Do we jump 7-10 spots?

Yes we make a big jump over Oregon, nd, penn state, Oklahoma, utah, Alabama all should be ranked behind us…
I could see us landing anywhere in the #7 to #10 spots.

#5 Notre Dame lost to a G5 team. They'll drop below us.
#7 Oregon struggled. They might drop beneath.
#8 Penn State ditto. Count them as a maybe.
#10 Michigan lost. We'll pass them.
#11 Utah looked lackluster. Could overtake them.
#12 USCw and #13 Miami borrowed those spots; we might claim them back.

That's a bump of 3 for sure, with 4 more maybes.

Yep, we'll be top 10, possibly as high as 7 or 8.

Go Vols!
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Last week the AP voters jumped Miami and USC 7 and 10 spots for big wins. Do we jump back ahead of them, and of several other teams ahead of us? Michigan and Notre Dame lost. Alabama struggled with South Florida. Oregon struggled with an FCS team last week and are losing at the half to Boise State this week.

I don't expect to, but I wish AP voters were required to explain their logic to keep their vote.
Maybe 12. Our moves up this year will be incremental no matter what we do. We have to prove ourselves every week and that’s fine - it’s what we do. GBO!
I don’t want to move up faster than we have to. But I can’t see based on what has transpired so far, that anyone can justify more than maybe 5-7 teams in front of us. I just don’t see it. Georgia, TX, Bama, OSU absolutely in front of us. From there on out Ole Miss and Penn State…fine I guess no complaints. Oregon is a reach to justify in front of us.

So I think we should be no worse than 7-8. But idc and I’ve long since given up trying to get into voters heads.
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You guys are just setting yourselves up to be disappointed.

Our chance for a "TN is for real" moment comes with Oklahoma.

Would you think UT should lose ranking if we "struggled" but still won? I doubt it. Michigan and ND deserve to fall and we deserve to rise.

The rest of this "they struggled" talk would drive you guys crazy if it were applied to UT after a win.
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I could see us landing anywhere in the #7 to #10 spots.

#5 Notre Dame lost to a G5 team. They'll drop below us.
#7 Oregon struggled. They might drop beneath.
#8 Penn State ditto. Count them as a maybe.
#10 Michigan lost. We'll pass them.
#11 Utah looked lackluster. Could overtake them.
#12 USCw and #13 Miami borrowed those spots; we might claim them back.

That's a bump of 3 for sure, with 4 more maybes.

Yep, we'll be top 10, possibly as high as 7 or 8.

Go Vols!
Sounds right. FPI says 5th, ELO says 8th and Massey of the old BCS computer rankings says 6th, factor in AP media biases were probably where you predict. Ceiling 7th Floor 10th
I saw one projection that has 12th another says 10th. I can understand it. NC State did not impress anyone in their first game. I do think the Oklahoma game will be a game changer. After all, we have a gimmick defense!
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Because PSU, Oregon, and Alabama all struggled. Notre Dame and Michigan Lost. Meanwhile, we covered our spread by 30 pts in 3 quarters of play and the other team was happy to let us run out the clock.
That's why I said last night we need to get those style points since we were playing a ranked team.
Big wins should help when the other teams wins but barely
This is why I hate preseason rankings, especially now -- with all the portal transfers, kids leaving early, coaching changes, etc. You don't really know who anyone is until they have a few games on the books.

Throw out the preseason rankings and redo it now after 2 weeks. It would look a lot different.
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This is why I hate preseason rankings, especially now -- with all the portal transfers, kids leaving early, coaching changes, etc. You don't really know who anyone is until they have a few games on the books.

Throw out the preseason rankings and redo it now after 2 weeks. It would look a lot different.
can't do that, just what they heck would we do for those couple of week? Don't think I could take another weeks of off-season threads.
We will move up to 12. Just because teams struggle, a win is a win. It will all come out in the wash in the end if those teams that struggled end up losing. UT beat NCst impressively, but it was not an impressive opponent. To jump higher we needed to beat a team much better like Oregon or Penn State or Miami.

They aren't going to move USC or Miami down because both blew the doors off their opponents. Utah Missouri PSU and Oregon will all remain ahead of us.

We have what it takes to beat OK and UF. Arky will be a big trap game for us but we won't get to play a team ranked ahead of us until Bama, assuming they survive Wisconsin and put up a fight against Georgia. I don't see us being top until then.
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We played very well on the phase of the game many think win football games. DEFENSE. With our Defense and our ability on Offense, we have a chance to by a very good team in the playoffs.
Really doesn’t matter. We’ll end up inside the top ten by the time we go to OU. Possibly even higher than that.
It's just different. We simply took care of a team we were supposed to beat.

If we put a whoopin' on OU like we did NC State, expect a jump.

We were already ahead of NC State, expected to take them easily, and did. Why do we deserve a big jump?
Not everybody thought it would be easy. We beat the spread by 30 pts. They had 36 yds of rushing,a team some picked to win the ACC.
We were 12th in the coaches poll last week. I would expect us in the Top 10 this week.
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Not everybody thought it would be easy. We beat the spread by 30 pts. They had 36 yds of rushing,a team some picked to win the ACC.
The problem is not our win but the problem here is expecting AP writers to vote like fans of UT.

-IF- we'd have struggled like Bama but pulled away at the end, we'd be raising sand if the AP writers dropped us a position or two. "A win is a win and we won!!! They hate UT!!!"

Yet here are fans insisting "our win was better than their win" like they deserve to be dropped.

It's just setting yourself up to create some narrative that AP hates us when actually they'd likely not drop us for a "bad win" like we expect them to drop others for a "bad win."
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