Disrespecting UT players.

So players should be required to avoid what is said about them, but irrational fans have no responsibility at all in the matter?

The lunatic fringe is the majority on ALL message boards, I am certain of this after 15+ years of perusing boards. You are absolutely correct that many players, parents ,etc. get a bad impression of the fan base from some of the totally asinine statements made on these boards. This will never change IMO and if I were in a close relationship with a player I would avoid at all costs.
But what does any of that prove except that as a society that we have lost all ability to draw reasonable conclusions that our actions effect others, sometimes negatively? It is narcissism at its worst.

I am just trying to inform the general reader of Volnation that regardless of how deep you bury your head in the sand, that this stuff makes a difference. We can argue about how big or small the difference is, but what is said has an impact.

I guess I just have a hope that if humanity is informed that it will make better choices. Volnation always proves me wrong.

No, it doesn't. Either you have a staff that can recruit or you don't. It's that simple.
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Again, have I once said that this is the only place it happens?

Nope, I haven't. Quit trying to make me argue against stuff I didn't say..

But what is relatively new is the phenomenon of social media where what fans say is directly accessible by the individuals. Before people yelled at a TV, or sat in a stadium cussing or booing with their friends. But, to actually address a player, you had to sit down and write a letter and send it somewhere that likely would never actually find the player's attention.

Now players go home and fans have almost instant access to every part of their life...it is on TV, their computer, their phones. Do you think that because it has always been bad, that it shouldn't improve? The "its always been that way" is the worst argument to defend any part of what is bad in society.

You're heart is bleeding all over this board. If you want to implement change then I guess you can go to a media outlet or start petitions. Since you're pissing into the wind, it won't do any good.
BTW, I find it quite comical that so many think negativity affects recruits, yet even with all of our supposed negative nancies on here, we still have the #2 class.
If you're a guy who is going to thrive in the high pressure world of collegiate sports and especially the ultra high pressure world of professional sports...

you will not



care what some idiots on a message board say.

And if your decision is swayed by what some internet strangers said about you then you probably don't belong at that level of play.

Again, if you think UT is bad... look at NY-area, Philly, Boston, etc. Those places are brutal.
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Not about this patricular post, but I did see a 2014 commit comment on twitter something to the affect of fake fans, and some guy ask what he was talking about, and he said go to that "volnation" site and you will see what I am talking about. So yes they do visit this site, and yes they do talk about it. So I agree this site needs to be a posotive thing not something negetive all the time............flame away

I and people far smarter than me have mentioned the callous conduct on this board. And how it will, if not already cost us commits. Folks here laugh this off without realizing certain things. One of them is the fact that people today are more reactive to negativisim than two generations ago. People cease shopping at certain stores due to some negative experience. Even if it is a one time thing, or fluke experience. People, cease purchasing a product for the same reason. Students refuse to select up for certain classes taught by certain teachers, nothing new, but the decision now become movements spread due to sharing via social media technology. People simply get up walk out and never return to certain places or events. Nothing new but they at times kill what has been an annual or otherwise regularly occurring event via social media. A prime example of reactionism can be seen after the Blackfish movie, where big name performers are canceling or refusing to perform at SeaWorld and other marine shows.

So? I warn you yet again, and I suggest forget the lame excuse that fans on other boards do the same.
I see a lot of people failing to come to a complete stop or just blow through stop signs. But that doesn't justify you doing the same. So I warn you again, some of the bigoted and insulting stuff posted here does get read by recruits and their parents. You're going to see us losing coveted recruits as a result. We certainly can't afford to given the current state of our program. As time moves on, you will see reactionism by recruits grow. Frankly, I don't blame them. We have gotten more and more rude as a society. People blocking supermarket aisles and refusing to move out of the way even when asked politely. People intentionally taking up 2 and sometimes 3 parking spaces. And damning you if you say something about it. It goes on and on, and on every level.

OK, go ahead and mock me. But recruit (and parents') reactionism starts cutting seriously into the ability of this program to compete, expect no sympathy. You asked, yea, begged for it.
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It's a message board. Yeah, people shouldn't say stupid things, but it is what it is.

That is the point I am making. People tend to support their bad behavior by saying that it shouldn't or doesn't have an impact.

It does, the question is only how much.

This is the one place that the internet has drastically hindered us. It allows anyone with a keyboard to say or do things that they could not endure if the situation was reversed and they were the object of someone's ire. What ever happened to the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated?
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No, it doesn't. Either you have a staff that can recruit or you don't. It's that simple.

and if it does, you don't need that player

I can't imagine being a failure at anything because a random poster, who has no control over my life, called me a doo doo head on a message board
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That is the point I am making. People tend to support their bad behavior by saying that it shouldn't or doesn't have an impact.

It does, the question is only how much.

This is the one place that the internet has drastically hindered us. It allows anyone with a keyboard to say or do things that they could not endure if the situation was reversed and they were the object of someone's ire. What ever happened to the idea of treating others the way you want to be treated?

Maybe it's just me, but I don't let valid criticism crush my spirits.

I agree there is no point to asinine and mean criticism but most on VN, while critical, is normally true.

McCullers did play soft. Jones even said as much.
and if it does, you don't need that player

I can't imagine being a failure at anything because a random poster, who has no control over my life, called me a doo doo head on a message board


If my coach is struggling to pull in recruits because of something some mouth-breather on a message board is saying, then I need a new coach. Period.
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You're heart is bleeding all over this board. If you want to implement change then I guess you can go to a media outlet or start petitions. Since you're pissing into the wind, it won't do any good.

As I grow older, I certainly find that I am more compassionate than I was ten years ago as a student at UT. Maybe I have been irreparably harmed by some of the tragedies that I have witnessed in my youth, maybe I have zipped up one too many body-bags to feel anything but empathy for people who are on the receiving end of someone else's anger. Life is too short for that.

My opinion is in the minority and I get that.

If your comfortable with the way things are, then sleep soundly. I just want rational discussion, and for people to recognize that we are all connected in a much larger way than sitting behind a computer would indicate.

So be it.
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If my coach is struggling to pull in recruits because of something some mouth-breather on a message board is saying, then I need a new coach. Period.

"I was going to go to Florida but Spurrier said mean things about Florida so now I'm not going to Florida anymore. Plus, their forums are outdated, filled with mean people saying mean things and are still on vBulletin 2.0."

Jesus, it's like a teen-angst song just typing that out.
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It is not our privilege to watch, it is THEIR privilege to PLAY.
THEY are the product. WE are the customers.
Football is entertainment...that is all. That is the one service they provide...entertainment.
Without the customers..er, fans...there IS no athletic scholarship, and there IS no college football.

So play well, or get bashed on a message board...or do something else.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't let valid criticism crush my spirits.

I agree there is no point to asinine and mean criticism but most on VN, while critical, is normally true.

McCullers did play soft. Jones even said as much.

Have you had valid criticisms leveled by hundreds perhaps even thousands, or tens of thousands of people who have access to your internet, your phone and your television? How about criticisms that are invalid?
As I grow older, I certainly find that I am more compassionate than I was ten years ago as a student at UT. Maybe I have been irreparably harmed by some of the tragedies that I have witnessed in my youth, maybe I have zipped up one too many body-bags to feel anything but empathy for people who are on the receiving end of someone else's anger. Life is too short for that.

My opinion is in the minority and I get that.

If your comfortable with the way things are, then sleep soundly. I just want rational discussion, and for people to recognize that we are all connected in a much larger way than sitting behind a computer would indicate.

So be it.

I have no problems with you. I get your argument. I refuse to try to implement policy on thousands of message board posters that I don't know. I wish you luck , but athletes being criticized has been going on for 100 years and its not going to change.
"I was going to go to Florida but Spurrier said mean things about Florida so now I'm not going to Florida anymore. Plus, their forums are outdated, filled with mean people saying mean things and are still on vBulletin 2.0."

Jesus, it's like a teen-angst song just typing that out.

Haha, solid.

If all of this really IS true, then South Carolina should have a top 5 class every single year. The mods on Cocky Talk don't allow ANYTHING that doesn't pump sunshine or sing the praises from the book of Steve.
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