Did you want Bray to return or glad someone new is going to play QB?



Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2010
First of all, I want to say that I hope Bray does really well in the NFL and gets a chance to prove himself.

Do you wish he stayed to see how he would improve under Coach Jones or are you glad we are starting over with Butch with a new QB? Yes, I count Worley as a new QB even though he had some playing time under the Dooley era.
With Dooley out it made for a clean break from the past regime. Obviuosly he should have stayed, but I'm not upset that he didn't.
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I think it would have benefited him more if he would have stayed, but I'm glad to see a new face come in with everything that is changing. Wish him the best.
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Bray was fun to watch...at times.

But I'd rather have a leader with half the arm who understands his limitations, can rally his team, and knows how to win.
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Bray's interview with Gruden said it all. He gave himself a "7" rating for game preparation. Gruden said "Dude, you gotta give it 11 in the pros" and Bray was nonchalant.

Tyler has all the skills, but unfortunately, he's still just a kid. Wish him the best, but thinking we're better without all his drama and baggage. Kind of like the hot prom queen in high school, once you go with her a couple times, it's like meeeeeeeehhhhhhh... what was I thinking?
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I think he had enough years to show if he could be a winner or not. I'm happy about the new direction, but I wouldn't have necessarily been upset if he would have stayed.

Unlike 2006...
I thought we needed the talent at QB so at the time I wanted him to stay. Now, glad he left. Clean break from failure as a program and on to better things
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Personally Im glad hes gone! I was always waiting for his big year it seems like. I always took up for him, when the taunting came from my alabama and georgia friends. He really never matured under center though. Im excited to see whos gonna be the "man" now!
The Gruden interview painted a clear picture for me. One would think that a QB of his caliber would posses the skills to be a leader and "put in the work". I can just imagine Peyton Manning sh_tting himself when he watched that interview. Sorry for the rant. Anyway, I'm somewhat excited to go a different direction with a new QB and staff.
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I wanted him to return. He got a bad rap for a lot of things that werent his fault. Granted some were but he did enough to win more than we did. Sometimes people forget that there's 22 players on the field. Plus i wouldnt want to play for that abomination of a coach either. As you could tell by half the players on the team, neither did they.
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It could be a while before someone wearing orange can throw that kind of deep ball. That's what I'll miss.
The Gruden interview painted a clear picture for me. One would think that a QB of his caliber would posses the skills to be a leader and "put in the work". I can just imagine Peyton Manning sh_tting himself when he watched that interview. Sorry for the rant. Anyway, I'm somewhat excited to go a different direction with a new QB and staff.

Good post. Post more.
My thought on Bray. 1. Great physical ability. 2. Medium to low on the scale of maturity with regards to top performing quarterbacks his own age. 3. Poor leadership skills. 4. Never realized the maturity level required of a QUARTERBACK at a top tier program. 5. Did not fit the profile of Tennesse quarterbacks historically. Overall, he did more damage to the team than good. Bottom line, I hope he grows up and does well in the NFL; however, I think it is best for the team that he is gone. Good luck Tyler!

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