Disrespecting UT players.

Here is a starting point from USA today:

"I was surprised at first how many people knew who I was," McCullers said. "I'd go on the message boards and they'd be talking about me, making up nicknames."


"Big Dan. Mount McCullers. Shade Tree. Even The Green Mile, a reference to the movie in which the late Michael Clarke Duncan plays a man on death row.

'I don't like that one,' he said."

Nose tackle Daniel McCullers: Tennessee's big man on campus

If you want other proof that players are impacted by message boards, read "On Rocky Top" by Clay Travis. See Arian Foster, and his mother, as a more famous case study.

I have a feeling that it wouldn't matter if I posted exact quotes from everything I said, that if you don't believe that what is said on here has an impact, you won't believe that what is said on here has an impact.

As such, I am not going to waste my time, or yours, by pouring over thousands of possible sources to find a quote that I read one or two years ago from any reputable media outlet that would have links.

Of course with this admission you will claim victory because you asked me to do research for you and I declined due to time constraints and the volumes of data that I would have to reread to find you "links".

No wonder our players play soft

Jones needs to toughen them guys up
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That must be why McCullers played like a stiff this year. Its Volnations fault. Smh

Don't create a straw man by making me defeat an argument that I didn't make.

All I said was that what is said on here is heard and sometimes used against us. I have shown, with links, that it is heard by the players and their families. In the case of Foster, what was said on message boards did impact him as a player by his families own admission. Do you think that McCullers and Foster are the only ones, that hear this, that they are the exception?

But since you brought it up, consider this: After Bama lost to Auburn fans were tweeting the kicker some of the most awful things, do you think that goes unnoticed? Do you think that isn't used against Bama in recruiting?
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Don't create a straw man by making me defeat an argument that I didn't make.

All I said was that what is said on here is heard and sometimes used against us. I have shown, with links, that it is heard by the players and their families. In the case of Foster, what was said on message boards did impact him as a player by his families own admission. Do you think that McCullers and Foster are the only ones, that hear this, that they are the exception?

After Bama lost to Auburn fans were tweeting him death threats, do you think that goes unnoticed. Do you think that isn't used against Bama in recruiting?

And yet here we are....# 1 and # 2 in recruiting. Is there any part of your argument that isn't FAIL?
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Don't create a straw man by making me defeat an argument that I didn't make.

All I said was that what is said on here is heard and sometimes used against us. I have shown, with links, that it is heard by the players and their families. In the case of Foster, what was said on message boards did impact him as a player by his families own admission. Do you think that McCullers and Foster are the only ones, that hear this, that they are the exception?

But since you brought it up, consider this: After Bama lost to Auburn fans were tweeting the kicker some of the most awful things, do you think that goes unnoticed? Do you think that isn't used against Bama in recruiting?

So you're comparing death threats to calling a dude Big or Mt or Green Mile? Good grief!
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Don't create a straw man by making me defeat an argument that I didn't make.

All I said was that what is said on here is heard and sometimes used against us. I have shown, with links, that it is heard by the players and their families. In the case of Foster, what was said on message boards did impact him as a player by his families own admission. Do you think that McCullers and Foster are the only ones, that hear this, that they are the exception?

But since you brought it up, consider this: After Bama lost to Auburn fans were tweeting the kicker some of the most awful things, do you think that goes unnoticed? Do you think that isn't used against Bama in recruiting?

I don't tweet players or recruits. I'm not one of those creepy bastards. All fan bases have
his issue. Volnation isn't the only place. In fact , VN is tame compared to some of the ones I've seen.
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And yet here we are....# 1 and # 2 in recruiting. Is there any part of your argument that isn't FAIL?

You're right.

Total fail.

Players and their families never read this stuff. What could I possibly be thinking? I mean what you gave is definitive proof that message boards have never had a negative impact on anything.

I give up.
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I don't tweet players or recruits. I'm not one of those creepy bastards. All fan bases have
his issue. Volnation isn't the only place. In fact , VN is tame compared to some of the ones I've seen.

But what does any of that prove except that as a society that we have lost all ability to draw reasonable conclusions that our actions effect others, sometimes negatively? It is narcissism at its worst.

I am just trying to inform the general reader of Volnation that regardless of how deep you bury your head in the sand, that this stuff makes a difference. We can argue about how big or small the difference is, but what is said has an impact.

I guess I just have a hope that if humanity is informed that it will make better choices. Volnation always proves me wrong.
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But what does any of that prove except that as a society that we have lost all ability to draw reasonable conclusions that our actions effect others, sometimes negatively? It is narcissism at its worst.

I am just trying to inform the general reader of Volnation that regardless of how deep you bury your head in the sand, that this stuff makes a difference. We can argue about how big or small the difference is, but what is said has an impact.

I guess I just have a hope that if humanity is informed that it will make better choices. Volnation always proves me wrong.

Thanks Dr Phil
But what does any of that prove except that as a society that we have lost all ability to draw reasonable conclusions that our actions effect others, sometimes negatively? It is narcissism at its worst.

I am just trying to inform the general reader of Volnation that regardless of how deep you bury your head in the sand, that this stuff makes a difference. We can argue about how big or small the difference is, but what is said has an impact.

I guess I just have a hope that if humanity is informed that it will make better choices. Volnation always proves me wrong.

In the end, people are people. There are thousands of folks on VN, and they won't all see it the same way.Recruits, players, and their families should know that a lot of the time, fans are irrational. If they can't handle that, they should stay off message boards.
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So you're comparing death threats to calling a dude Big or Mt or Green Mile? Good grief!

Nope. I'm not comparing the content of the message. I am simply saying that messages are heard, big and small...whether that be that fans nickname a player after a death row inmate (how could that possibly be offensive/hurtful to him, right?) to how other fans tweet out the harshest criticisms due to a players performance. Those sorts of behavior are similar insofar as the effect it has on people is ignored in favor of the author believing that they are entitled to say and do whatever without it being heard or having an impact.

My statement was a contrast by comparison...I gave a seeming innocuous example of poor fan behavior and another inarguable example of poor fan behavior. Both are heard, both have an impact....deny it all you want, or pretend that a cacophony of noise doesn't play a role in decisions over a long enough timeline.
In the end, people are people. There are thousands of folks on VN, and they won't all see it the same way.Recruits, players, and their families should know that a lot of the time, fans are irrational. If they can't handle that, they should stay off message boards.

So players should be required to avoid what is said about them, but irrational fans have no responsibility at all in the matter?
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You're right.

Total fail.

Players and their families never read this stuff. What could I possibly be thinking? I mean what you gave is definitive proof that message boards have never had a negative impact on anything.

I give up.

Do players and/or family members read this stuff? Sure, I'm sure a few do.
Does it impact their game play? No.
Can they BLAME internet message boards for lackluster play? I guess.
Will I believe them? Of course not. That's just stupid.
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So players should be required to avoid what is said about them, but irrational fans have no responsibility at all in the matter?

That's always been part of sports. Its not a new phenomenon.If people are that freakin sensitive I don't know how they function in life. Athletes have always been criticized. You or anybody else is never going to change that.You think VN is the only place it happens? Vol fans are the only critical fans in the country? Get real.
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Do players and/or family members read this stuff? Sure, I'm sure a few do.
Does it impact their game play? No.
Can they BLAME internet message boards for lackluster play? I guess.
Will I believe them? Of course not. That's just stupid.

And you can prove this, how?

By your own feelings?

If you have experiential data to back it up, I would love to hear.

I can't wait to hear how you have lived your life under a microscope with the whole internet and millions of television viewers watching your every move.

I am sure that you have read hundreds of comments about how on some given day you sucked at whatever you were doing.

Then, to top it off, I am sure that when you read those many posts that said just how much you let everyone else down, that you thought to yourself "man, this doesn't matter, I just need to suck it up."
I live for the Applause, Applause, Applause
I live for the Applause-plause
Live for the Applause-plause
Live for the way that you cheer and scream for me
The applause, applause, applause
That's always been part of sports. Its not a new phenomenon.If people are that freakin sensitive I don't know how they function in life. Athletes have always been criticized. You or anybody else is ever going to change that.You think VN is the only place it happens? Vol fans are the only critical fans in the country? Get real.

Again, have I once said that this is the only place it happens?

Nope, I haven't. Quit trying to make me argue against stuff I didn't say..

But what is relatively new is the phenomenon of social media where what fans say is directly accessible by the individuals. Before people yelled at a TV, or sat in a stadium cussing or booing with their friends. But, to actually address a player, you had to sit down and write a letter and send it somewhere that likely would never actually find the player's attention.

Now players go home and fans have almost instant access to every part of their life...it is on TV, their computer, their phones. Do you think that because it has always been bad, that it shouldn't improve? The "its always been that way" is the worst argument to defend any part of what is bad in society.
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