time for USC.

That's what I've said of the Pac-10. One thing that is unsuaul is that the teams over here are never perennial powerhouses. Never a consistent top 25 team, but there is a random rotation of teams that will build really impressive runs for four or five years.
Pretty amazing to consider that since the disaster of opening the 1988 season 0-5 17 years ago, our "bad" years have been three 8 win seasons in '94, '00 and '02.
Yeah, that's what I mean. Most other conferences have a single team that is almost always good. Big XII has Texas, Nebraska, SEC has Alabama (They may still get back in it -- at least I'd hope so, the rivalry doesn't feel quite as hot as, say, Florida), Tennessee, LSU, Big East has Boston College, ACC has Miami, F$U... The list goes on.

Pac-10? Any one of our teams could build a run and be in the national spotlight a few years. Except Arizona.
Originally posted by donsargegolf@Jan 20, 2005 10:19 PM
all this worthless banter shows how spoiled we are. starting with T-Rob in 84' we havent had a BAD qb. look around people, there are very few GOOD qb's. Clausen was NOT a bad, fair, lousy, terrible qb. Wake up and be thankful.

I think we can go even farther back than that. In 1966, Dewey Warren passed for 1,716 yards and 18 TDs. It was the first time in Tennessee history that a qb had passed for more than 600 yards and 8 TDs. Warren passed for 1,053 yards in 1967. Bubby Wyche passed for 1,539 yards and 14 TDs in 1968. Then Bobby Scott passed for 1352 and 1697 yards the next two seasons. Jim Maxwell led the Vols in passing in 1971 with only 544 yards, but the Vols still finished with a 10-2 record. Condredge Holloway then came on the scene and passed for 3,102 yards in his 3-year career. Randy Wallace led the Vols in 1975-76 with 1318 and 1046 yards. Then the Silva Streak, Jimmy Streater, had 3433 yards in his career. Steve Alatorre was not a good quarterback and the Vols record showed it in 1980 and '81 when he led the Vols with 747 and 1171 yards.

The Vols first 2000 yard passer was Alan Cockrell. He passed for 3,823 career yards (1981-83) which at the time was the most in Tennessee history.

The Vols would not have another 2000 yard passer until Jeff Francis had 2237 in 1988. Andy Kelly was the first Vol to post two seasons with over 2000 yards in 1990 and 1991. Heath Shuler did it in 1993. Peyton Manning had over 2000 yards in his sophomore season... and over 3000 yards the following two seasons. The only 3000 yard passing seasons in Tennessee history.

Tee Martin also passed for over 2000 yards twice. Casey Clausen passed for over 2000 yards 3 times... coming close to 3000 yards twice (2969 in 2001 and 2968 in 2003).

Such is the evolution of the passing attack at Tennessee.

The 2,000 yard club in a single season
Alan Cockrell
Jeff Francis
Andy Kelly
Heath Shuler
Peyton Manning
Tee Martin
Casey Clausen

The only quarterbacks to pass for over 2,000 yards twice
Andy Kelly
Peyton Manning
Tee Martin
Casey Clausen

The only quarterbacks to pass for over 2,000 yards three time
Peyton Manning
Casey Clausen

Clausen is 2nd in career passing yardage. He is 2nd only to Manning in single season yardage. He is 2nd in career wins. He is 2nd in touchdowns.

1. Manning 863-of-1381 for 11,201 yards and 89 TDs
2. Clausen 775-of-1270 for 9,577 yards and 75 TDs
3. Kelly 514-of-846 for 6,397 yards and 36 TDs

Manning was 39-6 as a starter
Clausen was 34-10
Kelly was 24-5-2

The incredible stat is that Clausen was 14-1 on the road.

check out all the stats for yourself
I love and appreciate Casey Clausen. Was he a Peyton Manning? No. How many PMs will come along? Not very many. Casey bled and bleeds orange....nuf said.
does antone know what nfl eroupe team he is supposed to be playing on . i heard that is where he will be oging.

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